Thursday, February 14, 2008
Ugh! i F**king Hate my gym class! Its full of preppy ass bitches and hoes. I really can't stand them. the whole school year they've been on my and my friend's cases for no f**king reason. Today we were playing a "pulse" game where the class sits in two lines adjacent to each other (*i just burped*) and eveyone holds the person behind you's hand and the teacher flips a coin if its heads the first person squeezes tghe other one's hand and the person at the end runs up and grabs the bean bag. well i had to run up a lot and the Bitches were at their bitchiest! Ham Legs Rammed me into a wal really hard using her buns of steel. Queen Bitch was the instagator of the issues and Mother Bitch Threw the bean bad at me super hard. IDK WTF their problems are but they outta leave me and my friends alone. I'm Ready to snap! If Queen Bitch Really like that face of hers SHe better quick messing with me! GAH!
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