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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Universe ~ Savage Garden
Savage Garden ~ Universe Lyrics
Well I'd like to take you as I find you
Imagine our clothes are on the floor
Feel my caress so soft and gentle
So delicate you cry for more
But you know baby
You know baby does it right
And you know baby does it right
Universe inside of your heart
You gotta let me know so you can be free baby
You wanted it so much, and now that it's over
You don't know what you want
Put time in a capsule
Two minds consensual
Entwined to perfection
If we could...
Cuddle up close
Lay your head on my chest now
Listen my heart beat's coming down
If you get tired you close your eyes now
When you wake up I won't be found
'Cause I know baby
I know you're the nervous kind
With so much going on in your mind
Universe inside your heart
You gotta let me know so you can be free baby
You wanted it so much, and now that it's over
You don't know what you want
But let me tell you that, this time,
I'm going to make you mine
(I won't let you go)
'Cause I know, this time
I'm going to make sure I look out for me
'Cause you know baby
Well you know baby does it right
And you know baby does it right
You will only end up lost in loneliness
And wake up with the words already on your lips
So I'll let you go, baby
So I'll let you go...
Universe inside your heart
You gotta let me know so you can be free baby
You wanted it so much, and now that it's over
You don't know what you want
Thx sooo much for all the comments yesterday. I really appreciate it^^ I’m actually feeling a bit better. I slept a lot and took a long bath..ahhhh I think that did the trick. I even got to a few sites. Marz and Sakura Star, I did get to ur sites, but the comment box thingy was down so I wasn’t able to comment. I did get to ur sites tho.
I finished reading Love Hina vol. 3. Its so good. I just have to wait for 4 & 5 to come in (they are still checked out). I think if I have money left over (from Beth’s b~day dinner I was talking about the other day) I’ll go to borders and look for some mangas, since I don’t own any. How sad is that?!?
Its been nice here. Its been 60 the last couple days. I hope it stays nice like this for the rest of my spring break!
***Joke Of The Day***
Girl Power! 
A little boy is playing with his new football and a little girl asks if she can play. He tells her, "No. These are for boys."
The little girl runs into the house and tells her mother. The next day the girl sticks her tongue out at the boy and waves her new football in his face. The little boy angrily points to his boy's bike and says, "Oh yeah? Well, only boys can get these!"
But the next day, the little girl has the same bike. The little boy gets furious, pulls down his pants, points to his unit, and says, "Look, only boys have these and your mom can't buy you one!"
The next day he walks by and the little girl promptly pulls up her dress, points to her bits, and proclaims, "My mother tells me that as long as I have one of these, I can have as many of those as I want."
Take that boys!!!
I hope that everyone has a great Wednesday!

Comments (13) |
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Losing My Religion ~ REM
Im sick. Thats about it. short post but yah. i prolly wont get to anyones site today for 2 reasons. 1) my computer is gay and takes me forever to even get TheO to open for me and 2) i'll prolly just be layin around cuz i dont feel good.

