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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
Reach For The Sky ~ Social Distortion
Social Distortion Lyrics
Reach For The Sky Lyrics
When I was young I was invincible,
I find myself now thinking twice,
I never thought about no future,
its just the roll of the dice.
But the day may come when you've got something to lose,
and just when you think you're done paying dues
And you say to yourself, dear God what Have I done?
And hope its not too late 'cause tomorrow may never come.
Reach For the Sky, 'cause tomorrow may never come
Reach For the Sky, 'cause tomorrow may never come
Yesterday is history and tomorrow's a mystery
But baby right now, its just about you and me,
You can run you can hide, just like Bonnie and Clyde
Reach for the sky ain't never gonna die,
and I thank the Lord for the love I have found
and hold you tight cause tomorrow may never come.
So if you please take this moment
Try if you can make it last
Don't think about no future and just forget about the past
and make it last.
that song just came on the mixed cd im listning to. it's a bit ironic...
not much to post about today.... just thinking about faith. i can't believe today is 1 year since her accident. tho, she didn't die until 5 days is still a bittersweet day. i keep replaying the events of my day in my head from one year ago..
i got to some sites yesterday..but not all...i left early in the afternoon, and didn't get home till like 9:30, and didn't get back online till after midnight.
well...i guess that's it....look 3rd day of posting in a row. i think deserve a cookie!
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
homijosh..2 in a row!
wow 2 posts in a row...then it's like...another 2 months go by before the next post..haha
so ish everyone? alright here.
i don't really have too much to post about right now.
hmmm maybe a song....
Nickelback Lyrics
Animals Lyrics
I, I'm driving black on black
Just got my license back
I got this feeling in my veins this train is coming off the track
I'll ask polite if the devil needs a ride
Because the angel on my right ain't hanging out with me tonight
I'm driving past your house while you were sneaking out
I got the car door opened up so you can jump in on the run
Your mom don't know that you were missing
She'd be pissed if she could see the parts of you that I've been kissing
No, we're never gonna quit
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Just acting like we're animals
No, no matter where we go
'Cause everybody knows
We're just a couple of animals
So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Check out the trouble we're in
You're beside me on the seat
Got your hand between my knees
And you control how fast we go by just how hard you wanna squeeze
It's hard to steer when you're breathing in my ear
But I got both hands on the wheel while you got both hands on my gears
By now, no doubt that we were heading south
I guess nobody ever taught her not to speak with a full mouth
'Cause this was it, like flicking on a switch
It felt so good I almost drove into the ditch
I'm screamin'
So come on baby, get in
Get in, just get in
Look at the trouble we're in
We were parked out by the tracks
We're sitting in the back
And we just started getting busy
When she whispered "what was that?"
The wind, I think 'cause no one else knows where we are
And that was when she started screamin'
"That's my dad outside the car!"
Oh please, the keys, they're not in the ignition
Must have wound up on the floor while
we were switching our positions
I guess they knew that she was missing
As I tried to tell her dad it was her mouth that I was kissing
So come on baby, get in
We're just a couple of animals
Get in, just get in
Ain't nothing wrong with it
Check out the trouble we're in
Get in, just get in
wow that's such a dirty song <3333
hmmmm well that was fun....
what next?? maybe some pictures...

that be me..i ish green ^w^
as you can probally tell i'm bored and have nothing better to do. i don't have cable right now...which means no adult swim :'( im stuck watching dvd's of anime i have..but i can only watch the same things so many times before it gets boring...
*sigh* well i guess i'll go. oh yeah...i actually got to most sites yesterday..i think i only missed like 2 or 3. sorry to those i missed..and thx to those who actually came to my site yesterday *cookies for you*
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Decembers ~ Hawthorne Heights
Hawthorne Heights Lyrics
Decembers Lyrics
Lets to try to remember these days back in December
Our lives were very different
I was lonely when we first met
A small upstairs apartment
Driving through the darkness before they even knew you were gone
You don't even have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a drink
You don't have to cover up how you feel when your in love
I'll always know im not enough to even make you think
Please slow down girl
We're moving way to fast for their world
We gotta make this last
I miss you so much, a self inflicted coma
The days drag on I never thought of running with their feet
And when i feel the stress, I'm lonely and depressed
I picture you in the dress you wore four weeks ago
You don't even have to speak because I can hear your heartbeat
Fluttering like butterflies searching for a drink
You don't have to cover up how you feel when your in love
I'll always know im not enough to even make you think
Please slow down girl
We're moving way to fast for their world
We gotta make this last
I know it hurts to feel so alone
I'm by myself, more then you can know
If only they were all alone...
