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myOtaku.com: azngirl K170

Friday, June 25, 2004

   Ok ,this makes me mad...
Draco: How can u SAY THAT?!
Me: It's true thoug. No1 ever visits my site b/c of other dumbasses thinkin their sites r better.
Denryuu: Yup,yup,that's the tooth.
Natu: Humph,I had enough of sittn on my BUTT,doin' nuttin but wait around 4 ppl! Wuzabout that adventure u were talkin about???
Mew:She already told me.
Draco,Denryuu,& Natu: Well,what iz it?!
Me & Mew: We're lookin for the PKMN Jirachi!
*They all gasp...& gape*
Draco: R u f*****' serious?!
Denryuu: Great,just like those Final Fantasy games. We're on the move,huh?
Natu: Hmmm,sounds wierd.
Me: FINE! Then we can sit on our lazy carcasses & wait 4 these darn ppl 2 put at least 1 comment!
Natu: Argh! That can take 4ever!!!
Mew: Exactly! So now we gotta do summin fun 4 a change!
Draco: But ppl would still not come 2 this site 4 n-e apparent reason.
Me: So what?! I can just delete my site & name & everything! Ppl don't give a shizz nizz about my site!!!
All: Rite! LET'S GO THEN!
Me: So ppl,don't be a dumbass.
Draco: Even though they r already...*thwack* Ow! Im tellin the truth!
Me: & Nuttin but it! So that's all,GOODBYE!!! >_<

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