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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
half day
yay i have a half day of school today. i have a half day of school in the afternoon tomorrow, but im gonna skip. anywho i'll post more when i get home. until then..enjoy the pic (i kno its a lil early but oh well)

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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
such a great day!!
well this morning when i was waiting for the bus i noticed matt and andrew weren't there. i figured they were just skipping.
i didn't think anything of it.
so the way back to the school from rctc was great!!! i was laughing so hard i almopst pissed my pants. bethand and amanda were making all these funny faces. i couldn't do it cuz my lip ring got in my way.
so at lunch me and beth were sittin there when rodger comes up and says the police got matt!! im like wtf???? almost freakin out. matts mom called the police sayin he ran away. thats bullshit!! she fuckin kicked him out! she told him to get out and not come back. then rodger says matts mom might put him in juvy and get andrew in trouble for "housing" him.
so im pissed for the rest of the day in school. theres no way in hell matts mom is gonna take him away from me. i'll kick her fucking ass myself!! no one lays a hand on my matt!!!!! (i wonder if he know i like him THAT much?? lol)
after 4th hour on my way to 5th hour i see JD. i tell him yes i still have his cigarettes (this morning on the bus he asked me if i'd put them in my purse for him so i told him yes). he grabbed my arm and we were walking down the hall..arm in arm..hehe it was great!!
so after school i get on the bus and have JD sit with me. Brandon is sitting in the seat in fron of us. before that tho brandon asks me if i have any..cigarettes.. i say no..(lying i had 2 left). then he asks if Jd has any. i say yes but he doesn't have them i do. hes like huh? i was like JD asked me to hold on to them for him. so Jd gets back on the bus and we're waiting to pull out of the school. Brandons like..r u guys going out? im all like noo...(thinkin i wish!)why? hes like cuz u guys sit together everyday.. ur holding his cigarettes. im like we dont sit together everyday..just most then ashley (brandons sis from the seat behind me) says you kno u like like no i dont..then sarcasticly say oh yah. ashley was like look at the look in his eye. he likes you. i look at JD and hes like yah. im thinking omj..does he really like me?? im getting so many mixed messages from him lately.
anywho so after school we go to andrews house to see whats up. matt tells us that his mom called the cops on him last night and he was gonna go to juvy for a few nights but matt said hed go bak home. so hes home again. and atleast now i'll beable to sleep tonite knowing matts not bein taken away from me!!
well ill quit ramblin on for tonite...hehe
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Monday, November 15, 2004
im da classic vampire
 you are a.. ClASSIC vampire. you are somewhat gothic, keep to yourself, and that's the way you like things. you are traditional and old fassioned. you might not do well with machines. simple is better. You love the fact that you are a vampire and wouldnt trade it for the world. so many advantages! you love to terrify the weaker race of humans silly. you also despice the "cute" vampires. you go with your insticts on everything, keep doing what your good at, the older ways
what kind of vampire are you?(hellsing pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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poor matt..
well this morning i found out that matt got kicked out of his house. he's staying with unnamed sources *cough* *andrew* *cough* for now till he figures out whats gonna happen. i would gladly let him live here but i think my mom would think we'd be havin sex all the tiem or something..cuz i'm constantly talking about how i'm gonna go rape him and stuff. he could stay the nights...he'd just have to come over when my mom goes to work..or hide in my bathroom or closet or go outside and wait for her to leave...since she works midnights. plus i don't even know if hed want to stay with me..he might think its all wierd and stuff.
so today after school me, matt, andrew, stephanie (andrews sis), rodger, jd and brandon helped matt take some stuff to andrews house...clothes, x~box..guitar..a few things like that. andrew only lives a couple apartment buildings from matt so it wasn't that hard to transfer his stuff.
so today on the bus ride home jd sat with me. i was on the inside of the seat and he sat on the always (whenever he sits with me). i had my arm up on the back of the seat in front of us and i was doin something and jd almost grabbed my hand...(like holding hands) so i kinda pulled back...then he was like laying on my arm and he started kissing it!!! i was wearing my hoodie but he was still kissing my my head im thinking omj..hes kissing my arm?!?!?! i was like JD WTF????lol. i was laughing and trying to pull away..and i was like jd stop! matt was like whats he doin?? i was like JD's molesting me!! matt was like uh... jd was like i was just kissin her arm. lol.
when me and jd and brandon were walking home from andrews house...(brandon was skateboarding ahead of me and jd..) jd asked if i wanted the rest of his cigarette. of course i said yes and took it from him. the end was all wet and gross. i was like jd whatd u do to it?? i didnt wanna put it in my mouth so i put it out and threw it on the ground. jd was like whatd u do with it? i was like i got rid of it, it was gross. then he punched me in the arm..playfully. then he kept doin it but it hurt! he hit me hard...i was like OWWWWWWWWWWIE!! JD YOU HURT ME!!! lol umm yah.
wow i didn't even realize how much i was ranting and raving so i'll go. when i get some pics of my boys ill show you...
