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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
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it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
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inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
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I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
:) :(
well good news is i have over 100 visitors.
bad news is my computer is still broke at home. i have no internet.
im in technology so im tryin to be quick.
here comes the teach i g2g.
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
damn it all!!
ok i'm at the library so i only have a few minutes.
My computer at home wont let me go on the internet so i can only post when i get a chance to use someone elses computer.
i had the best weekend!! i dont have time to tell the whole story so go to rockstarfairychik's site and she has the story there.
when i went to matts house after school, i had fun. we watched some crazy german made barbie porn....haha it was great.
so yesterday my moms b/f was supposed to fix our car. he was gone all day and the asshole still didnt fix the car. i was so pissed. i was suposed to goto the mall and get my lip pierced and stuff but i couldnt do it thanks to him. it pissed me off and i really wanted to take the damn scissors and drive them through my wrist, i resisted and only made a lil cut.
yah anywhoz i gota go, i dont kno when ill be back but i love you all... ByeeZZ
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Saturday, September 18, 2004 tired
blah!! im so tired. i worked today with manda (rockstarfairychik). it was fun but my legs and feet hurt real bad.
i dont know the next time ill beable to post so this is prolly it for a few days.
srry i havent been able to get to everyones sites. i'll try when i get a chance.
ByeeZZ o.O
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
sowwy that i haven't been able ot get to everyones site. it's real hard since my computer freezes up on me. it has a virus and spyware. i got my recovery disks today so now all i have ot od it install them!
anywhoz i forgot what i was gonna post so i'll just add a joke...if i remember later i'll add it.
The Cock Inn:
Three college students were in England and were told to go to a great old pub called "The Cock Inn". They went off in three different directions and planned to meet back at 3:00.
Two of the guys arrived back on time but there was no sign of Harris. At 4:00 he came back with the clothes ripped off him and blood pouring from his head.
The guys asked what had happened, Harris replied, "I was walking down the road and I saw a man and woman behind a bush. I asked them, "How far is the Cock Inn?"
ByeeZZ >^_^<
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Monday, September 13, 2004
Blah!!! I'm sooo tired. I think I wanna go to bed.
Anywho, I tried to make a post in my Tech class today in school, but when i hit submit it kicked me offline. I was soooo pissed!!
What i was posting was about why my computer freezes on me and why its so slow.
I called the HP Customer Service ppl, and the guy told me (after a few quick tests and what not) that i most likely have a virus (or a few) and spyware.
My mom had to order some anti~virus and anti~spyware software, which will be mailed out to me today...which means I should recieve it in a few days.
A Quick Joke for Today
Boy & His Mom:
A boy told his mom, "I couldn't sleep last night so I went into your room. Why were you jumping up and down on daddy?"
His mom said, "Well dear, I was pushing the air out of him."
The boy replied, "Oh then you're wasting your time. The lady next door blows him back up every day."
Lemme know whacha think >O.o<
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Friday, September 10, 2004
C | Careful | R | Relaxing | Y | Yucky | S | Square | T | Tasty | A | Appreciative | L | Lazy |
Name Acronym Generator From
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B | Brainy | A | Adventurous | D | Dirty | K | Kinky | I | Intense | T | Timeless | T | Trustworthy | Y | Young | 1 | | 7 | | 2 | | 0 | | 0 | | 2 | |
Name Acronym Generator From
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hmm what shall i write today??
well i'm in school right now. Its lunch time and i didn't want to go to lunch, so i came to the library. Also i followed my friend bethany here cuz she had to type up a paper for her senior comp class. oh well.
anywhoz, yah i think my momie is gonna pick me up from schol today (i have to call her and make sure), so we can go look at my proofs (my senior pics).
wow. i realy dont know what to write. I dont have any jokes cuz im at school and my jokes r at home.
so far school has been good today. rctc was fun. and thats it so far.
yah well it's been fun but i think im gonna go. i'll write more later at home if something interesting happens today.
WAIT!!!!! I just remembered something i could write about. last night i stayed up to watch Inuyasha (glad i did.. ;P) and i made sure my alarm was set (which it was) then i went to bed. i just happened to wake up and look at the clock. it was 6:55 or something like that. i was like *Oh Shit* i have to leave to go ot the bus stop at 7:00. i hurried up and got dressed and brushed my hair on the way to the bus stop. i didn't have time to catch my bus at the first stop so i went to the second (which is kinda closer to my house anywayz). i made it just in time!!
AND.... i forgot my cell phone at home so im pissed baout that too.
yah so that was my lovely morning.
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Thursday, September 9, 2004
i'm excited =)
today was a pretty good day. school was fine...except for my creative writing class. that's always a bore!!
anywho, when i got home from school the lady who took my senior pics (i was in the potty room and didn't get to the phone in time) called and left me a message saying my proofs were in. i'm so excited!! tomorrow after school, my mommie is gonna take me there so i can look at them and pick out the ones i want to keep. i'm not sure how long it will take to get them back though. oh well i'm still excited!!
time for todays joke.
BB Boys:
A mother is making a cake for her three sons when she accidently drops some BBs from the shelf into the batter. She decides that it won't matter and continues to make the cake. Later that day, her sons eat the cake and don't even notice the BBs.
The next day, when the mother is reading a magazine on the couch, one of her sons runs in saying, "Mom, mom, I pissed out a BB!" She says "That's okay, son. I accidentally dropped some BBs into the cake batter. You'll be fine."
Five minutes later, one of the other sons, came running in and said, "Mom, mom, I~" but the mother cut him off and she said, "I know, I know, you pissed out a BB. I dropped them into the cake batter, but you'll be fine."
Then her last son runs in the room, and he says, "Mom, mom, I~" and the mother cuts him off and says,"I know you pissed out a BB. It's my fault for dropping them in the cake batter, but you'll be fine." But then the son says, "No, no, I was masturbating and I shot the dog!"
Hope you like it :P
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
heres a quiz...
Take the quiz: "Are you really suicidal??"
 your not sure you can't decide if your life is bad enough that you really want to end it. your family and friends mean a lot to you and you dont want to cause them pain. just hang in there, the bad times will pass, and the good times are in your future. get rid of any pills or sharp objects in your room in case you happen to make up you mind...
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