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myOtaku.com: Azura the kitsune

Monday, October 24, 2005

   heys waz up?
Me: Heys, just wanted to update before the power went out. The hurricane finally hit and i'm the only one who's upset about not going to school.

Yusuke: Pyscho. O.o

Me: No, i have a damn good reason why. We had a field trip today and now we dont get to go. T.T I would have missed 1-3 and only had to go to 4th lunch (last and my lunch) and last period.

Yusuke: Good point but you slept in today.

Me: True true. But my mood just take the turn for the worst. Alex and her boyfriend take a break saturday night, i was a eye witness, againtst his protests. And now i think they're back togehter. So curious i asked politely and she like y.... r u asking? I said because i care about you and jokinly put i'm nosey. I mean she comes to me whenever there's something wrong in the relationship and i have to be her support. And then she's like well stop being nosey and i care about u 2. I knew she was talking to him but she lyed about that. I'm so hurt and upset right now. So i really couldnt give less of a flying shit right now about her or Kyle. Anyways, i'll stop bitching about it to you all.

Yusuke: -.-' Dont you always get into fights with your friends just being curious or being lyed too?

Me: ::glares at Yusuke:: Not right now. ::sighs and calms down:: Anyways, i'm going be here until the damn hurricane nknocks the power, so i'm here to talk.

Piccy of the day:

1. What's the worst thing someone can do to you?

2. Have you ever wanted to tell someone you liked something but couldnt?

3. If could do one thing right now, what would it be?

My answers:
1. Lye to me when i know the truth.

2. Yes, i get all jittery around them, preventing me from acting normal. -.-'

3. Be a better friend to you and stop bitching and moaning.

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