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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
My First Time In A Plane+Other Stuffs
Yay! I get to go on my first plane flight on August 28th! It's for an exchange program to Tennessee, in the states. I land in Nashville, then tay in a nearby town to avoid traffic and big crowds...well, not really, that's just were my host family is^^
I'm not looking forward to my vaccination tomorrow for meningitis-I'm terrified of needles for some reason, well, sorta. And I got a new tutoring job too! Although I'm not getting paid, the hours I spend doing this count as volunteer hours for school. I already have my 40 hours (I'm at 48), but a few hours extra couldn't hurt. That and I love to help people, as long as their willing to make an effort, I hate the types that just get you to do their homework, or they just want to copy off of you cuz they were too lazy to do it themselves! Grrr...that's one of my pet peeves.
Anyhoo, that's my schpeel for the day. Have a great rest of the week everyone!
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Saturday, May 6, 2006
New Article!
Well, I went to Kastom's today, and we played some video games, well, one game actually: Phantasy Star Episode I & II. Then we wrote a conjoint article, but I won't reveal anything! It's a surprise! So you guys'll just have to wait and see.
Now, tomorrow I get to go practice driving, since my G2 road test comes up on June 21st, and I suck at parking...>.< But I'm getting better, I think.
And I signed out xxxHolic from my school library on thursday, and I read the first chapter. It looks like a weird series, but so far it isn't bad.
Anyways, dinner's gonna be ready soon (yay pizza!), so I gotta get going. Have a great weekend everyone!
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Thursday, May 4, 2006
Stupid Misprints + Other Stuffs
AARRGGHH! I found out today that my copy of Love Hina Volume 10 is a misprint! It's missing a whole chapter! NOOOO! No I'll have to find some way to get to Chapters and get a not-misprinted copy.
Yay! *sarcastic tone* I have two tests on Friday...One first period (Psychology) and one last period (Physics), and I'm not looking forward to them, but oh well, such is life.
And here's a question for you guys, although you may not be able to answer, I'll ask anyways: I've been thinking o letting my hair grow, since it's always been short, cuz I hated it when my hair got long. But now, I wanna try, and see what would happen. What do you guys think? Weird question, isn't it? Anyways, if you guys don't mind, please give me an opinion, it'd be much appreciated.
And now it's bed time for me. Oyasumi mina-san!
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Wednesday, May 3, 2006
Love Hina Complete And Other Stuffs
Yay! I finished my Love Hina manga collection yesterday! YAY! Finally, now I can read to the end. It was all made possible by a friend of mine, so I'd like to thank him. If he didn't forget his password on theotaku, I would've leaned his username, then I could thank him properly. But alas, he forgot his password and I never leaned his username *sigh*
Anyways, about my neck incident at Kastom's the other day, I actually made a complete recovery! No permanent damage! Yay!
Ugh, last night was BRUTAL! I had tons of homework, most of which was poetry reponses (damn you poetry!) In total, it took me six hours to finish all my homework, which comprised of English, Psychology, and French. T_T I hope tonight I don't get so much stuff. Anyways, have a great day everyone! Ja ne!
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Friday, April 28, 2006
Yay! It's Friday And I Only Had A Half Day At School!
Woo hoo! It's Friday, and I only had to go to school for half the day! That's because our school board does that, and that's as much as I know.
After school, I went to Kastom's, and after playing Phantasy Star Online Episode I, we decided to go outside. We used his giant trampolean to practice flips and stuffs. I decided to try a backflip, but I didn't flip far enough, and wound up falling on my neck, and now my back hurts *sigh* As long as it isn't permanent damage (like my right shoulder-pinching and pulling every muscle that holds it in place-now I'm stuck doing physiotherapy *sigh*), I'll live.
And last Sunday, two friends and I checked out a bookstore to see if they had any manga-they had really bad selection, but they asked us if we wanted to order any, so a friend and I ordered some Love Hina. I got the last four remaining books for my collection-Volumes 11, 12, 13, and 14. They should be in in another 5-6 days or so. I can't wait. My friend put the order under his name, so when the store calls to say that the books are in, my parents wont' know about it! Yay! Then my friend'll just hand over the books at school.
Anyways, I hope you all have a good weekend! Ja ne!
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
Kingdom Hearts II Beat, Plus Love Hina 9 And 10!
Yippee! I beat Kingdom Hearts II, but I skipped a bunch of stuffs, so I'll get those done. Sephiroth is even harder in this one! But I managed to beat him, regardless of his stupid meteor shower! MWUHAHAHAHA!
Anyways, I also managed to slip in Love Hina 9 and 10! Only four more books to go, then I have them all! I'm not sure how I'll manage it yet, but it'll have to involve a friend bringing me, cuz I'm gonna get 11-14 in one shot! And that'll be hard to fit in my pockets after purchase to hide from mom, hence my plan of a friend bringing me.
Anyways, have a great weekend everyone!
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Twelve Days Without Updates...Oops^^;
*sigh* The Easter Weekend is almost over, ah well, what can ya do? I like to look forward to the next long weekend! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile-lots of school work before the long weekend (damned essays, reports, projects, and Labs!), and then me being away Friday at Kastom's working on a Physics project, and then Saturday gone to my grandparents house to have a huge feast with the family. As for Sunday, I was too lazy, and I have a french novel to read for class, so that sucked up some time too.
Anyways, I managed to sneak in Volume 8 of Love Hina, couldn't get 9 cuz the books stores that I went to had everything BUT 9...*sigh* Ah well, there suppost to restock soon. I just have to get it before a friend of mine does-I introduced him to the series, and he became all kinda obsessed with it, and buys like 70$ worth (about 5-6 Volumes) in one shot, whereas I have to buy a little bit slower (think 1-2 Volumes) so that my parents don't notice my money go down.
Anyways, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Weekend! Talk to you all later. Ja ne!
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
YAY! Can't Wait Til The Weekend!
YAY! I get to go to Chapters this weekend to buy Volumes 8 and 9 of Love Hina, if they have them...My parents don't know of this, of course-I'm going to a friend's house for the weekend, and his mom will be taking us both to Chapters! I love it when friends can do that for you!
Oh, and Kastom had an idea today-he actually got more motivated to do it by bellpickle-he wants to start an Anime Club at our school! I guess I'll help him found it. What we would do is just talk anime really-show off different animes, our drawings, etc. I also suggested that we could decide which manga the librarian buys, since he knows Kastom and I pretty well. Anyways, that was pretty much today's most exciting event.
Talk to you all later! Ja ne!
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
Article Comments
DAMMIT! I hate it when people vote on an article, but don't comment and say why they voted "no"! It pisses me off! Out of 21 people who voted on my Gundam SEED article, 9 commented! 9! That's only 43% of the voters! But anyways, enough about that.
Kastom introduced me to this awesome game titled "Phantasy Star Online"-it's like the best multiplayer RPG ever! I went over to his house and played. ANd, I just learned today that the new Phantasy Star-Phantasy Star Universe-will be coming to North America May 6th, 2006. That's a pretty quick release, since it just came out in Japan on March 28th, 2006. I can't wait!
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Kingdom Hearts II
Yay! Kingdom hearts II came out yesterday, and I went to Ottawa to buy it today! Kingdom Hearts was a great game-the story was actually pretty good, and the battle system was something new they tried out, and it worked out great! I bought the player's guide, but then returned it because I realized that it was too expensive, and I wanted to figure stuff out for myself, making the game longer and better. Can't play it til Friday though, cuz I can only play video games on weekeneds and holidays-it's a rule of the house.
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