Comments (10) |
Monday, March 28, 2005
Home ~ 3 Days Grace
001. What is your name? Crystal
002. Spell your name backwards: Latsyrc
004. Male or female? Female
005. Astrological sign: Leo
006. Nicknames: Kriull, Crissy~Bug (sister calls me that), on TheO: Badkitty or Kitty
007. Hair color: Brownish color with light streaks (I bleached streaks when I dyed it)
008. Eye color: Brown
009. What is your sn and what does it stand for? Badkitty172002..stands for me ^.~
010. Pets: Cat (Mr. Kankles)
011. Piercings? Lip/Eyebrow..more to come
012. Tattoo's? 1 on my left leg
013. Righty or lefty? Righty
014. Wearing: clothes
015. Hearing: no music *turns on music* 89x (88.7fm new rock alternative)
016. Feeling: full (just ate food)
017. Drinkiing: Eating ice from my cup (drank all the pop)
Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
018. How many people have you told "I love you"? lots but not in a romantic way..only a few that way
019. How many people have you been in love with? …..
020. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? no
021. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? Umm kinda. My mom, sister and I have disowned a cousin…
022. If so for what? Long story. Lets just say she tried to help the dad get custody of my nephew
023. Did some of your family come to America from another country? I ono
~Music Stuff~
024. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? A lot..but cant think of one of the top of my head
025. What's the most embarrasing cd you own? Hmm…prolly Aaron Carter or Brittney Spears…*I DON’T LISTEN TO THEM* I don’t know why I havent burned them yet
026. What's the best cd you own? So many!! Slipknot
027. What song do you absolutely hate? Cant think off the top of my head
028. What song reminds you of someone? Umm I ono
029. Color: Green
030. Food: French Fries ^^
031. Song: I can’t choose just 1.
032. Show(s): Anything on Adult Swim (Inuyasha), CSI, Without A Trace, Survivor…
030. School subject: English
031. Band/singer: Blink~182, Evanescence, way more
032. Animal: ELEPHANT!!!!!!!!! White Tiger, Snow Leapord
033. Outfit: My hot topic pants
034. Radio station: 89x (88.7fm new rock alternative)
035. Potato chip: do cheetoes count? (not the hot ones but the regular crunchy ones)
036. Drink: Cherry coke
037. Alcholic drink: any kind of Pucker (esp. in jello shots), Mikes Hard Lemonade
038. Holiday: Halloween
039. Perfume/cologne: whatever kind Matt wears ^.~
040. Jello flavor: the kind with alcohol..hehe
~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
041. What color are your sheets? Gold with red flowerie things (its an asian style bed set)
042. What color are your bedroom walls? White >.<
043. Do you have posters on your wall? yea
044. If so of what? Blink~182 (1), Linkin Park (1), Johnny Depp (1) (yummy =P),, I think I have some kind of eagle and a moon or something like that…ummm and a few other random things
045. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? ya
046. How many pillows are on your bed? 5 at all times (I sleep with
047. What do you normally sleep in? whatever I pass out in
048. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? No..I have a shitty cell phone tho K
049. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? Ask the last person I slept with (that sounds so dirty)
050. What's under your bed? A box that has my playstation. My cat!?! (not in the box tho)
~This or that~
051. beach/mountains: Mountains
052. Donuts/bagels: Donuts
053. Day/night: Night
054. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: I ono
055. Heaven/hell: Hell
056. Blonde/Brunette: Brunette
057. Coffee/tea: Neither >.<
058. Swiss cheese/american cheese: American
059. Real World/Road Rules: Road Rules
060. Silver/gold: Silver
061. Nike/Adidas: Converse
062. Sweet/sour: Sweet
063. Punk/emo: ROCK!! lol
064. Hot/cold: it depends…do you mean weather, how I like my bath water, food, im so confised. Lets say WARM to be on the safe
065. Winter/summer: Summer (my bday)
066. Spring/fall: Fall
067. Operas/plays: Plays
068. Read/watch tv: I like them both
069. Cd's/tapes: CD's
070. Dvd's/vhs: DVD’s but I have a lot of VHS’s
071. Old/new: Old
072. Pink/red: Red
073. Colored pictures/black and white photos: Black and white..they look so vintage
074. Mexican food/chinese food: Mexican
075. Sandals/tennis shoes: Tennis shoes
076. Dogs/cats: Cats
077. Water/land: Water
078. Sugar/spice: Sugar
079. Cars/trucks: Trucks
080. Popcorn/pretzels: Popcorn
081. Passionate kiss/peck: Passionate kiss
082. Picture frames/photo albums: Photo albums
083. Pens/pencils: Pens
~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
084. Eminem: I like him..his songs are great. Funny but some really make you think
085. The Osbournes: SHARROOOOOOON!!
086. Reality TV: good
087. J.Lo: Huge ASS
088. Rap music: >.<
089. Valentine's Day: I like the candy hearts
090. Homosexuals: ^^
091. Pre-marital sex: ^.~
092. Terrorism: makes me hate George Bush even more
093. Politics: The road to hell is paved with Republicans
094. Country music: >.<
095. Gas prices in America: wayyy to high
~Have You Ever....~
096. Mooned anyone? I don’t think so
097. Been on a diet? Lol…
098. Been to a foreign country? Canada…not foreign but been there
099. Broken a bone? no
100. Got in a fight? When I was 13 I think…it wasn’t that bad..but I got her outta my house ^^
101. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? Almost
102. Told a little white lie? All the time..only they r usually BIG whit lies
103. Been on TV? no
104. Been on the radio? Yah..when I won concert tickets
105. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? *sniff*
106. Broken the law? Yea but not that bad..
107. Been to a rodeo? When I was little I used to go all the time
108. Been on a talk show? no
109. Been on a game show? no
110. Been on an airplane? no
111. Had a dream that your falling off a cliff? I don’t think so
112. Snuck out of the house at night? ^.~ mom told me not to go and I did anyway so I didn’t technically sneak out I left. lol.