They were all alone...
Please slow down girl
We're moving way to fast for their world
We gotta make this last
Slow down girl
We're moving way to fast for their world
We gotta make this last
I know it hurts to feel so alone
I'm by myself, more then you can know
If only they were all alone...
They were all alone...
They were all alone...
They were all alone...

i think that's my favorite song off the new Hawthorne Heights CD. it's a slow song and i really like it. It's #12 (Decembers). i also like #7 (I Am On Your Side) and #10 (Cross Me Off Your List).
Wow i haven't updated in a really long time. lets see..what's been happening since my last update. i moved. we got a new apt which is really nice. our balcony overlooks the lake. the lake is icky and you can't swim in it (too many drop offs..a lot of people have drowned in it..ewww. i wouldn't want to be swimming and get stuck on a dead bosy...*shudders* ) but it still looks pretty.
my brother and his g/f are having a baby. it's a boy. i'm really excited. this will be my 4th nephew, but the first one from my brother (my sister has 3 boys). i've been going to their house alot lately. the last 2 weekends i have spent with them. mainly so i could babysit for them. his g/f mary has 2 daughters from her previous marriage. after i babysat, the girls went to their grandmas house and we hung out. the first weekend, my brother, his friend brian and i all drank (mary didn't because of the baby). that was fun :P then last weekend, we went to the movies. we seen 'The Hills Have Eyes'. it was a pretty good movie. it was different than i had expected, but it was still good. it was worth the money at the theater.
hmmmm what else....not a whole lot has been going on. i registered online for college, i just have to call and set up an appointment for orientation, and select my classes. i will be taking english classes. i haven't decided if i want to do writing (which is my passion) or take literature classes. i will probally take a couple of each and see what i like.
i need a job..... it's kind of hard for me to find one though. i think they look at my appearance and act nice when i give them my application, but don't take me seriously, due to the way i look. my hair is purple and red (which is faded now) and i have a lip ring..and eyebrow ring. i'm willing to work with them and change my appearance. i can dye my hair back to a normal color, and the jewelry can be taken out while i work (or i can just buy clear spacers to put in while i work so the holes don't close up). maybe i'm just thinking things that way..maybe there is someone else who is more experienced than me, and they passed me up, not due to my looks. but i'll never know, since no one ever calls me back -.-;
geeze..i can't believe it has really been almost a year. i know evertime i post i say this, but now it's become so much more real. thursday will be one year since faith was hit. and next tuesday will be one year since she actually died (she was hit march 30th, and died in the hospital april 4th).
just when things started to get better...just when my wounds were finally beginning to heal, they get ripped open again. i was doing better with my depression, and wasn't having suicidal thoughts anymore..not right up until the weeks before i moved. i guess i was sad to leave all the memories i had made there. there were so many great memories there...and im afraid i'll lose them. and then the stores began setting out easter stuff...and just looking at it ripped me up inside. the last day i spent with faith while she was alive was easter. seeing the easter dresses is also sad, because she was buried in her easter dress. i seen her mom while she was working the other day, and she told me her cat died. his name was tommy, and he was faith's baby. she carried him all over, and when she was killed he knew it. he sat around and cried, because he knew something was wrong. then just a week before a year of her death, he got sick again and died. :'(
then on top of mom is making me get rid of my cat. The new apartment allows pets, but you have to give them a $200 non~refundable security deposit, and pay an extra $20 rent each month, and we dont have the $200 dollars. we told them we didn't have pets, but my mom thinks they will find out, then we will get kicked out. i really dont want to give him away..espically right now, when im depressed. i dont want to go through reliving faiths accident, and giving up my cat on top of that. i already have to give up my bunnie. but my sister took her for me, so at least i know she is safe and when i go back and visit up north i can see her.
wow i actually made quite a long post. i'll do my best to visit sites, but i don't know how well that will go over. and now that my comp is in my room, i may update more. i'll at least try to update once a week...but i don't know how long that will last. TheO just isn't the same as it used to be. i miss the old days...and the way things were last year. oh well...i can't change things...
oooh yeah...i have a new s/n for AIM. not that anyone cares i'm sure. the s/n is NinJaKittyXXX
IM me sometime! or on Yahoo..or MSN. or Gaiaonline, or Myspace....haha
well i guess that's about it for tonite. ttyl....
oh and thx to the people who actually still come and comment my site. it's nice to see you guys. i missed my friends from theO!
Comments (5) |
Friday, January 20, 2006
Let's go!
With blood shot eyes I watch you sleeping,
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading,
Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she if she knew my shame?
