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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
happy october 1st
look i'm updating. yesterday i drove down to my moms house (im there now). i'm only staying till tomorrow, cuz i have to work monday morning. i drove 350 miles (takes about 4 hours or so). i was 20 minutes from home and ran out of gas >.< i called Manda, and she came to my rescue. she brought me gas. (i was poor and had no gas money, cuz i didn't get paid friday like i was suposed to >.<)
it feels weird being here, now i don't want to go back upnorth. *sigh*...oh well.
since its october i was thinking of changing some things on my site, but i just changed the look of things around here before i moved, so i don't think i will. plus, i don't have internet up there.
i do have a few cute pics to post though.

i prolly wont get to any sites. me and manda are going to see Corpse Bride today. yay^^
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
i want this week to be over!
i can't wait for it to be friday. after work on friday i'm going back downstate. i'm just visiting for the weekend, but i'm really considering moving back in with my mom.
the job is going well, it pays good, but i think im ready to go back.
i posted the other day, but the damn computer froze and didn't send the post, and the library was closing so i had to leave.
actually i've got to run now, cuz Cindy (she lives with us) was here at the library too, and asked if i wanted to do some running with her.
i'll be home friday night sometime, i'll post on the weekend if i have time (i'll be hanging out with manda alot)
i'll be on AIM though. IM me badkitty172002 or possibly on yahoo babydoll_angel87
you better IM me bitches!!!!!
*~hugs not drugs....well ok drugs too~*
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Monday, September 26, 2005
yes im still alive
quick update. yes im still alive. i havent been able to get to the library cuz ive been busy.
im working now, and things are going well. i do home health care, so i take care of an elderly lady (easy work), and the grandson is totally hotness!! he's 19, and so damn
i went to Travers City this weekend. i had fun. i went to mall and spent like $105.00 (most of my pay check). then went to this cool hotel with an indoor waterpark. it's called Great Wolf Lodge. i got in free^^ then we went out to dinner.
i've been keeping busy. i'm comming home for the weekend. i think i'm gonna move back in with my mom in a few weeks though. i'm just alone here. i've lost all contact with my friends, and its just lonely.
*sighs* anywho, i've got to go cuz the library is closing in like 10 minutes. see yah~~
P.S. srry i haven't updated in forever!!!!!
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Sunday, September 11, 2005
*sigh* some days suck
yesterday sucked. i was having a bad day, and i just wanted to go home. i love being up here, im having fun, but i was really homesick. i miss mr. kankles, and all my friends back home. i never talk to anyone, since i've been up here. things just suck *sigh*
nothing else to say...
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Friday, September 9, 2005
short post...
ello guys. i was suposed to go to the store and get milk, but decided to take a detour and stop at the library first, so i could check my mail.
i got an application today and filled it out. i'm gonna try to work at this restraunt called flap jacks (we call it my sister's friend Cindy works there part time, and it sounds ok. (Cindy lives with us). i don't mind being a waitress. any way to make money^^
oh we watched the ring 2 last night i was good. i personally think there will be a third one, just the way it ended. but that's all i'm saying about it.
*sigh* i hate not having the internet at home. oh well.
i'm going back home next weekend (just for 1 day), so hopefully i can get on AIM and talk to my friends for a little bit. we have to go down cuz my nephew gets to see his dad that weekend. his dad will come get him friday, and we'll go get him on sunday (since he has school monday).
anywho tho, i must go. i'll try to update again tomorrow.
XOXO~ *~Badkitty~*
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
hello. just a quick update.
i've been having alot of fun since i've been up here. sunday i went to a labor day party. that was awesome. i got to ride the 4wheelers^^ i didn't drive them, cuz i had been drinking, but yah had a lot of fun.
i'm not working yet, but i'm gonna go get apps tomorrow, so yah. i really miss the internet. i never get to update or talk to my friends anymore. the only person i talk to is Manda, and we just call eachother.
my nephews started school today, so it's kinda nice not having them around. lol.
well i have to go, but i may try to get to a few sites...if i can.
love you all *huggles*
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
hi guys^^
hi. i know im updating late, but i just got to the library, and i wanted to update now.
i like living up here so far. im having fun.
theres gonna be so many fun things to do. this weekend, my sister's friend melanie is having a labor day party at her house. that will be fun. then in september my sister is having a toy party (girls if you don't know what im talking about, nevermind. lmao. and we're throwing a halloween party at my sisters house. we bought costumes already (yesterday). im gonna be a gothic fairy (im wearing my prom dress and i bought wings and stuff). my sis is gonna be a vampire with (like turning into a bat), her bf shawn is gonna be a pirate, cindy (the friend that lives there too), is gonna be a fiary. the boys..jayden is gonna be a motocross driver, chad is gonna be a devil, and derek wants to be a girl. lol. it should be fun even if we are 2 months early.
i'm going to work with my sister this week, and if i like it, i can take over her job starting next week. so i may do that.
i have to go for now, im gonna see if i can find mangas or something to read. i'll try to update after work tomorrow.
i miss you guys and i love you lots <333
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
i leave today. im not leaving until the afternoon sometime. my sister will be here around noon, then we will go see our grandma in the hospital, then i guess we're headdin up.
its 5:20 AM and i'm really tired. i pulled an all nighter lat night. i was d/l and burning cd's and the time just flew by, next thing i know its about 5am, i knew if i went to bed i wouldnt want to wake up early (i had to babysit) so i just stayed up. i took a shower a few hours later, than babysat most of the day (got home around 5PM). then i came home and had to pack. i didn't realize how much shit i was takin. it didn't seem like alot when i made the list, but when i gathered the stuff i was like >o.O< lol
so anywho, yah. im really tired. havent slept in about 41 hour so i think im gonna go sleep for a couple hours before my sis gets here.
im gonna miss everyone, and i'll try to get to a computer again soon to update.
srry about the rambling of this post, im exausted..
