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Ypsilanti, Michigan
Member Since
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Saturday, March 5, 2005
1985 - Bowling For Soup
srry i didn't really get to anyones sites yesterday. i did manage a few in school. as soon as i got home from school i had to call my cousin and she picked me up to babysit. i didn't get home till about 9:30 and was really drained. i went online but was too tired to visit sites. im srry...
so my cousin heather was like hey, i'll give you an extra 5 bucks if you help me carry this box in the house. im all like ok!! lol i would have done it anywayz (without the money, but i gladly accepted). the box was sooooo fuckin heavy. it was an entertainment center. what a
it was so cute. when i got to my cousins house cameron was sleepin so it was just me and faith. we watched bambi, then cameron woke up. i fed him, and me and faith had a tea party. (shes 5). it was so cute. she's like do you wanna have a tea party with me. i was like of course. so i made tea and put it in the little teapot (it was all easterie). i don't like tea but i drank 2 cups anyway (to make her happy) i added alot of sugar to mine so it would taste better, and it wasn't all that bad. lol.
so did you guys see the 3 new banners. im in the naraku group thingey from inuyasha311, and keeper of naraku and legato from joeyw23. legato is spelled wrong but thats ok. and i also joined 3 clubs from Raven8763^^
hmmmmmmm uhhhh yah so i don't really have anything to talk about so you can spend the rest of ur time here lookin at this....

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Friday, March 4, 2005
a poem for english
look for me by moonlight
when the stars are shining bright
i'll be waiting there tonite
sitting alone on the hill
silently praying that you will
look for me by moonlight
i ask the wind to hear my prayers
deliver you safely to me
i'll be waiting there tonite
the wind is a goddess, for she hears my prayers
she carries my lover to me as he wispers my name
look for me by moonlight
a bond so deep, as two lovers meet
on the hill under the moon
i'll be waiting here tonite
awaking from my dream
i'm calling, calling to you
look for me by moonlight
i'll be waiting there tonite
so what do you guys think?
srry i didnt visit anyone yesterday, i didn't go online at home. i'll try to visit today tho^^
i'm also babysitting after school for my lil cousins again so that should be fun.
look what kawaiixlilxblu made for me Thx *huggles*

*hugs and kisses for you all*
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Thursday, March 3, 2005
for you~smile empty soul
ok so yesterday marz had a post that said to ask her and 4 questions and she'd answer them. in return we had to answer them as well on our sites. so heres the questions i asked her. i dont expect her to answer # 3 tho^^
1. what's ur biggest regret in life so far?
2. have you ever done anything illegal? if so what (drugs, steal, ect.)
3. what's ur biggest sexual fantasy? ^.~
4. if you could live ur life as one movie what would it be?
so my answers:
1. i dont regret what i did. i regret who i did a cetian thing with....
2. snoked weed a few times, stolen..alot..smoked cigs (underage..) thats about
3. i want all of you to know that.
4. i'd prolly want it to be like my fav. movie. moulin rouge. its a great love story, even if she dies, its still a great movie *tear*
blah...i g2g
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
For Fruits Basket (Fruits Basket Opening Song)
so my alarm is set for about 5:50 A.M. so i can hit snooze once b4 i actually get up in the morning for school. this morning my alarm went off and i turned on the news to look for school closings. i missed Washtenaw County (where i live) and it was already onto Wayne County, so i decided to call the bus garage. i was so happy to hear *all classes have been canceled due to road conditions* i hung up and went back to bed. then my mom called me at like 6:30 A.M. from work (she works mid~nights) and was like school is canceled. i was like >o.O< yah i knew that *Thank Josh for Michigan Weather*
hm...i ono what to write about. i moved the buttons to the bottom of the page. if i missed urs, i'm srry. just let me know and i'll put it up.
Thx for everyone who commented on my site yesterday^^ i love reading all ur comments.
I'm suprised at how many sites i got to today. i got to quite a few, but not everyone. I have such a long list, and almost everyone on it updates daily so its hard to catch up.
i'm gettin tired and don't think i can wait up for inuyasha eventhough it's only a half hour away. So i'll leave you with this lovely pic of Chi.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
look what sexy Raven made for me ^^

