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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
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inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Monday, January 31, 2005
well i'm in tech class right now so i only have a minute. i'll update when i get home from school this afternoon.
did everyone have a good weekend? mine was ok. manda stayed the weekend..we watched some movies and some anime, and went to the library and got some mangas.
i hate this new lunch schedule. grrrr
ok bye for now *hugs*
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
700 hits woo hoo
i finally have 700 hits woo hoo
*throws confetti*
well yesterday i went to the library to pick up the 4th fruits basket dvd. then manda came over and we watched it. i was it was so sad. i wont say what happened cuz i dont wanna spoil it for anyone.
manda brought over without a paddle, alien vs preditor (i seen AVP in theaters). so we're gonna watch those today.
nothing really to talk about right now. i'll see yah all laterZ
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Friday, January 28, 2005
happy bday tep!
srry i haven't updated lately. i just haven't been in the mood. eversince monday night i've been feelin shitty and haven't been doin much.
well i got my whole schedule changed!! now i have:
1~career pathways
2~consumer math (i guess freshmen yesr i failed 1/2 sem. of math so i'm taking the easiest math there is so i can make up my 1/2 credit or else i don't graduate)
3~some random tech class
4~creative writing
5~adv dance
6~dance teacher's aide
i got out of rctc. and i have 2 dance classes in a row. its kool tho. i love that class!! i get to help teach the 1st year students some of the dances which is fun^^
yesterday i placed my order for my cap and gown..sooo excited for that.
i was gonna say something else too, but i forgot. so i guess i'll update after school.
HAPPY B~DAY TO Tepocoora!!!!
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
what a day!
i'm soooo sorry i didn't get to everyone's sites yesterday like i said i would. i spent 5 hoursand got to 19 sites (o went from z~a) so i'm sorry if i missed you. i'll do my best to get to you all today!
so last night was very emotional for me. for no reason at all i got really upset and started crying. i sat in my room in the dark listning to slipknot crying and "other things". i had all these bad thoughts running through my mind..suicide even crossed my mind. i don't plan on killing myself..but i do have my own way of "dealing" with my pain. (i'm sure you can guess) i'm feeling better today no worries.
so today me and beth go to see Mr.Ross (senior counsler) about getting our schedules changed. we both wanted to change 6th hour so we could be a teacher's aide in for our dance teacher. she said we could and so did Mr.Ross.
i asked him to check my credits to make sure i'm ok to graduate and i find out bad news. i'm somehow missing 1/2 credit of math!! wtf!?!?!? i guess my freshmen year i failed 1/2 credit of math. i didn't know that.
i almost cried when he told me that. i would have been ready to graduate in june then to find out sorry...ur missing 1/2 math credit you can't graduate. i would be so upset. i'm really glad i got it taken care of tho, and now i don't have to worry about stupid Mr.Jacobs for 6th hour.
well thats all for now. enjoy the rest of your day^^
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Monday, January 24, 2005
6th hour should die!
i didn't update yesterday. i wasn't really in the mood. i did visit like 3 ppl tho. i'll get to your sites today tho!!
well we started our new semester today. now i have advanced dance and sci fi lit. dance is fun its a really small class but i know like everyone^^ sci fi lit on the other hand...torture..i hate mr. jacobs. i'd rather slit my wrists with rusty nails than be in his class!! i mean hes the one that got me in trouble last year for my eyebrow ring!! thats another story tho.
anywho, i just got home from school and im starving!! i didnt eat today (like usual)..oh wait..i lied...i bought curly fries at lunch..haha i swear i have add or something.
in dance me and beth were joking around. im like mayb i should call my docters and ask if i can make an appt to see if i have add and manic there a test for those?? was a funny convo tho. (it was one of had to be there moments).
oh i finished reading the 6th fruits basket..i guess the 7th comes out in feb.
i was excited. matt came over last night^^ i havent seen him in soo long (eventhough he lives down the street). it took him forever to get here tho. then again it was andrew, jd, and stephanie with him too. but matt was playin on my web cam. i've never seen someone be so amused with a web cam b4..haha
well i guess thats enough boring rambling for one day. dont worry..tomorrow there will be more boring rambling^^