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
fun survey
1. Thrown up in public?:in school..when i was little
2. Made someone else throw up?:no
3. Held hands with someone?:ya
4. Hugged someone outside your family?:ya
5. Kissed someone outside your family?:ya
6. Had a makeout session with the opposite gender?:ya
7. Had a makeout session with the same gender?:ya
8. Done a flip off a diving board?:no..cant do flips
9. Punched someone?:ya
10. Been punched by someone?:not really
11. Lost a friendship over something stupid?:ya
12. Gotten the friendship back afterward?:ya
13. Tongue-kissed someone?:ya
14. Shared a romantic moment with someone?:umm
15. Cursed at your friends?:ya
16. Cursed at your family?:to them not at them
17. Cursed because you could?:ya
18. Done any drugs?:no
19. Smoked?:ya
20. Drank?:not really, i would if i had alcohol tho
21. Pissed someone off before?:ya
22. Accidentally?:ya
23. Purposely?:ya
24. Had unprotected sex?:no
25. Had sex?:...
26. Spent money for the sake of spending it?:ya
27. Tried to kill yourself before?:no, but ive cut
28. Made fun of somebody out of boredom?:ya
29. Made someone cry?:ya
30. Been made fun of someone?:ya
31. Been really depressed before?:ya
32. Been to a psychiatrist before?:no
33. Had a really freaky dream?:ya
34. Wet the bed?:when i was little
35. Faked being sick to miss school?:all the time
36. Actually made yourself sick to miss school?:no
37. Had a freaky "fan girl" obsession?:huh?
38. Been in love with an anime character?:not real love buy ayh
39. Collected bottle caps?:ya
40. Collected stamps?:no
41. Collected cards?:ya
42. Bragged about something to make someone jealous?:ya
43. Stolen?:ya
44. Cheated?:on what/
45. Lied?:ya
46. Made fun of a religion?:all the time!
47. Laughed at a racist joke?:ya
48. Told a racist joke?:ya
49. Visited a pornographic website?:ya
50. Taken surveys like this out of boredom?:ya
well now...wasn't that fun...look at all the "ya's" i have
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(x) - you've done
(_) - you haven't done
(_) been drunk.
(x) kissed a member of the opposite
(x) kissed a member of the same
(_) crashed a friend's car
(_) been to Japan
(_) ridden in a taxi
(_) been in love
(_) been dumped
(_) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight
(x) snuck out of my parent's house
(_) had a crush on someone of the same
(_) dated someone of the same
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
(_) been arrested
(_) made out with a stranger
(_) stole something from my job
(_) celebrated new years in time square
(_) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend
(_) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
(_) been to Europe
(x) skipped school
(_) slept with a co-worker
(x) cut myself on purpose
(_) been married
(_) gotten divorced
(_) had children
(_) seen someone die.
(_) been to Africa
(_) had a crush on one of my Live Journal friends
(x) Slapped someone I loved
(_) Driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/ ball
(x) Been to Canada
(_) Been to Mexico
(_) Been on a plane
(x) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
(_) Thrown up in a bar
(_) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
(_) Eaten Sushi
(_) Been snowboarding
(_) Met someone in person from the internet
(_) Been moshing at a concerts
(_) had real feelings for someone you knew only online
(x) taken partially nood photos of yourself
(_) been in an abusive relationship
(_) been pregnant or got someone pregnant
(_) lost a child
(_) gone to college
(_) graduated college
(_) tried yourself
(x) taken painkillers.
(_) intentionally burned yourself
(x) love someone or miss someone right now
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i didnt post that. manda..(rockstarfairychik) got my damn password and went on my damn name again....evil bitch shall die!!!
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Michael Jackson
Crystal loves little boys!!!!
*laughs evily to herself*
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Saturday, November 13, 2004
april fools...
well i stayed the night at mandas house last night. it was fun. we went to bed at like...umm i dunno. lol. anywho yah. then i woke up at liek 8:00 or something and couldn't go back to sleep. i felt awkward being the only one up so i just laid there listning to the radio and tried to fall back asleep.
later on that day one of her dads friends came over to borrow the table out of their camper while he was there i went to the fridge to get a jello. i opened it up and seen another truck pull up. i was like manda someones here in a big black truck. she was like..its prolly just someone for cubscouts (her mom is the cub scout leader for her little brothers troop). i seen a guy get out that kinda looked like her big brother eddie. i was thinking to myself, that can't be eddie. eddie's in virginia (hes a marine and hes in virginia...we live in michigan). i was like manda your moms huggin him. by then she was already comming into the kitchen. she was like is that eddie??? i was like i think so i dunno. we went outside and it was him! i was soooo fucking suprised!! it was cool to see him again. even if he only stayed for like 5 minutes.
i went outside her house and she has chickens. her 2 newer ones are always getting out of their coop so i go outside, yell here chickie chickie and walk to the coop, they follow and everythings good. well today when i got ot the coop they decided they didnt wanna go in and the bigger one (they're both little roosters by the way) decided he wanted to attack me. he wa schasing my and tryin to kick me with his spurs. i kept kicking him but he wouldn't lay off. finally i kecked him hard enough to push him away to where i could get away from him. i have to admit it sounds hilarious and it prolly was funny to watch but it sucked for me. it didn't hurt i was just pissed at the damn bird.
anywho wow i think i'm gonna go for now. since manda is here and its only 7:40 (eventhough its dark) i think we're gonna go to the park...and see if matt wants to go with us...if he's home that is.
well i'll post later if anything exciting happens.
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Friday, November 12, 2004
3 day weekend
well i didn't go to school today. i was suposed to go to grand rapids with my sister for my nephews appt, but plans changed. so i was tired and didn't feel like gettin up this mornin so i stayed home. my mom was kinda pissed at first but then she said just make sure i clean my room and my bathroom. so i was like ok.
i feel bad. i havent really gone to matts house all week. i went monday for a min then tuesday i went right home, same as wednesday. then he wasnt here yesterday so i went home and now i wasnt at school today.
i'll wait for him and andrew at the busstop today when they get home....which is in about 4 hours.
i havent even started cleaning..i should prolly get started on that.
i had a dream about matt last night..hehe..yah anywho i think i'll tell manda about it later.
lets see...weekend go rape matt...saturday: go rape matt...sunday: go rape matt some more hehe. no i think i',m gonna go to mandas house tho mayb today.
well i gotta go for now. i'll post later
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