That is a survey Cool Silver had on her site the other day.
So March is winding down which means so is my theme. Today I was supposed to out to dinner with my friend Bethany for her bday dinner (her bday was march 19th but she was waiting till spring break for the dinner). She just turned 18 by the way. Anywho tho, she called me a little after 1 and told me everyone else bailed on her. So shes gonna reschedule for wed or Thursday. I felt so bad for her. We might not be best friends anymore (we were best friends for 8 years) but I still care about her. I hope ppl don’t bail on her the next time. I’ll be pissed if they do. I was so excited to go out to dinner too. I bought her a balloon and a present and everything. I hope the balloon lasts till then. If not I can go buy her a new one.
So I downloaded some anime videos last night. They’re pretty cool. Hmmm what else?? Well I hope you all had a good Easter. I went to my cousins house for easter dinner. It was nice they got me candy and stuff. I was so surprised. I wasn’t expecting it at all. They me a graduation bear that says Class of 2005 on it. Im so excited for June. I cant wait to graduate. My mommie got me the cutest elephant.
I cant believe Manda (rockstarfairychik) posted a pic of me yesterday *hides* its not that bad…but I guess its better than some of the ones she has of me. She likes to torture me with the dig. Camera. Its ok tho. Cuz my mom said I can get one Friday. Friday we’re gonna get one *crosses fingers* and we’re gonna price laptops (for my grad. Present). I also want a cam corder but if I get a dig. Camera I don’t really need a cam corder.
Well I don’t want to bore you with a long post so I’ll try to get to some sites today. I onlu got to a few yesterday cuz my computer has been messin up on me and it took me forever to finally get TheO to work.

Comments (8) |
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Look What You’ve Done ~ Jet

Hope everyone has a good Easter. I don’t believe in God or Jesus or anything but I still celebrate Easter. Manda and me dyed easter eggs. that was fun^^ then I was talking to my sister last night and her boys were dying eggs when all of a sudden I hear a cup fall over in the background and Angie go Uh~Oh!! Im like what?!?!? She was like Jayden (3) just spilled dye all over the white carpet, I gotta call you back. She never called me back but I hope she got it cleaned up!
I went to the library yesterday and got Love Hina Vol 1~3 (4 and 5 were checked out). It sux tho cuz the library only has up to 5 and I know there’s like 15 or something like that. I also got Mars 1&2. Im letting manda read them so I’ll read them when she’s done. I also got 4 Evangelion videos. They have 2 episodes on each. We watched the first episode but I didn’t watch the 2nd episode cuz I was preoccupied…lol but manda did.
We went and hung out at the park for a little bit. I really do love it down there. Its so peaceful. I usually lay on this one picnic table and manda was laying n another one and I was like you know what. This would be a great place to have Not passionate love making, but hot dirty sex!! It was so funny. I told her I had everything all planned out (not for us haha oh my!!) but yah. So then I walked down by the water and was just sitting there looking at the frozen lake. Ford Lake is so dirty. It is so contaminated and so many ppl have drowned in there (due to the drop offs) but it still looks pretty sometimes (when it doesn’t look green like it is). Esp in the winter when its covered with ice and a fresh layer of ice. I love to just sit down there and think. It really takes your mind off things esp.if ur havin a shitty day!
My brothers ex (wow that’s weird to say ex) gf called me last night. Im sure some of you remember me talking about the whole brother new g/f thingy. If not go to my archives it should be there (mayb a few pages back). Anywho she called me cryin. She was complanin how ppl say their gonna call and come over but never do. I was like theres nothing I can do about it. Then she told me the cat died. I almost started cryin then. I guess she got out and got hit by a car *sniffle* she was the sweetest cat I swear she was. Then she got poised at me cuz I told her my bro wasn’t gonna pay her bills. Let me explain the deal. Chae (my bro) is supposed to pay the rent and that’s all. The other bills are in her name therefore hes not gonna pay them. She told me hes not payin anything and I asked what hes not payin she said rent and other bills. I told her he will pay the rent. Then I asked who the other bills names were in. she said hers then I told her they r in ur name which means hes NOT payin them for you. I think she was surprised I was sticking up for him and not pitying her. So yah. There was more but I don’t really feel like typin it cuz im tired.
