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myOtaku.com: azumi77

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Hi, Im Steph! I totally different from every other 'normal' girl you happen to meet. Im 'weird' and people seem to be afraid of me, but that doesnt bug me anymore. When you first meet me I'm totally shy but when I get to know you, Im outgoing and a total klutz!

Monday, August 8, 2005

My sign
You are a Scorpio, born in the midst of fall. Your sign is the sign of transformation. You think very deeply, and people usualy don't know the real "you". You are determined, protective, focused, brilliant, self-sufficent, magnetic, brave, unbreakable, open-minded, loyal, strong, and sensitive!! Unlike other signs you have three, yes three, symbols; 1) an eagle,which soars high, is proud, and very protective. 2) a magical phoenix, with the ability of rebirth(through the greatest challenges of life). 3) and finally a scorpion, whose fierce loyalty makes a great firend and sekks revenge when betrayed!! The scorpion also symbolizes self-defense and self-protection! -your lucky colors are chrimson(the color of passion) and black(the color of power) -your metal is platonium(<-----ah its radioactive!!) -your precious stone is topaz -your day of the week is tuesday -your element is water -the part of the body that you rule is your reproductive organs *giggle* -and your best love matches are a virgo, cancer, pices, or a tourus
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Saturday, April 30, 2005

   Is it right to like someone????
I think it is right to like someone, but to tell them is the hard part. You must have the guts to admit it, like me I just get someone to tell them for me....but that could be a problem to. Why??? Because they might not believe you if you dont tell them in person.
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Sunday, April 3, 2005

   What would you say??
What would you say if Miroku asked you to bear his child?? I would say "Sure, I'd love too!!"
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Hey people!! I want your opinion on if its ok to fall in love with an anime or manga character???
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Featured Quiz Result:
This is sorta me!!
The Countess You are the one who masquerades to stalk her prey.
You are not exactly what you appear to be;
there is more to you than meets the eye. On the
surface you are elegant, cultured, and the very
picture of charm. But beneath your refined
exterior lurks a mind full of bone-chillingly
dark thoughts. What's so scary about you: You catch everyone
off-guard, you are the sneak attack that no one
ever expects. Your gemstone: Amethyst Your moon: Dark Moon (November)

Which Beautiful Vampiress are You? (For Girls! - Gothic Anime Pics!)
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