Birthday • 1991-04-21 Gender •
Male Location • Umm here lol Member Since • 2007-03-11 Occupation • I don't have one.....yet lol Real Name • Jose a.k.a. Joser a.k.a. JGP a.k.a. JP
Achievements • I have written three novels Anime Fan Since • I don't remember Favorite Anime • Death Note One piece Naruto Eureka Seven Bleach FMA FLCL Yu yu hakusho Hajime No Ippo Hikaru No Go Goals • Umm don't have one yet Hobbies • Umm i'll get back to you on that Talents • Writing storys B A N K A I 6 0
Friday, April 6, 2007
My Rewriten Song And Stuff
Current Mood: Bored
Yeah nothing really exciting today but I did go out for a while too the sports center with my girlfriend but it was kind of weird cause some people were staring at us and I�m all like what the hell. Well afterwards we actually found out why people were looking at us they were looking at us cause there was a guy next to us that looked hella goth it was weird but funny at the same time.
Well other than that nothing interesting you know nothing but normal stuff oh yeah well I have a boxing match in Spain soon and it�s going to be crazy cause the guy I�m fighting blocks like hell�.with his elbow and it�s going to suck and the ref doesn�t look when he does it and I think I�m coming back with a broken hand.
Well if all goes well with the match I�m going to go to an anime convention oh and I�m going with my girlfriend on a trip with her family but I don�t know where it�s going to be yet but me and her have a hotel room by ourselves and no big bro we�re not going to have sex hahahahaha.
I wrote a remake of the song Hollywood Girl by Drake Bell cause my friend Patty who I went to the dance with left and I don�t know when she�s coming back so here�s the song I remade it into.
City Girl
Hollywood girl
That�s who you�ll be
As soon as life calms down
As a city girl
How long is it going to have too take
Why does it have too hurt so bad
See these lights
This is what makes you different right
As a city girl
Now time around it�s hard to see
What you and me could be
In the city life
See your life
It�s not as bad as you think right
In the city lights
How long is it going to have too take
Why does it have too hurt so bad
See your life
It�s not as bad as you think right
In the city lights
City girl
That�s who you�ll be
If you stay here with me tonight
In the city life
I sang it to her before she left today and she was really happy and I watched her as she left and I don�t know why but I want to see her at least one more time before I got to Spain.
.::Who Else Then~
~*|B A N K A I 6 0|*::.