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myOtaku.com: B A N K A I 6 0

Friday, May 4, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Current Mood: Cheerful For Once


Okay well today I still didn�t get to people�s sites I would have but my teacher�s stuck me with more science reports it turns out we still have two of them that we have to do which really sucks but I made up a tagging thing but it�s different haha and I�m going to tag some people with my new method.


This is how it works out I show the signal of the tagging which is a rock on signal and the people I tag will show below the signal and they have to include in their post five of their favorite rock bands it�s kind of funny so here�s the people I choose.



I tag these people:
1.cant escape
2.kakashi fan girl

Okay you can also tag people but the maximum people you can tag is four and that�s it for today see ya.


.::The Light Shinigami~
~*|B A N K A I 6 0|*::.

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