So anywho yah. There was more I was gonna say but I kinda forgot.
Comments (10) |
Friday, March 25, 2005
Eat You Alive ~ Limp Bizkit
this damn song has been stuck in my head all week. since i think sunday. lol. well one part of it anywayz..the part that goes im sorry....soo sorry.
Eat You Alive Lyrics
Hey you Mrs I dont know what the fuck your name is
Im drawn to you somethings magnetic here
If I could approach you or even get close to the scent that you left behind Id be fine
No doubt (no doubt) that you bring out (bring out) the animal inside
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
Hey you, Mrs. too-good-to-look-my-way and that's cool you want nothing at all to do with me.
But I want you, ain't nothing wrong with wanting you cause I'm a man and I can think what the hell I want, you got that
No doubt (no doubt) that I'd love to (I'd love) sniff on them panties now....
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
I'm sorry. So sorry (damn, you're so hot!!)
Your beauty is so vain (damn, you're so hot!!)
It drives me, yes it drives me (damn your so hot) absolutely insane
I just want to look at you
I just want to look at you, look at you all day
I just want to look at you, I just want to look at you all day
There ain't nothing wrong, no. There aint nothing wrong with that
Once you seep in (once you seep in) under my skin (under my skin)
Theres nothing, theres nothing in this world that could wash you away
Once you seep in (once you seep in) under my skin (under my skin)
Theres nothing, theres nothing in this world that could wash you away.....
I'm sorry. So sorry (damn, you're so hot!!)
Your beauty is so vain (damn, you're so hot!!)
It drives me, yes it drives me(damn your so hot) absolutely insane
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
I'D EAT YOU ALIVE!!!! i'd eat you alive.....
so manda came over last night. we were watching romeo and juliet (the version with leanordo dicaprio) and there was a knock on the door. i go and see who it is and its none other than matt!! *yay gets really excited but doesnt let matt see that* the catch is..hes drunk. of course he only comes to my house when hes drunk or stoned *without me >.<*
i walked over to matt and i was like you smell really good^^ its prolly just the alcohol that smells so good tho. lol. yes im wierd like that. i like the smell of weed too....but umm yah. so anywho i have this candle thing that melts wax and he kept spilling it all over the glass table. but yah i cleaned it up.
does anyone know any good sites where i can download anime actual episodes or movies? Thx^^
i joined a new club. srry it took me so long to put it up.
***Joke Of The Day***
Bumper Sticker Sayings
1. Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
2. Make yourself at home! Clean my kitchen.
3. A hard-on doesn't count as personal growth.
4. Don't bother me. I'm living happily ever after.
5. Do I look like a freakin' people person?
6. This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.
7. I started out with nothing & still have most of it left.
8. I pretend to work. They pretend to pay me.
9. If I throw a stick, will you leave?
10. You! Off my planet!
11. I like cats, too. Let's exchange recipes.
12. Ambivalent? Well, yes and no.
13. Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?
14. Whatever kind of look you were going for, you missed.
15. Suburbia: where they tear out the trees & then name streets after them.
16. Do they ever shut up on your planet?
17. I'm just working here till a good fast-food job opens up.
18. Are those your eyeballs? I found them in my cleavage.
19. I'm not your type. I'm not inflatable.
20. I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.
21. A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.
22. Stress is when you wake up screaming & you realize you haven't fallen asleep yet.
23. Don't worry. I forgot your name, too!
24. Adults are just kids who owe money.
25. You say I'm a bitch like it's a bad thing.
26. Nice perfume. Must you marinate in it?
27. Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
28. Chaos, panic, & disorder - my work here is done.
29. If I want to hear the pitter patter of little feet, I'll put shoes on my cat.
30. You look like shit. Is that the style now?
31. Earth is full. Go home.
32. Is it time for your medication or mine?
33. Does this condom make me look fat?
34. I plead contemporary insanity.
35. And which dwarf are you?
36. I thought I wanted a career, turns out I just wanted paychecks.
37. How do I set a laser printer to stun?
38. Meandering to a different drummer.
39. I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert.
40. I majored in liberal arts. Will that be for here or to go?
my chi theme will be comming to an end. my new theme will be up in one week (april fools day...what a ka~wink~ie~dink)
Pic Of The Day:

Comments (5) |
Thursday, March 24, 2005
1979~smashing pumpkins
srry i didn't get to anyone's sites again yesterday. i think i got to selena's site and that was it.
