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myOtaku.com: Azura the kitsune

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Me: -.- Geez i'm still flippin tired and i woke up at 11. ::glares at Yusuke and Kuwabura:: It's your guys' fault.

Yusuke: wha-? not nah!!! It was your choice.

Kuwabura: ::sleeping on the couch::

Me: Losers...... Anyways, i want you all to please wish XxCloud StrifexX to get better, i just found out he broke his leg while trying to patch up the roof, he fell off. Luv you big bro and stay safe during the hurricane, as well as you guys, Len, Jennifer, and Devil Angel. I dont want anyone else get anymore hurt. As for me, if the hurricane doesnt slow down and weaken, i get to stay at my parents work at the Grand Floridian, missed Monday which i'm not happy about, because i had a field trip to the Art muesum and planned to run around like a moron. Ahhhhhh!!! Anyone in south or middle or coastal Florida, stay safe!!!!!!!!! Please i dont want anyone to get hurt. I luv u all and stay safe.

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