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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
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it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
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inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Saturday, October 23, 2004
 SELENE: You are selene! Beautiful, vivacious, fierce and seductive, Selene vowed she would destroy Lycans after her family was murdered by the werewolves. So ruthless is she that selene is a member of the Death Dealers. This elite Vampire warrior class's mission is to make the Lycans extinct. Ever wish you could be a vampire?
Which UNDERWORLD character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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ramble ramble ramble
my computer is starting to work finally. my internet still doesn't work yet but at least now i can turn my computer on. the aol ppl are gonna send me a special modem that goes on the outside of my computer so i can dial up.
manda redied my hair last night. its all purpley and stuff. umm yah. now shes going to touch hers up. anywho.
yay matt is gonna die his hair blue!! i'm soo excited. hes gonna look so sexy (starts to giggle uncontrollably). any guy with blue hair (or green, or other fun colors) are sexy. its a plus when they have metal or ink too.
well yesterday i went to matts house after school. we had a cigarette, then we were just outside hanging out (he was on the phone smokin another cigarette and i was holdin the dogs leash so she could go potty...) and his lil bro and sis got home so i waited ouside. i waited and waited and waited some more and he never came back for me. cries~**he never came back for meeeee** yah i was sad.
anywho so yah. then i came over here to mandas house and we watched the cowboy bebop movie and i got to see the new baby kitten. hes sooo cute.
thats all for now. ByeeZZ ^.^
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Friday, October 22, 2004
woohoo fantasy baby!!
 You should star in a fantasy!
What Genre Movie Should You Star In? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
well i'm at the library right now so i don't have a whole lot of time.
last night manda stayed the night at my house. we were playing on my ouija board. it was fun.
we were talking to a spirit named vivian. she dies in 1990 (18 yrs old) we learned a lot of stuff about her. we're gonna try and make contact to her again so we can find her last name and look up who she is online (see if we can get any info on her).
i got a good vibe from her and didnt feel anything evil so i think she will be good to talk to again.
has anyone had any experiences with the ouija board?? lemme know. ^.^
i was so mad. the necklace i ordered came in yesterday...they sent me the wrong one. they sent some ugly necklace instead of the pretty one i ordered. im mad!!
well i g2g. ByeeZZ
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
i'm stil sleepy. me & manda got up at 9:30 this morning cuz jesse (her little brother) was awake and wanted food. her mom had to go somewhere today nnd her dad is gone this weekend so yah we had to get up with him.
does anyone know how to ake buttons?? i wana make a button, but i don't know how *sniffes*
last night me and manda were thinking lots of dirty thoughts about matt...haha it was fun.
i still have the picture in my
well i have some "important business" to attend to so i g2g
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Friday, October 15, 2004
still don't have internet at home. *cries* Come to find out, my computer doesn't even turn on anymore. the guy came today to fix it and when he went to put the new part in, it was too big so now i have to wait untill atleast monday fo him to come back and hopefuly fix it.
i'm tired and bored and have nothing good to talk about right now so i'm gonna go visit everyones sites.
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Monday, October 11, 2004
fun weekend
i had a great weekend!!!!!
saturday was homecomming and i had a blast. at first i wasn't having much fun cuz i got yelled at about my boots..but oh well. when i seen matt i was happy. O.o
someone got sick and threw up in the was sooo gross. we all ran outta there till the cleaned it up and the smell was gone.
i was excited when they started playing faith by limp bizkit. they play it everyear, and theres always a mosh pit. it was fun. me and this girl jessica ran over and started jumping around it was sooo much fun. I had to hold up my top tho cuz it was strapless and my boobs like to pop out and say hello...haha....
when i was jumping tho, i turned around and matt was there. it was great. >O.O<
after that we went back to my house (me and manda)...matt went home in a limo w/ some friends....**tear no limo ride for me**
anywhoz on sunday, me and manda went over to matts house and hung out. andrew (his friend) came over too. matt was babysitting his lil bro joey and lil sis sarah.