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Buried A Lie - Senses Fail
Happy March 1st^^ *throws confetti for no reason at all*
That's a good song. Some Ppl may find the lyrics a little grotesque, but i don't really care. I like the song. Here's the lyrics:
"Buried A Lie"
Rest in peace girl, your death is such a shame
The paper said a bullet got in your way
But I smell foul play, possible poisoning
I had to bring you in for questioning
I went to your grave, dug up your body
Brought it to my house, where you lay
So let's play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
For me...
I headed downtown, to share what I had found
It's not a suicide, it's a crime
I have a witness, it's clearly evident
There had to be someone else present
At the time of death, poisons in stomach
How could she pull it, if she's dead?
So let's play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
We need a scalpel now
Under white lights you lay
We've got to hurry up
Before the flesh decays
I'll catch the murderer
And send him away
I'll get the evidence
From your last day
Your last day...
So let's play doctor babe
We'll operate today
Incisions must be made
You could help solve this case
We need a scalpel now
Under white lights you lay
We've got to hurry up
Before the flesh decays
So do you guys like my new theme? Cute huh?!? I love Chi. I think she's SEXY^^
Can someone please tell me if my avi changed. Its showin up as Momiji for me, but hopefully it shows up as Chi for everyone else like its suposed to.
Does anyone know how to make a blog thingey so i can put my friends buttons (i know i don't have all of them yet, i'm working on collecting them from ppl's sites still) and cluns and banners. If you know how just PM me or something. Thx *hugs*
So it's still snowin right now. It's been snowin since about 3PM on Monday, and it's suposed to continue to snow Till 4PM on Tuesday! I'm hopin for a snow day today..i'll check the weather in a few hors and hope for school closings^^
I usually post in school through the week so i don't have much time to get to everyone. I go to the ppl who commented on my site first, then i usually try to squeeze in a few others. So i'm sorry if i haven't been getting to ur site.
I guess that's all for now. Inuyasha comes on in 10 minutes so i guess i should go so i can watch that.
*hugs for everyone* *~Badkitty~*
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Monday, February 28, 2005
i have money and no place to go
im in school. im gonna change my site tonight (since its the end of the month). im not quite sure what theme im gonna do. actually i do know but i cant tell you cuz its a suprise ^^
so how was everyones weekend? mine was good. i babysat on friday night. then manda came over saturday. saturday drove me nuts cuz i had money and i wanted to spend it, but my mom wouldnt take us anywhere. grrrr it drove me nuts!! sunday was good. me and manda went to the park and it was sooooooo fucking cold. i was wearin my converses..big mistake. my feet were so cold (from the snow). i walked up this hill, and laid down on the picnic table and i was breathing so fast/hard, i couldnt make it slow down. i finally go tit undercontrol but it was sooo
so the oscars were on last night. did anyone watch it? i did. i was just waitin up for best actor. Johnny Depp was up, but i knew that Jamie Foxx would win for Ray, and he did.
so yah anywho heres a piccie^^

have a good monday *hugs*
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Sunday, February 27, 2005
I Want My Life - Smile Empty Soul
ok so these are some pictures from manda's birthday (dec 22) i'm finally posting them^^
manda's cake:

blowin out candles:

heather doin katy's henna (thats heathers sis tiffany sittin on the end of the couch):

this is katy and kyle:

manda's henna (by heather):

my henna (also by heather):

hallow hidin in the tree:

