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VietGrlKimi 170
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artist fo lyfe.
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i can catch a Pikachu. :D
Anime Fan Since
About 4 or 5. I'm not too into it anymore lol.
Favorite Anime
I don't have one! I like a lot though.
To be top dog in my village! ...oh wait, that's Naruto. what the hell.
I can count backwards from a million...twice.
| azngirl K170
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
If you're happy & u know's just great! ^^
It's a tad bit late typing this, but i was in a bit of a tizzy a while ago, so here it is again-my post!!!
Because i know i am,lol. My days have been improving, but i cannot explain every single thing like i promised, so call that promise broken glass.(& munching on glass iz good, thank you.) I have a foo-ball game tomorrow, again, & i can't wait! ^^ Today was especially well, starting in 2nd period, where i got 2 draw............................. CABBAGE. Yep, a head of cabbage. It was on a ws, & i just started, but evry1 thinks it's the most amazing thing ever. -.- My god, they sound like they're on crack when they're around these drawings, but it's good 2 have some praise from people u dunno,lol.
It's the cabbages-it goes to your head.
Next period, more crack. Or at least Charlie & me suggest. It's these 2 doodz that always layuff for no reason. Like yesterday, (names-Andre & Andrew, lolz) Andrew was laughing, & i dunno y, & then Andre was laughing b-c Andrew was laughing, then Andrew was crying when he saw him laughing, & they both laughed crazily. From what me & Charlie say(or actually, what i started 2 say)- They're on pillz.
Lolz, school hasn't been the same since last year. Then, of course, BAND!!! One of my faves finally. I had more praise b-c of my teach said i was the onli cymbal coming 2 percussion practice in the morning. The other 2 kinda got in trouble. Then, Josh turned & looked at me with that sarcastic look (y know how it is) & he said-GOOD JOB. Lol, his expression made me crack. L8er on, he looked at me with that smile. & a cute lil smile it was indeed! ^^
WE learned the show & where 2 stand & march & such. It was getting irritating, like what Mara said.(if u dunno who this is, then forget it, it seems like chu wun n-e wayz) It was alrite, i like playing w the percussion. They rock. ^^ It is all so fun. But going on, folks... (My mom's fave anime & her fave battle!)
DADADADUUUUM!-Pssh, i forgot to take my science book home. Uh oh, sgetti-ohs,imma gonna be in trouble & mebbe i might go 2 h-e- double l toothpicks!(lmao!!!) But science was, um...well, more talkie. Mr. Brooks talks alot about stuff we dun exactly memorize, so we sound incredibly stupid. Oh wait, we take pills, so mebbe that's the reason... But, we did all sorts of math probs on the board(actually, Mr. Brooks did-GO FIGURE.)& all sorts of gibberish. Josh answered alot of the ?'s he asked, & they were pretty much the same thing i would've said, cept i would sound like an idiot. Haha, he was always like that last year, answerin all them ?'s, cept he was more of a dorkus at that time. This class alwaiz seems 2 be interesting & i crack when the doods answer the ?'s b-c they make no sense at all. But that's how they r, rite??? Well, n-e ways, i have 2 wake up early again tomorrow 4 percussion!
Doooooooooood, it's not much at all, but we HAVE TO be there. Least i was able 2 get there, while the other 2 c-p were somewhere else.......probably sleeping in the dark depths of hell, where they dunno what the fo sheezy is going on.
Ehhh......................................ok, n-e wayz... I need 2 get ready 4 the game tomorrow! ^^ I shall have plenty of fun, & food if i get the chance 2 buy it while following Charlie, who was circling around the seats, up the stairs, going...then back down the stairs-Repeat step 3-7....- Hahaha, ok. Well, all the time i have, but of course, so l8er doodz, & wish me & the band luck!
Naruto: ::in a Chinese accent:: I will bring da CaMeRa!
Me: Um....yeah, i will try 2 bring a camera, or i will ask chu Rita! I wanna put my pics up of me & my band budz. ^^ Koolieness! But, i suck at this stuff, so oh well! I still have other pics, such as-
This! Today's anime! .Hack//Dusk is so kawaii! ^^ So, anyhoo, so long, farewell, till we meet again!!!
-CHAONESS! ='.'=
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