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
to change or not to change. that is the question
well as you can see i changed my site. theres not really a theme, just healthy randomness^^ (my site needed an update bad). it's too bad i waited so long. my site's new look makes me wanna come to TheO and not leave.
i wish i could take credit for my bg, but i can't. i found it in the wallpapers section (original anime) of TheOtaku. i forget the name of the person who made it. srry.. but anywho, my welcome sign features the delicious Spike (James Marsters) from Buffy The Vampire Slayer. the visit my friends sign features Mr. Kankles (my cat). my button..random pic i found. and you gotta laugh at the avitar!!
this will prolly be my last post for a while. i leave tomorrow to go to my sisters. i'm really excited to go, but i'll miss all you guys here. i know i haven't updated much or visited much these last couple of months, but i'm sorry. i appreciate everyone who comes to my site, even if you don't comment. thx for stoppin by.
my sister said the library there has the internet, so i'll try to get there as much as i can to update and visit you guys (my sis doesnt have the internet right now). i wonder if the library has mangas *hopes they do* prolly not tho, its a very small
anywho, so yah. i don't think i will be able to get to your sites. i have to babysit my brother's g/f's kids today, then i have to pack (i haven't packed anything and i leave tomorrow >O.O<).
i'm gonna miss having the internet. i'll miss AIM. but you guys can still PM me if you want. or you can email me (click my email link). i hope some of you have the time to drop me a line^^
wednesday night i hurt my ankle, and it still hurts. i was sitting on the ground and my foot fell asleep. when i stood up, i wasn't stable cuz my foot was asleep, and i fell on it. i heard it make a cracking sound, and it hurt really bad. i dont think i broke it, but just twisted it or sprained it kinda bad. it took me a while to get back up to walk on it. it still hurts to walk on it now. if it continues to hurt, i'll have to go to the doctors.
wow. it's already 4AM, and i still havent gone to sleep. i have to babysit early tomorrow so i guess i should go.
i posted this in my journal from
to my friends who i will miss...
Selena. no selena is like dying. she's the bestest online friend i have! (she lives in Florida. T_T why can't i live in Florida???) i'll miss all her randomness, and all her sexy pics. She was there for me when Faith died, eventhough she was in Florida and i in Michigan. Ms. Selena...i love you forever! always remember, it's not rape. it's suprise sex :cute: *huggles tightly* :heart: :heart: :heart:
Katy. i'm really gonna miss her too. all the random poking and comming up behind you and kissin you. and her hugs. (that was in school...but since im done, i wont get to see her much anymore). Katy is so fucking awesome. i'm glad i got to know you, and i love you forever. YOU BETTER NOT DIE ON ME. IF YOU DO, I'LL HAVE TO HUNT YOU DOWN, AND KILL YOU! (lmao i love you Katy!!) *muah* :heart: :heart: :heart:
Manda. she's my bestest pal. i'll miss our dorky days and our high times :big: and don't forget that he has leg warmers on his face (inside joke). oh and i grabbed matt's ass!! even though i was drunk and high..i still managed to finally grab his ass! :cute: you better call me all the time bitch! :heart: :heart: :heart:
Beth. What can i say? we were best friends for 8 almost 9 years. the bond we made is endless. yah we stopped talking for 1 1/2 years, but to become friends again after that, shows how good our bond is. i was there for you when Josh died (R.I.P) (we were there for eachother), and i'm always here for you. no matter what happens, no matter what we say, we'll be friends. we have drifted apart, and i feel like there is still a bit of a wall between us, but with time we can break down that wall, and be close again (i hope). Just know Good and Bad...Thick and Thin...Friends Forever...Till the End! always keep a look out, Urda could be anywhere! i love you girl :heart: :heart: :heart:
everyone else..i'll miss you and i love you!
its true! i'm gonna miss everyone. *hugs you all*
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
no title for you
i didn't do much yesterday. i left the house at about 8:20ish am, and went to secretary of state, then went up to the hospital to see my grandma. stayed there for about 2 hours, then went to the store. and got home at around 11 or 11:30. watched Buffy at 1 & 2, took the bunny outside for a bit, and made some cd's. they were rise against, slipknot, nirvana, linkin park & jayz (collision course), and green day (for my brother). so that was my day. not very eventful, but yah.
oh last week me and manda watched X the movie. it was on demand^^ (you know X as in X/ in CLAMP....yah^^). it was a really good movie. made me cry. lol.
last night my mom really pissed me off. she didn't go to work, and she was gonna go to the store and asked if i needed anything. i told her to get me pop, and said i wanted to go too. i told her to wait so i could put some pants on (i was in pj's). my pants were in the dryer cuz i just did laundry. she started bitching at me cuz i wanted ot go. i was like what the hell?? all i wanted to do was go to the store. >.< she makes me so fucking mad. then when i get really mad i get upset, and when i get upset i get depressed. when i get depressed i do things. so all that just because i wanted to go to the store. i can't wait to fucking leave...
this week is going by too slow. i just want it to be sunday, so i can leave. i need to start getting my things together for my move. i need to make a list. i think i'll go do that now.
see yah~~
oh yah...i posted pics of my bunny yesterday. scroll down to see them.
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