and heres 2 quizzes i took
Who exactly ARE you? (AnImE PiCs) brought to you by Quizilla
 Blue Chii
Chobits - What Color Chii Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
The shoes you wore today: green chucks (converses)
Your eyes: dark brown
Your fears: rejection, losin someone im close to (im not close with many ppl)
-----------------WHAT IS------------------
Your most overused phrase on aim: I’m bored!!
Your thoughts first waking up: what the hell it cant be time to wake up, I just went to bed
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes
Your best physical feature: uh…
Your bedtime: whenever I pass out
Your most missed memory: o.O living up north? Matt drunk!!!
-----------------YOU PREFER----------------
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonald's or Burger King: burger king (I havent had that in forever)
Single or group dates: depends on the circumstances
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: neither
-----------------DO YOU------------------
Smoke: not anymore
Curse: yes
Take a shower everyday: I try
Have any crushes: *giggles* may~b
Who are they: Johnny Depp…haha not for you to know
Do you think you've been in love?: not true love
Want to go to college: may~b
Like high school: no its hell
Want to get married: ya^^
Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: I
Believe in yourself: sometimes
Get motion sickness: I think just on spinny things…like merry~go~rounds
Think you're a health freak: no way!
Get along with your parents/guardian: not usually
Like thunderstorms: yah
------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID / HAVE YOU--------------
Gone to the mall: no…I’m so deprived
Eaten sushi: no never touch the stuff >.<
Been on stage: um…nope
Gone skating: not in years
Made homemade cookies: no
Dyed your hair: its been more than a needs to be done tho
Cut your hair: no
Stolen anything: not lately..haha…not in a long time actually
-----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
Flown on a plane: no
Missed school because it was raining: no, but I do for snow
Told a guy/girl that you liked him/her?:
Cried during a movie: all the time..Moulin rough *sniff*
Ever thought an animated character was hot?: only all the time
Had an imaginary friend: yep
Had sex: no comment
Had crush on a teacher: Mr. Corey B. Harris^^ (he was a teacher’s aide)
Been called a tease: may~b ;)
Gotten drunk: no *tear*
Gotten beaten up: no
Been in a fight: like 1
Shoplifted: a lot..
-----------------THE FUTURE------------------
Age you hope to be married: may~b early 20’s
Number of children: 3 (twin girls and a boy)
Describe your dream wedding: uh..I have a dress picked out, does that count?
How do you want to die: when im old
What do you want to be when you grow up: exotic animal trainer (either elephants or big cats), or a writer
What country would you most like to visit: England & Japan
-----------------OPPOSITE SEX------------------
Best eye color: something I can get lost in
Best hair color: not picky (may~b something dyed)
Short or long hair: depends on the person
Best height: a little bit taller than me
Best weight: don’t care
Best first date location: depends on the mood…
Best first kiss location: may~b on that first date ^.~
-----------------NUMBER OF-----------------
Number of Boyfriends/Girlfriends: 3
Number of drugs taken illegally: 1
Number of people you could trust with your life: I honestly don’t know..ive never thought about it…not many tho
Number of CDs that I own: way to many to count
Number of piercings: well I had 2 in each ear but the top holes are closed so 4 (ears, lip, eyebrow)
Number of tattoos: 1
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: like 1 or 2 when I was little
Number of scars on your body: no comment
Number of things in your past that you regret: its not the’s the person
Number of friends you've kissed: I agree with katy~ what the hell kind of question is that??
Number of people you've had sex with: no comment
Shampoo: don’t really have a fav. As long as it smells good
Color(s): green/black
Day/Night: Night
Summer/Winter: summer (my bday)
Lace or Satin: satin
Cartoon: anything on adult swim
Food: French fries^^
Sport: swimming (does that count)
Bands: way too many to list…blink~182, linkin park, evanescence, staind, slipknot (random mix huh)
Items you own: my computer *hugs* even if it does freeze all the time
Movie: Moulin Rouge
----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
Wearing: blue jeans red shirt
Thinking about: Brandon *tear*
Drinking: nothing
Listening to: nothing at the moment
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------
Cried: no
Worn jeans: yes
Met someone new online: no
Done laundry: no
Had sex: no….
-------DO YOU BELIEVE IN--------------
Yourself: I already answered that
Your friends: sometimes
Tooth Fairy: no
Destiny/Fate: depends on the situation
Ghosts: yes
-----------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
Do you ever wish you had another name: I used to
Wish you had a boyfriend or girlfriend: sometimes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you: manda
Are you close to any family member: no
What's the best feeling in the world: bein stoned..haha um…I dunno
What time is it: 2:08 PM
Yah so im finally posting this. I’ve had it done for a few days, but I’ve been updating at school lately.
So yesterday’s pep rally was fuckin awesome. Ok mayb it wasn’t that good, but it was really fun. Our class color is orange so I got a bunch of orange caution tape (we were throwin it around the bleachers like over the senior class and stuff)
When we were getting ready to go down to the gym they announced for seniors to go to the west cafeteria. I thought we did something wrong and were getting in trouble but it turns out we were gonna go into the gym as a class (which was cool). We went down after everyone else was there. We marched in going seniors....seniors…it was fun. Its sad tho cuz it really hit me…thats the last time we get to do that. It was our last pep rally *tear*
We had games, and I took some pics. I’ll send in the film when im done takin all the pics, and I’ll post pics when I get it back.
Ok that’s all for today. >^_^< *~Badkitty~*
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Friday, February 25, 2005
**type subject here**
blah blah blah....boring school...more blah blah blah.
i visited some sites in school yesterday, but i didnt go online after school yesterday so i didnt get to everyone.
im sooo tired and i dont really know why. i had 7 hours of sleep but im still tires >o.O<
i finally got my film developed. i go it back yesterday. its pictures from mandas birthday (dec 22). i'll scan them and post some when i get home from school.
so im reading this really good book. its by Amelia Atwater~Rhodes. she the author i told you about before (the vampire books). this one isn't about vampires but its really good. it's a sequal to another book. the 1st book is called Hawksong. The 2nd book is called Snakecharm.
today we have a pep rally durning 5th and 6th hour. i hope it goes good this time unlike last time. last tim ethere was food fights at lunch between the damn sophmores and freshmen. our pep rally was only a half hour long that day >.< it made me so mad!
anywho, so Haru lost. *tear* oh well i guess.
well i have no idea what the hell my teacher is talking about so i'll end here and pretend im paying attention :P
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