There’s always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction,
There’s always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?
Your tears don’t fall they crash around me,
Her conscience calls,
They're guilty too, come home.
Your tears don’t fall they crash around me,
Her conscience calls,
They're guilty too, come home.
The moments die, I hear no screaming,
The visions left inside me are slowly fading
Would she hear me if I called her name?
Would she hold me if she if she knew my shame?
There’s always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction,
There’s always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?
Your tears don’t fall they crash around me,
Her conscience calls,
They're guilty too, come home.
Your tears don’t fall they crash around me,
Her conscience calls,
They're guilty too, come home.
This battered room I've seen before,
The broken bones they heal no more (no more)
With my last breath I'm choking,
Will this ever end? I'm hoping,
My world is over one more time.
Let's go!
Would she hear me if I called her name?
will she hold me if she if she knew my shame?
There’s always something different going wrong
The path I walk's in the wrong direction,
There’s always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?
Your tears don’t fall they crash around me,
Her conscience calls,
They're guilty too, come home.
Your tears don’t fall they crash around me,
Her conscience calls,
They're guilty too, come home.
Back down!
Your tears don’t fall they crash around me,
Her conscience calls,
They're guilty too, come home.
Bullet For My Valentine:

so its friday..finally. underworld evolution came out today. i want to go see it. maybe i'll do that tomorrow..i dunno.
hmmmm i have nothing to post about.
i need a job -.-;
Lupin the III is on. i <3 this show. i've seen every episode, but i love it.
i can't wait for FMA tomorrow. i'm excited to see what happens next. last week was good!
*yawns* its after 4:30am and its official...i have no life. actually, i've known that for a long time. lol.
i hate not being able to drive. i have my license and all, but im not on the car insurance so i mom doesnt let me drive -.-; its only until we move tho, so its not terribly bad. we'll be moving by march. the lease here is up end of march so we'll be out by then. i can't wait to move ^.^
thx for all the comments the other day. i was actually able to get to about 8 or 9 sites. its not many, but i did my best.
so any big plans this weekend? none for me. maybe a movie, and im gonna try to hang out with bunnie (my friend jamie). we haven't hung out in a while. i love her. shes so much fun!!
well i have absolutely nothing to post about, so i'll stop boring you here. hope you liked the pics.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
bittersweet memories...
*sigh* today really is a bittersweet day. for more than one reason..
For everyone who knows is his last post. he's leavin theO. i know i'll miss him, tho we still have myspace. he's great and for everyone who knows him go tell him goodbye. love you AJ, you'll be missed here!!
also, for all of you who were here back at the end of march and beg of april of last year, and who came to my site, you know about my cousin faith. if you don't please go back to my old posts and read about the tragidy that has left me dead inside.
Faith....she was an amazing little girl who lost her life at 5 years old. today my little faith would have been 6 years old. it's a very bittersweet day for me. not a day goes by that i don't think about her. she may have only been my cousin, but she was such a huge part of my life. i never realized how close we truly were till it was too late. when she died, so did i.
please remember to tell the ones you love how you really feel. don't ever take them for grantit, cuz they can be gone so quickly.
Faith..I Love You baby, and Happy Birthday.
*sigh* i know i dont update much anymore or ever get to anyones sites, but im still around. i havent died..yet..
feel free to PM me, cuz i do answer those, or Im me or email me anytime.
AIM: Badkitty172002
Yahoo: babydoll_angel87
and just for fun..this is me. i dont think ive ever really posted pics of me, but here you go..this is me.

i have other pics of me on my myspace.
well thats all. <3
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Happy Birfday AJ!
yah today is AJ's birfday. go say happy birfday. i mean actually go to his site (PockyStix)!! k thanks.
i hate my mom. things seem to get worse each day. we fight all the time. anything she sayd to me turns into an argument. blah..i hate bein here. i really don't care where i go, anywhere but here. i might go back to my sisters house..i dunno. i'm gonna be moving out of the state soon...i can't wait. i'm nervous, but excited as well. what can i say..i love him!
yah so my mom says shes cutting off my internet. this really blows! mayb i can go back to aol or something. (i have comcast high speed internet right now).
im just so pissed off...grr.. >.<
i need to go blow off some steam...
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
*pops in to say hi*
wow so its been a long time since i was here last.
hmmm whats been happining...
~i moved back home. things were ok at first, but now things really suck.
