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Sunday, December 17, 2006

December Visit & HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Sorry my December visit is a little late...I just had alot of stuff to do. I finally finished my Chemistry independent study, and I'm almost done my English one. And I'm getting better at Calculus! My mark actually went from a 71% to a 74%! YAY! Now if I can get it up another 6% I'll be set for some nice entrance shcolarships next year! I also went to visit two other universities. One is the University of Waterloo (near Toronto) which has excellent Co-op programs (a program where you get hired by someone and apply what you've learned, and get payed), and their usually in th top five ranking universities in Ontario every year. About three weeks ago I went to Carleton University, which also has a Co-op program in my field (Biochemistry), but they are not as renound as Waterloo, so Carleton U is under Waterloo and Ottawa U in my preference list.

Anyways, enough about school, I don't want to bore you guys too much XP I started watching the Negima anime a few weeks back, and it's actually pretty decent, although I've heard it's not very loyal to the manga. And I also bought a new game: Tales Of The Abyss. It's an awesome game! Much better than Lengendia, although it was pretty good too. Here's how I wound up buying it: Friday night, I as visiting sites, and I noticed Shizuka had been playing it, and she said it was very good. Just as I was about to type in my "December Visit", Mom said she was going into town, so I came along. I found an EB Games and bought Abyss...I couldn't help myself XD

Well, that's all for this month. Talk to you guys in the new year! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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