Friday, March 4, 2005
Got ma self into a fight....
That dam bitch wants to fuck wit me let hiim bring it on. Cant say names here but that bitch be gettin on my last nerves. HE be talkin shit about me and he be touchin my girl. Just watch once i get a hold of that skinny ass bitch im gonna fuck him up and he is not gonna like it! Also if ur readin this i am srry about my language but i need somethin to bring all my anger out so i decided to start wit dis. THen on monday his ass is goin to be mine. Then after that im gonna kick all his friends asses for meesin wit me and my crew! U better watch out biotch!!!!
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Thank U RinoaSquall4ever
U gave me the code!! Thanks alot for givin it to me. Haha u guys cant view my source. haha.teheheh. Whoever wants the code private message me. Thanks again RinoaSquall4ever.
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Friday, February 25, 2005
He is so cute!!!!
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