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I was born? @___@
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Bleach, Naruto, Shaman, Furuba, YYH, Saiyuki... ahhh... Many to mention.
i don't have any goals yet... though i want to be someone who'll serve the Lord
Drawing, reading, writing fictions and surfing the net.
Drawing and painting
| azure nightingale
Alright~! To anyone who accidentaly stumble down here in my website - Welcome to may haven! (ugh... I don't think it's a sanctuary...) Well - That ' Azure Night's Haven' was just... Um... for attraction-I guess! ^____^ Please feel free to tour in my website! So here - nothing to do after cleaning da house so I feel like changing the style - Hisagi Shuuhei (I thought the number was 96? NYEH!)- Though he's a minor character in BLEACH, Hisa-chan rocks!!! ah! The only raven haired guy i really love! (aside from kuchiki Byakuya and Kiba from naruto!) (Bleach belongs to Kubo Tite and to anyone whoever drew the cute hisagi which i posted on the bg... Wanna give credit on him/her!)

Thursday, February 12, 2009
a lesson learned from Mother Teresa
I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts there can be no more hurt - only more love. - Mother Teresa
this quotes is so true! i so hate loving this person to the EXTENT that I can't help but.... let him go - and still... pray for him that he'll be happy where ever he is.
as ironic as it maybe I DID ask God to help me to let... him... go... and i did - but there's something tugging deep down inside me- probably because i regret what i've done. or better yet i've regret that i didn't utter anything before setting him free.
Sometimes God fulfills prayers in His own very humorous ways - just to make you see if you were blind much too long, or if you happen to be stuck in a rut that's not good for you.
But even if he's not mine - and i know he'll NEVER BE MINE, i just want to ask God - if it's alright - i still want to continue to pray for him - i know i can't be by his side so all I ask is his safety. I know i can't love him so all ask is for God to send him someone special who's capable of loving him more than i could ever do.
i'm not dramatic- well scratch that - maybe a little yes.... But hey this is me. and maybe i might be a little to rough especially when i play games and all... but i just want to let out my other side from time to time.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008
I knew- but I let in on...
Why do I feel as if, I am expecting things that I know it wouldn’t even EVER happen…. Why do I feel as if he was once my important person – yet I already knew that he wouldn’t even turn his head in my direction???
It wasn’t that I cherished you because you thought I saw everything I’ve ever wanted in you…. It’s because you’re the first who I thought really cared for me – and you’ve given my hopes up.
Perhaps… I played the role of being a fool… but I let it on…
Perhaps I was wrong… but then, what really hurts the most is what you didn’t say.
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Friday, June 13, 2008
Thank God I found you...
Last time, I found this special friend - I never thought he would mean so much to me. It's quiet unfair how in the beginning- we didn't even expect our path would even meet at all. Then our friendship began... Time would pass - and I knew from the very start that everything has also an end. However, it ended too soon for my liking. During our short happy moments, I often wonder if all of this would even end - and when it did FINALLY came to an end- I kind of wish... it didn't... But no matter how short the given time was - I WOULDN'T trade it for anything in the whole world!
Reminiscing my past, I tried to focus on the all blessing God has given me… up till now, I focused on everything there is that life has to offer me. Even the smiles of people I \ just passed by meant a lot for me!!! For I learned that to live a life of serenity – you have to cherish what or who you love when they are STILL THERE IN YOUR LIFE… and today… I have no clue I’d find him once again. Life is full of surprises – just when you least expect it – life sure has a way of surprising you. Thank you God! Thank you!!!
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