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i don't have any goals yet... though i want to be someone who'll serve the Lord
Drawing, reading, writing fictions and surfing the net.
Drawing and painting
| azure nightingale
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
ahhmmmm.... Guys... Sorry but i'll be leaving soon... Maybe i'll be gone for a month - don't know... I'll be traveling back to my homeland and all those stuff... So , I'm sorry If i'll be gone for a long while - anyway... till next time, I'll be doing an art for all of ya!!!
Love you!!!
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
I don't know... How many of you are blind? Deaf??? crippled? any injuries or sickness??? well, if you're not then consider yourself luckier than millions of people in this world. In my case... I would still say... I'm lucky and I'm happy to be me.
well, here's my story... (and guys, it's me, Azure nightingale speaking here) There's a little conversation between our batch... Way back two years ago... "If you ever want something to change in yourself or body, what would it be?"
others say they want their teeth to be aligned, others their acnes or pimples in face... When it came to me... i just shrugged... "I'm contented of what I am." They stared. JUST STARED AT ME... You want to know why?
Well, in truth, some expected that I would say something except that line... Because I'm a bit deaf, i can't hear somewords so I have to read their lips. My eyesight is blurred... Its grade is 600... (yes... No joking). My body is weak... and i guess my clavicle was broken... One of my clavicle can be visibly seen and it's not aligned with the left.
But you know what??? I'd rather be like this rather be a different person even if I can have a good sight or sense of hearing... If I never got a slightly broken clavicle, I don't think I could draw good... (who knows??? If my clavicle is whole... would i really be good in drawing??? hmm... i don't think so because the reason why i put so much effort in doing my art work is because i believe this arm can do wonders and i can prove to other that this arm is unique in someways...)
I'm saying this because guys, be contented of who you are... I visited the hospital yesterday and I got this news that the nerves in my ears were affected. I tried to cheer up my mom... She was in the verge of crying... I DON'T want to see her cry because of me... But you know??? I told her this... "I guess i'd rather be like this.... If my body is whole... would i still be the same 'me'?"
I put God first in my life... I want to prove to myself that even if I am physically weak, i can change something... That this weakness are just challenges to me to keep me strong... God has a purpose why I am like this and I will find that purpose... AND DON'T YOU EVER CHANGE YOURSELF JUST TO PLEASE OTHERS... I'd rather be hated for who I am rather than be admired for playing the role of someone who I am really not. (So far, no one hated me for being me... Well, i guess just irritated... They think i snubbed them when i really didn't hear them XP.) Cause you know??? When our time comes, we will be meeting God holding the book of life... And he ain't gonna ask you questions like "Why didn't you become einstein?! why didn't you become the World's greatest ... Whatever... Those dudes in the guinness book of world records?!"
But rather... He'll ask "Why didn't you become YOU???" you see... Just be yourself... And remember... we may ask for so manythings in life... Like being like this like that - when we didn't realize that we're far luckier than BILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. And you know??? Be thankful that we don't have everything we want... If we did... Then what should we aim for??? Do you think that word AIM right there above the Otaku site would exist if we have eveything we want???
Just think! and here... God's love spreadin world wide!!! (we may differ all in religion but think that we're one alright??? alleft!) yesss... another novel- ain't it???

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