when i got home from school i was only there for about a half hour in which time i made food^^ then Manda's mom came and picked me up.
we went to the talent show at school and it was so much fun. there wasn't many ppl in it but we had a band play. they are 3 juniors from my school and im not sure who the 4th guy was. they were so good. i always heard about them (everyone is school had t~shirts and talks about them). the band is called No Biggie. They're awesome *is in love* i bought their CD for $3.00 and it has 4 songs on it. this saturday they are playing at a local club but i dont think i can go cuz 1)dont know where it is, and 2)i have to babysit but i dont know what time.
Beth and her B/f Tommy came too which was kool cuz beth brought her video camera and got everything on tape. i told her to make me a copy of the tape and i'd pay her. so when ever she gets it edited i'll get a copy made.
today was my last day of schhol (so now im on spring break). i go back to school on April 4th.
well i was suposed to have a tech test today but we didn't!! we take out tests on the computer (on my teachers website) but his program wasn't working to where it would record our answers.
and in dance i hade a test on tinkling. i did good tho besides the fact my leg was hurting me (i think i pulled a muscle cuz its been hurting for almost 2 weeks) and i almost missed my last step. tinkling by the way is when u have 3 ppl. 2 ppl have bamboo poles that the have a beat to and the other person is the jumper. it goes down, down, together. (the 2 ppl sit on the ground and slap the poles on 2 pieces of wood on the ground then slap the poles together...if that makes any sence. then the jumper jumps inbetween the poles...its fun^^)
i think that was about it today. im sitting here watching Manda play Zelda. she's playin it on gamecube. she borrowed the game from Kyle.
i know there was something else i wanted to say but i cant remember now.

*hugs and kisses for all* *~Badkitty~*
Comments (12) |
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
*feels the love*
im in school and i have a test this hour so i have to be quick.
i just wanted to thank everyone yesterday who commented. it really means alot to me^^ *hugs&kisses for all*
so i have cable internet now. yay *is very happy*
so this morning on the way to school JD sat with me. we were both really sleepy. he laid his head on my shoulder and was like im gonn asleep on you ok? i was like ok. i was too tired to even care.
i took a shower at like 12:30 last night. lol. then i turned on HBO and and there was some show on about drug addicts. i think it was kinda like a documentary, but not really. people were injecting themselves with crystal~meth and heroine. i was like theres no way in hell i'll do that. the worst ive done is smoke weed.
well anywho yah. so i have to go cuz the bell just rang. yay spring break starts for me today^^ (after school)

ByeeZZ *much love*
Comments (11) |
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
All Of This by, Blink~182
God Damnit! I had my post halfway done then the program closed on me and I didn’t get to save it so I have to re~type it >.<
Good/Bad Day

Yesterday I felt so loved. At lunch Kitty asked me if I had a quarter. I did so I gave it to her. When she got up to go to the snack line she gave me a kiss on the head. Then after school when I was walking to my bus I seen Katy. I walked up to her, but she turned around and seen me. I was like you weren’t supposed to turn around I was gonna poke you. She walked up to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek^^ *gloats I got kisses* Then>>> on the bus (b4 we left the school) JD decided to sit with me..actually sit ON me. I was like JD get up. He did and I scooted over so he could sit WITH me. He sat ON me again. Lol. I was like JD get off me so I can move my backpack (which was also on my lap). He did and I put my backpack on the floor. Then he sat on me again. This time he stayed there for like 5 minutes. It was very awkward for me. He was like why wont you look at me? Are you embarrassed? I look up and him and he started laughing and I turned my head and laughed too. Then he was petting this kids head in front of us. (I was like JD what the hell are you doing?????) that was kinda funny. Then he told me my hair smelled good. I was like uhh thx >o.O< *thinks to self….good thing I took a shower! Lol*
Then I came home from school and mom told me she called Comcast and they would be here tomorrow (today) between 2~5PM to set up the cable internet *dances around room* im soo happy!!!!! No more stupid AOL. I’ll still have AIM with the same s/n tho.
