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myOtaku.com: Azura the kitsune

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Me: ::hiding in the den:: Waz up ppls. I'm still home today from my 'Illness' because my mom said i had a fever and i felt hot and extremely cold at the sametime. T.T So.... i lost the bet with my mom. Anyways, how are you all? Busy but good, i hope. Well....... yeah..... sorry i'm kind of blanking on things right now. Oh, if you want to join the anime luvers club or Fotal, please contact me, Queen of Anime, or Agent Yuki. We will then tell you to go to a certain and pick out a banner. But please contact one of us first. -.-' Ummm... I still need to know who's in the fotal club. Please inform me in the comments. I lost the list i made and need to know. -.-' Chow

1.What's your favorite song?
2. What's your favorite animal? It doesnt have to be real. -.-'

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