~ummm i have a myspace. <~~yah that's me.
i need a job. i was lookin for one when i moved back home, but still no luck. i was thinkin of goin to college. i actually have an orientation today...but i really don't feel like goin to it.
hmmm...oh on thanksgiving one of my aunts died. she was really my moms cousin, but everyone always called her "aunt patti" that was quite sad actually.
so how has everyone been? i've been great!!! actually thats a lie. its been pretty shitty here. me and my mom don't get along. i found out my dad was goin to prision...(i havent talked ot him in like years....)
ive been cutting again..and feeling suicidial...ya
blah........i have nothing good to write about. i just though i'd post cuz i have nothing better to do. i think i might try to get back into the whole MyO thing. well see how things go i guess.
i'll try to get to the gb entries and PMs too.
my computer crashed yesterday >.< i hate this computer!!! i need a new one. i lost all my stuff *cries*
well i guess thats it for now. im not even gonna pretend to say ill get to all ur sites. i feel bad..i look at names..and im like who the hell is that??? i'm gonna try tho.
if you have AIM Im me cuz im bored and have nothign better to do!!! s/n: Badkitty172002
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
wow has it been that long?
i haven't posted in forever and a half.
i went home for the weekend. well saturday morning to sunday night. my sister's boyfriend Shawn, his daughters live down by my mom, so while they visited Shelby and Felisha, i went to my mom's house.
i had fun. i hung out with Manda. she came over. i took her to see the house we MIGHT get. i like it. it'll need some work, new windows, paint, stuff like that. but it's cute and i hope we get it. my mom is still iffy about it though. but yah, anywho. lol.
i made a MySpace..woohoo. umm i don't have the link to my site there, cuz myspace is blocked from the library here >.< (they have strict filtering here bcuz kids use the same computers as the adults...) but yah.
i hoping to move back in with my mom soon. i'm going down to get manda this weekend so she can go to our halloween party, and i don't know if i'll stay home when i take her home or not. if not i'll come down either the first or second day of november.
woah random!!!! there's a bunch of people that just came to the library. kids are all dressed up for halloween, and they are getting candy from the librarians. i shoulda dressed up too! haha.
anywho, though. my sister said if i stay till the end of november she would give me her van. its a good offer, but i'm just ready to go home. besides, i know she will give it to me anyway when they get their new car. lol.
blah...i haven't felt good this week. i'm all coughing and sneezing. i should call the doctor. not that they'll give me anything i'm sure.
i took the dog to the vet this morning. he's gettin snipped. haha. thats what he gets for pissin me off. lol. no im kidding. i do hate that dog though. i'm sure he won't want me to drive him anywhere anymore. lol
well i guess i should get going. i went to the bank, then decided to stop at the library. and i'm sure everyone is prolly wondering where i went.
well ok BYEE!
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
i'm alive
hey guys, it's been a while i know. i never have a chance to get to the library. i have to wait for my nephew to get home from school (around 3:15), by the time i get to the library all the computers are occupied, cuz there's a high school lab after school..thats so crappy >.<
well lets see whats been happning lately, ummm i quit my job. the lady never calls me back and she's been getting bitchy with me for the last 2 weeks, so i quit. i hate being talked down to, and im not gonna work somewhere i feel uncomfortable! besides maybe if she would sober up long enough to hold a conversation i wouldn't have quit.
anywho, i'll be moving back home in november. i'm waiting till after halloween cuz we're havin a party.
oh yah...i made it back up north safely.. :P
im thinking of leaving theO. i'll still leave my site up, but i just feel bad cuz i never have time to update, let alone get to any sites. i haven't made a final decision yet, i'll wait and see when i move back home (since i'll have the internet again).
well....i guess i should go home. i had a doctors appt this morning at 8:15, and it's 10:00 now, and my sister stayed home from work cuz she's sick, and i should prolly go home, so she doesn't worry about me.
i'll try to update again soon...
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
late night shopping and cemetery walking...
manda came over yesterday. we went and seen Corpse Bride. twas a great movie. i really liked it.

then we went to the store at like 11PM, then went to Soop Cemetery (tis haunted). we got to the cemetery around midnight and stayed for like a half hour or so. we took pictures, and there were orbs in lots of them. manda forgot to bring the cord with her, so we couldn't put the pics on my computer. i'm gonna have put some of them on her computer, then mayb i'll post some.
i'm going back upnorth today though. i'll probally leave around 4 or 5PM. i'll prolly move back in with my mom. hopefully this comming weekend.
before i leave, i'm going with manda to her b/f's house. i'm so anxious to go. i'm gonna meet her b/f's friend ;) hehe.
anywho, tis a short post. i don't know how often i'll be able to post this week. i think i'll be working late all week. i'll check in when i can.
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