So that was the happy part of my day.
Then I felt bad cuz I think I got my friend in trouble. I didn’t mean to. I sent him an email and I guess his mom read it. It didn’t say anything bad, but I didn’t know it wasn’t just his email only. I feel really bad and im sorry if I got you in trouble. *bows head down with guilt* forgive me??
I was also upset cuz I was reading some of my old posts and found the one about when matt got in the fight. I got all upset cuz I could see the whole thing replaying in my mind. I just wish I could have done something differently when it happened. But he knows I was there for him.
***Joke Of The Day***
Body Talk
This lady goes to the doctor for a check up.
When she gets home her husband asks, "So how did the appointment go?"
She replies, "He said, I have the body of a twenty year old.
Her husband says, "Oh yeah. and what did he have to say about your forty year old ass?"
She says, "Your name didn't come up."
Tomorrow is my last day before Spring Break^^ Well I guess that’s all for today.
Picture Of The Day:

Comments (16) |
Monday, March 21, 2005
Sunday Morning ~ Maroon 5
Once again I didn’t get to anyone’s site today. Im very sorry.
So Sunday me and manda stayed the night at my brothers house as I said. Me and manda didn’t go to bed till after 6:00AM!! My mom called my cell phone at 11AM and she was like are you awake? I was like no. she was like ok well im on my way to come and get you guys. Im like >o.O< *looks at clock..oh wow 5 hours of sleep*
So we came back to my house. We watched a movie on TV then I took a shower so manda could go online. Oh I made smoothies. They were really good. Lol.Then Andrew and this kid…ummmmmmm uh…..*damn. What the hell was his name* anywho Andrew and Random Guy came over for a few minutes. Then they left. Then Manda left. Then I went to babysit for my cousin Heather. I didn’t get home from Heather’s house till after 10PM. I still had to finish my laundry and my math homework from Friday so I did that.
My brother let me borrow this CD of his friends band. The band is called MotownRage and they’re from Ann Arbor (the town next to me) which is kool. My brother said they are like heavy metal, but theres a rapper. (the rapper is the one my bro knows) I listened to a little bit of it and I liked it.
Anywho, I start Spring Break this week. I only go to school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. *does happy dance*
***Joke Of The Day***
Annoying Boy on Bus
A little kid walks into a city bus and sits right behind the driver and starts yelling, ''If my dad was a bull and my mom a cow I'd be a little bull.''
The driver starts getting mad at the noisy kid, who continues with, ''If my dad was an elephant and my mom a girl elephant I would be a little elephant.''
The kid goes on with several animals until the bus driver gets angry and yells at the kid, ''What if your dad was gay and your mom was a prostitute?!''
The kid smiles and says, ''I would be a bus driver!''
Haha I love that one^^
Im gonna try my best to get to all of ur sites this week. Esp since im getting cable internet.
Piccie Of The Day:

Until we meet again... *~Badkitty~*
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
This Photography Is Proof (I Know You Know) ~ Taking Back Sunday
Babysitting o.O sure i guess....
ok so yesterday i got to go to my brothers house. i was happy cuz manda came too^^ he asked if we wanted to come over and hang out so im like sure why not..i never really get to see him anymore so i might as well jump at the chance.
around 7:30 ish he calls his friend Nate and they're talking about going somewhere, then Mary (his g/f) and him were like would you mind watching shleby for a little bit? im like no problem. so they go to the store and get us some pop and chips and candy (hot tamilies and skittles). Shelby goes to bed and we get to hang out.
me and manda put together a puzzel. it was kool. it was a playboy puzzel. it was Miss October from 1967. she was so her boobs bothered me tho. yah so anywayz...back to the point :P
they finally come walking in the door at 3AM. (they were at a party). it was kool tho cuz they gave us a cig. (i havent had one since new years eve..i quit..but sure i'll take and i had a few drinks of some really strong shit..dont remember what it was tho.
ao anywho now its 5:32 AM and im not tired at all...i shall go tho. i'll try to visit some sites today if i get the chance. ByeeZZ
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