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myOtaku.com: azngirl K170

Friday, April 30, 2004

   Hey,sleepy heads!!!
{Yo!!! The girl is writin' 2 ya damn ppl out there!!!!} Dang,chill! I'm bored...hehe...again. I found out i have another drahon guide.{Well,obvious-he's right here!} Yep! A Regal Silver Dragon i named Denryuu! [Hmmm...so what else is new?I'm a dragon,what else is there 2 say?]{Yay.Another guide.He can help me now.} Hehe...more dragons. Gotta love them. It's 10:35 here.n/m/h at all. Oh,if u don't know,()this is usually me-{}is Draco,the blue 1-&[]is Denryuu,the silver 1,k? Koo.[i heard your playin' a game called Duel Monsters tomorrow,am i not correct?]Yep,sure am.{It's gonna be fun! We're goin' 2 sum person's house & "hang out"!}[..."hang out"?!*makes fingers in2 commas*]{Yes,"hang out!"*mimics Denryuu*} Strange world,isn't it? Oh,well i j-*hits head*ow,i mean WE just wanted 2 tell u dudes & dudetes that.[..."dudete?"..]{Haha! Doote!}*sigh* Well bye,guys! [*still figurin' dudete*] {BYE!!!*flaps hand maniacally*} Fans aren't mean't 2 blow THAT hard. 8-O *continuos confusion & flappin' occurs...*
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