joe came up to me and was like crystal..will you make me some food. so i made macaroni and cheese. actually i just cooked the noodles. matt put in the milk and cheese...but added to much milk so it tasted kinda icky. lol. it was still good tho.
then manda made us some orange kool~aid. yah.
a little while later we took the kids to the park so matt and andrew could have a cigarette, then we switched (they watched the kids so manda & me could have our cigarettes). while i was havin mine, i noticed something on the ground. it was some kind of desincitizer (cant spell). i didnt understand it at first till i read it and seen that it said it was to stop pre~ejactulation. i was like i gotta go show the boys.
i took it to them and we all shared a good laugh. lol it was great!!!
when matts mom came home, we were playin out back with the kids. his mom kept looking at me wierd liek i was some kind of whore or something. i think it cuz i have purple hair (in pigtales), my lip and eyebrow pierced, and i was wearing a strapless shirt that my boobs kept falling out of.
oh... and before matts mom got home i was like sorry im just making sure my boobs stay in my shirt. matt was like why? i was like cuz theres little kids out here. lol.
well this had been fun telling about yet another weekend with matt.
ByeeZZ >0.0<
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Friday, October 8, 2004
damn underclassmen!!!
well today in school the underclassmen decded to ruin our school. durning "A" lunch, the sophmores and juniors decided to have a food fight. our principal was pissed!!
the juniors also went and spray painted '06' on sme f the stop signs and now the school is taking like $500.00 out of our prom money!!
anywho so yah. the peprally sucked. not much to say about that.
im gonna go for now cuz i gotta do some stuff online. ill try to post again soon.
I love you all ^.^
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
im kinda in a good mood today.
well today has been going good for me so far.
im hoping to get a new internet this weekend so i can use my computer at home. (im in school).
i only have about 5 minutes left so i cant post much.
this week is spirit week in school. monday was camo day...dullsville! tuesday was hat & jersey day...stupid is wacky wednesday...yay...tomorrow is school colors day (blue & grey) and friday is class color day....freshmen~red, sophmores~purple, juniors~yellow, seniors~orange. im so glad i get to be yah
im gonna try to put a pic of me on here this weekend. but i dunno if ill get the chance since saturday is homecomming.
i wish ryan could go.....*drools thinkin bout him w/out his shirt on*
today at lunch was great!!! matt had this little fishnet shirt on under his hoodie (it was a girls shirt and so it only covered haldf of him) then he came back about 5 minutes later and said to my friend bethany, dont ask me to unzip my hoodie. i was like why since she wasnt payin attention. he unziped it and i was like O.o (had no other shirt on. it was great!!!)
well i gotta go cuz class is over in like 2 minutes.
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
im at the library right now so i dont have much time.
well this weekend was great!!!!!!! Friday i got my lip pierced :) Saturday morning i got my hair cut and dyed it purple. then saturday night we (me&manda) hung out with my friend matt....who was totally fucked up (drunk).
ok let me tell u guys bout matt.
Matt's friend Andrew had a party (couldnt go cuz manda was doin my hair) anywho, me and manda went to the park to find them. the party was over but we were sitting on the swings hoping someone would walk by so we knew where everyone was. Stephanie (andrews lil sister) came walking by us and i was like wheres andrew? she was like he went to his g/fs house. then i was like Wheres matt?? she was like over here. so she took us to him. He was soooo drunk. She was just gonna leave him there all by himself. he was right by the water. he could have drowned!!!
he was like im drunk.....yah it was great. he kept saying lets fuck. wanna take advantage of me?? i was like tempting as that is i cant cuz ur too drunk.
i was sooo ready to rape him..haha. yah anywhoz.
when i was walking with him...(holding him up) he had his arm around my neck, and my arm was around his waste...he grabbed my boob. i was like yes matt, thats a boob. it was so funny O.o
so i had a great weekend.
my internet still doesn't work at home, but im tryin to get it fixed so hopefully i'll be back soon.
well i have to go. It's been fun. I miss u guyz..ByeeZZ =*
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