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Monday, November 29, 2004
300 hits
well i got 300 hits.
im still at home...but im gonna try to be out by the end of the week....i have to get a job so i can pay whoever i stay with..
well after school today stephanie was at the bus stop. i gave her and matt a cigarette and i was tellin her about what happened. then matt was like..wellif i get a job and you get a job we could get a place heart melted...i didn't know what to my head im screamin yes but i was just like..haha...
im happy. i got to see JD today. i haven't seen him in almost a week. i guess he's been sick.
i'm feelin better today, but im still sad. well i have ot go. i'll try to post again soon.
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
life sucks!!
well my life is really shitty. i'm not sure when i'll be able to post again. my mom kicked me out. i can still stay here till i find a place to go but i dont want to. i have to deffinetally be out by june...when i graduate...i dont plan on waiting around till then tho. life is hell right now. im not sure what i'm gonna do.....i'll came back when i gt things sorted out.
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srry i haven't posted much. i havent been in the mood. i did visit some sites tho.
life is so confusing. i just dont know what to do anymore. everything just came rushing back at me like a hard smack in the face. everything i though i was done dealing with came rushing back. like josh's death (it happened in 2002), my grandma bein so sick (since last may), my brothers accident (august).
i dont know what to do anymore. well im not in the mood so im gonna go. i dont know when the next post will be...
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
happy turkey day!!!
bring on the food!!!! haha j/k.
i just wanna say something about yesterdays post. just ignore it. i did what i did and its over. i dont plan on doing it anymore. but 1 little thing..its my life..if i fuck it up its my own fault. i am completely responsible for my actions and i take full responsibility. im not saying this to point just making a general comment. if that makes me a bitch then oh well...srry if i piss anyone off..
anywayz back to the happyness...
i have a turkeyday joke...
10) "Talk about a huge breast!"
9) "It's a little dry, do you still wanna eat it?"
8) "Don't play with your meat!"
7) "Just spread the legs open and stuff it in!"
6) "I didn't expect everyone to come at once!"
5) "You still have a little on your chin!"
4) "How long will it take after you stick it in?"
3) "You'll know it's ready when it pops up!"
2) "That's the biggest one i've ever seen!"
1) "How long do i beat it before it's ready?"
haha enjoy....have a happy Turkey~Day!!
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
its been a few days...
srry i havent posted in a few days. ive been busy.
on sunday after manda went home, there was a nock at the door. it was matt and andrew. they were like come outside. i was still grounded at the time so i snuck out (mom works midnights so she was sleepin and didnt kno..) anywho i go out there and brandon and nez are there too. so to get to the point they got high while i just watched.
monday morning at 6:30 am, matt, andrew, nez and high. it was my first time too. shhh dont tell. lol.
then after school we got high again. that was soooo fucking fun!! anywh i wont go into details incase i offend ne1.
tuesday was boring. i skipped 4th hour and went to "B" lunch. that was fun. 2 lunch times for the price of 1...hehe.
well tuesday my cat Mr.Kankles turned 1. i didnt give him a party tho. lol.
yah well im kinda tired so i think ill leave it as that. i might update later on today if something exciting happens. ByeeZZ
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Monday, November 22, 2004
results of contest!!

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yay its this mornin finally
wow. im usually sleepin by now. lately ive been stayin up late (the past few nights).
well i got grounded off the computer last night cuz i went to andrews house when mom told me no. when i got home she bitched at me and i was just like ok mom. are you done yet?? yah anywho
as soon as she left for work i jumped on the computer.
seeing as its after 12 am im gonna get offline in a bit. i had stuff to lookup so i'll leave you with this pic. its from one of my fav. episodes of inuyasha.

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Friday, November 19, 2004
im not that type of girl???
today in 6th hour (fiber arts) we had a substitute teacher. anywho my 9th grade english teacher came in to talk to the sub and i went up to the teacher desk to find some knitting needles. my old teacher said when did you get those? (reffering to my piercings) i said i got his one *points to eyebrow ring* may, 2002....and this one *points to lip* october 1st..04. he said that would bother me *reffering to the lip ring* i pull on it saying it doesnt bother then he goes..i didn't think you were the type of person to do that..piercings...***i was the shy quiet one in his class by the way*** so anywho i say i have a tattoo too!. the sub teacher was like see you shouldnt be so quick to judge someone...or something along those lines...
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caption contest
well this is my first time having a caption contest.
well here's the pic:

i'll post the results in a few days. Good Luck!!!
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
gay love child....
srry i didn't get ot everyones sites yeaterday. as most of you know, theotaku wasn't waorking.
well today i had a hald the stupid. i decided not to go so i skipped. when it was about time for the bus to come i went to Jd's bus stop to see if he was there but he wasn't so i walked to matts house. luckily Rodger was there. He said matt and andrew walked to the store to get some cigarettes so i stayed with rodger. i hung out with them today...we're such bad kids! skippin school. lol.
well me matt and andrew went for a walk. it was fun. we were diggin up rocks and calling them our children. andrew and matt found a big one and called it their gay love child. haha. i told them to name it james...(manda know what i mean). anywho i was helping them birth it (dig it up) and i asked who the mom was. andrew said i was since i was the only girl there. yay. i have a gay love child..rock...with matt and andrew....hahaha
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