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myOtaku.com: Azura the kitsune

Monday, November 7, 2005

Me: ::doing happy dance::

Yusuke: -.-' she's happy because she's # one in math once more.

Me: OH YEAH!!!!

Yusuke: -.-' Anyways

Me: ::bumps Yusuke out of the chair:: Konichiwa everyone.

Yusuke: ::in heap of text books and paper:: UGH! MY ASS AZURA!!!

Me: >.> Like there was one in the first place.

Yusuke: AHHH!!! ::launches at Azura::

Me: ::runs away:: EEP!!!!!

Yusuke: GET BACK HERE DAMN IT ALL!!!! ::follows::

::10 minutes later, still fighting and things are heard breaking::

Penguin of doom now dubbed Fred: :: waddles in and stares at the computer and peaks at the keys:: afkie gitnafgj ajrekigjiefoamg/aakormzfga agoinwek vinwg kanghinewanianekjif

::translation: Mwuahaha i'm in control of this computer now::

Kurama: ::walks in:: -.-' ..... O.O BAD FRED!!!!! ::chases Fred out with newspaper::

Fred: O.o ::runs away::

Kurama: ::closes den door:: -.-' ::gets on:: Sorry about all this mayhem. But Azura is hyper at the moment. Bye


1. do you know the muffin man?

2do you know my dog is sleeping under my feet at this very moment? ::huggles doggy::

3. are you a stalker? Tell the damn truth!!!!!!! OR FEAR MY WRAITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

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