AIM This isnt Aim, but i do have msn messagner, it's E-mail Click Here
Birthday 1990-04-19 Gender
Female Location I wish it was Japan, but it's boring old Clemont, Fl Member Since 2005-04-05 Occupation Ummm.. i tutor little kids who are mental handycap or are not understanding anything in school. And staying awake through my classes at the same time. Real Name Ryu is what my riends call me, because according to some people>.> i act like Ryuichi Sakuma from Gravitation, but my name is Amanda
Achievements Swim awards, grade awards, writing stories, hey i consider that an achievement, budy Anime Fan Since Wait, i been a anime fan since... Sailor moon and DragonBall... and all the old shows.... how long ago was that? Ahhhh my childhood is GONE!!!! o.O Favorite Anime GRAVITATION AND YUYU HAKUSHO AND TRIGUN!!! And i like paronia agent, S-Cry-ed, Junevile Orion, Samuria Champloo, The first Dragonball series, Fruits Basket, Samurai Deeper Kyo, ::keeps going on and on, until a hand out of nowhere clamps her mouth shut Goals To graduate high school alive, then start college and to live and go bungee jumping, cable car jumping, sky diving, and read all the yaoi i can Hobbies reading(anime, etc), drawing, swimming, writing, hanging with my friends, playing with guys minds Talents Ummm, i'm an ok drawer and i love to write, does that count? O.O OH< AND A GREAT SWIMMER!! Athletic swimming ppl.wait, i can touch my nose with my tongue!!!! ^-^ That's talent!!! Azura the kitsune
Ashita Moshi Kimiga Kowaretemo
Welcome to Azura the Kitsune’s Den
Hello, Thank you for stopping by my site. ^-^ My name is Amanda but I am known by Azura the Kitsune here. I tend to have the true blond personality. I luv being with ppl and making them smile and feel better when they’re down. Hope you enjoy my site. Please feel free to pm me anytime if you need anything at all.
98% of the teenage population does or as tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this into your profile
Thank you Jennifer92 soooooo much!!!
Thank you queen of anime for the button!!!!
Queen of anime thanks again
Queen of anime again, thanks
CLUBS If you want to join, please see my friend, Neko-san. Thank you Neko-san! ^-^
I loved it. I joined Gundam Pilot club. Please see Agent yuki to join. ^-^
Please feel free to contact either me or Queen of Anime to join
Please contact me or Agent Yuki to join our forgetful club.
Ask Sakabato Samurai to join
Ask Sakabato Samurai to join once more.
Things from Friends or Things to them
Oh, thank you sooo much XxCloud StrifexX, it means a lot to me
Thank you again Jennifer!!!!!! I luv you lil sis.
Please if you haven’t visited XxCloud StrifexX, please do so.
This is to you Jennifer. ^,^
Totally dude, sweet, that’s definitely us.
Stuff that you should try. XD don't click this link...
Well... :: passes out from hungrynessnessnessnessness:: XP
Lol, anyways, I'm updating from the commerical art tech lab and it's lunch right now. I never go to lunch. It's not that I dont have anyone there, loads of friends there. Lol, it's just I luv the peacefulness here. And there's the computers too... ^-^
Anyways, do I seem like the type of girl that would have flings with guys? My best friend was down and depressed about a guy rejecting her and was going to go back to her old bf. So I was being sympathetic and then a bit pissed when she said she was too fat and ugly and giving up on guys. So I said how many relationships have I had (which all cheated or dumped me for a friend) and still looking for a bf. She said all I have is flings. In my eyes that acusing me of being a slut and like fooling around. Please understand I'm not like that. Am I overreacting?
Anyways, I'm sooo happy for my senior friend. This is her last day of school and she told me that she's 3 months pregnant. I'm sooo thrilled for her. She's marry the guy (loves him and he loves her). Congrats to her on graduating and the marriage and baby!!!!
Anyways.... so yeah, and I got a job!!! Yay for me.
I'm soooo sorry
I'm so sorry that I have been on here in such a long long long long long long long long long long long long... :: takes a breath:: Long while. High school is taking up a load of my time. Homework, reports (ahhh, that reminds me of the sibling rivalry report), trying to help a bunch of people with drama, etc. Anyways, I hope you all are doing good, I really do.
But now that school ends in less than 2 weeks, I'll try to get on more then I was but I cant get on alot. You see this summer I'm working at disney for MGM in merchandizing. So, I'll be there, having my dad take me at like 9 and having my mom pick me up around 6. @.@ This is my first real job. Soooooo scared.
Anyways, help me figure this one thing out, k? A guy I havent talk to in like a month comes up out of the blue (the guy I use to like, Jermey) and waves at me. Well I was in my own world and apparently look over at him and look everyelse after words with out waving back. He comes marching over and pouts about that and demands a hug and starts talking to me and not my friend who he talks to alot. What the heck does it mean????? Is he just being friendly or what? I hope it's just that. He's kind of... well, beyond all help with drugs.
Anyways, I made a quick bg as I promised, whatcha think.
So spring break ends tuesday but this thrusday coming up I'm going to the beach with some of my friends and including the almighty hotty of our school Travis. Travis is sooo cool. He's got the perfect personality. Total romantic, sweeheart. And he's got the sexyness. Lol. XD Yes I got a crush on him but I'm not willing to risk my friendship with him.
Anyways, my sweet sixteen is coming up in 8 days. And I never had a b-day party with anyone before, so my parents are letting me and some friends go to a fancy dinner and then some more friends to a club at Pleasure Island. :: happy dance:: YESSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm just finding out that tons of guys like me. O.o I never thought anyone liked me before. Lol, still, happiness there.
So basically I'm happy all around (except with my parents at the moment). I hope to god you all are just as happy, if not pm me. I'll help as much as possible. Loads of love.
Peace out
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