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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
mandas bday
Well today is Manda's (rockstarfairychik) birthday. She's offically 18. Go wish her a happy birthday. I made this for you Manda. Happy Birthday~

Anywho, I took some more quizzes. they're in my quiz results. Well my Inuyasha video is finally done downloading so i'm gonna go watch it and then go to bed. Nighty~Night...i'll post later todayZ.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2004
 You are a cat woman. You are independant and very self-rigious. You have a mind of your own and are not afraid to show it. You tend to hide your true feelings and get frustrated (easy).
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
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new art
i added a new picture. its robin from witch hunter robin. it was my first time drawing her. i hope you like it. i do.
so how is everyone today? i'm sick. stupid cold over christmas break. grr. i hate bein sick when we dont have school. oh well. yay amanda will be 18 tomorrow.
i can't wait till christmas. i want my presents. lol.
well heres a piccie. enjoy.

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Monday, December 20, 2004
me?? *angelic smile*
 My life is rated NC-17. What is your life rated?
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
late post....10:55 pm
srry im updating so late. im still at mandas house. ive been here since friday.
well saturday was her party. her actual birthday isnt until wednesday.
we had fun tho. a few friends came over and we hung out. it was me, heather, her bf kyle, heather's sis tiffany, katie, and her sis missy. we had pizza and candy and we watched elf. then we were recording stuff with the video camera and watching old stuff from my house. then we played spoons and bullshit. i won in bullshit :)
anywho yah then later that like 1200 stephanie came over for a few minutes.
overall i had fun. the only sukky thing is im getting sick. i have a cough and a stuffy nose. grr...i hate being sick on vacation..well christmas break.
heres a quiz:  You are a freeform writer. Individualistic with a sense for the different and challenging, Walt Whitman and his poetry lacking meter and rhyme is just what the doctor ordered. You're quick to write something that the rest of the world doesn't accept as poetry, quick to separate yourself from the average joe. An author with a true sense of self, you have confidence in your abilities and aren't afraid to show it. :) GO YOU!
What's YOUR Writing Style? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, December 17, 2004
woo hoo tech. party
well im in my 5th hour right now. its technology and were havin a party. some ppl are playin ps2 and xbox, im sittin by my friend allison and were listnin to music. i was just wonderin if both of my fruits basket pics are up that i posted today..? ley me know.
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nothing to post
i have nothing to post. look at me posting about how i have nothing to post about.

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Thursday, December 16, 2004
im sleepy
srry i didn't post or go to anyones sites yesterday. when i got home from matts house (around 4:00) i came home got online for a second..didn't go to myO. then around 4:30 ish i fell asleep. i slept till 2:00 this morning. then i woke up hungry...since i slept through dinner...made food. i went back to bed around 3ish.
im sleepy still. thats sooo crazy. well anywho, yesterday i was wearing all black. i havent done that in a while. i found my cool black pants that have these straps on them that cross around my legs and stuff. it was funny. my friend brandon said when did you turn goth on me? im like im not gothic (nothing wrong with gothic them..) anywho so yah. i had a good day yesterday *gloats* i got to spend time with matt :D
well 2 days till mandas bday party. tomorrow is the last day of school b4 x~mas break. 6 days till mandas actual bday. yay shell be 18.
well that was fun. i'm gonna go now so i can finish reading my fruits basket manga.
See YahZZ
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
srry no pic to the quiz
You are night, you are dark and mysterious, you have more than likly been through some kind of truma, depression. you have a creative mind, and more than likly find peace enjoyment in drawing, painting, writing. You are closed and hidden away from people, and hide you emotions behind a wall which you use on people. Try to become more open, spread your creativity, you have no idea of how many people there are out there like you, exposing your art and yourself can make other people come out, so many people would look up to your for your courage and your spirit, your not evil or bad, just missunderstood, so get out there and show them just what you are made of, don't worry about what other people think, it's what you think that really matters. Please rate this quiz!!!
What Element Would You Rule Over If You Were A Vampire? brought to you by Quizilla
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400 hits
yay i got online here at school this morning and i got over 400 hits! i'm so excited.
saturday manda is having her b~day party. i hope missy can come so katy can come so matt will can come. lol.
my beautiful yuki:

Time to visit some sites!!
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