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Saturday, January 22, 2005
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!
*sings and dances around* let it snow, let it sonw, let it snow!!
well last night it started snowing around 1 or 2 am..(i ono..i fell asleep around 1am) and its still snowing 2 pm!! so far we've gathered *grabs yard stick and runs outside* ahh yesh we have 8~10 inches so far(i measured a few spots)!! keep in mind its still snowing!!
may~b manda can come over and we can build a snow~inuyasha..or a snow~kyo^^
i wish it would have waited to snow like this until tomorrow cuz then mayb i would have gotten a snow
so yesterday i got fruits basket mangs vol 5 & 6 from the library. i'm halfway throught the 5th one (i already know what happens since i seen the dvd) and they have the 4th dvd on order. i'm excited.
so me and mom went to the store and put my new bed on layaway. i dont think its gonna fit in the car tho o.O oh well, we'll figure out something i guess.
lalala i have nothing to post so you can just look at these instead^^

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Friday, January 21, 2005
no school today
i took some quizzes..they're in my quiz results.
yesterday i had 2 exams. technology and fiber arts. technology was easier than i thought and i think i did well. the exam was on powerpoint, word, and excel. in fiber arts my exam was to finish my final project..which is my elephant pillow. i finished..actually the teacher did it for me cuz my damn fabric kept fraying.
anywho no school today. yay^^

thats my schedule for next semister..starting monday.such easy classes!!
my current obsession: Smile Empty Soul^^
Smile Empty Soul
this site plays the song i posted lyrics to the other day (silhouettes). you should go check it out.

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Thursday, January 20, 2005
Assassin Coss Couple
 Assassin Cross Couple
Profession: Assassin Cross
Description: The Assassin Cross watches the enemy and it brings eternal sleep upon those nemesis at night. Your use of weapons was superb. No other could match your skill in the use of knives and katars. Dawn hides and protects the Assassin Cross from harm; your slink around the shadows until it is time. When night falls, you were able to use your divine skills to hunt, and track down, your enemies; giving them the dreaded gift of eternal sleep. You were able to use the shadows to your advantage, using the dark as a cloak of safety. You were dangerous and feared; yielding to no one and no thing. Existing in darkness, never entering the world of light, you were always feared by others. However convicted you were to the dark and shadows, only one person in the world had ever captured your heart. Your one weakness is the only one youve ever learned to trust and eventually love: Fellow Assassin Cross and one true love.
What Great Couple Were You, And Your Lover, In The Past? + Pictures + brought to you by Quizilla
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spread the crazy^^
i got this from ice angel nikita..go see her site plz^^ you guys should try some of these the next time ur bored. i have to say i'm guilty of some..
1.Pick a fight with your imaginary friend in public.
2.Wear sunglasses when its cloudy
3.wear a cape to school
4.whenever someone tells you something scream PROVE IT!!!
5.Change your name frequently to the elevator music
7.get in an elevator. push all of the buttons. get out of the elevator. do the same to the next one.
8.skip whenever possible
9.mourn the death of your giga pet.
10.put a baby ruth in a public toilet
11.put soap all over the railings at school
12.crack yourself up whenever possible at your enemies (it confuses them)
14.put decaf in the company coffee maker for 2 weeks.then switch to expresso!
14.put tape on the bottom of your cats feet.
15.whenever someone asks you to do something ask if they want fries with that. the movie theater throw a handful of popcorn in the air and yell "its snowing!!!"
17.replace the cream in Oreos with toothpaste.offer it to a friend.
18.give everyone a nickname
19.crossdress for the hell of it
20.jump up and down in the elevator to freak people out.
21.wear your Halloween costume in July.
22.wear 2 different shoes.see if people notice.
23.take your plants for a walk.
24.kiss and hug yourself in public with your food your car
27.make hobos tell you their life story before you give them money. (this ones priceless!)
28.walk backwards whenever possible
oh if anyone has buttons..let me kno..i wanna put them on my site^^ thankies in advance
yay im getting a new bed. lol. i knw how random is that. last night i cut my foot on my bed tho..its an old mattress and it had a sharp piece sticking out. *thinks* hmmm that makes you feel safe sleepin on it!!
anywho so yah. yesterday i had my creative writing was easier than i thought. i knew alot of the vocab and think i did well. today i have technology and fiber arts exams. plus another half day and no school friday^^
well i'm tired so i'm gonna go and wait for inuyasha to come on. see you all laterZ *waves and runs off*
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
damn school children gettin in my way
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