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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
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inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
what a fun weekend!!!!!
ok. so i went with my friend manda to her family reunion this weekend. i had a blast. we watched ppl get drunk and make asses out of themselves, and i kinda got molested in a tree house!!
let me explain. at night me, manda, and a couple other cousins would hang out over by the van where eddie (her bro), alyssa (ed's g/f), john (the cousin), and kristina (johns g/f) would be getting drunk.
it was funny cuz eddie would be like "guys, i'm soo drunk!!!" but alyssa would be like "i'm not drunk"..eventhough she was wasted. john wasn't as drunk as the others but he had a few beers. Kristina was the funniest out of all of them. she wouls ask alyssa "alyssa, are you drunk yet?" alyssa would say "no", kristina would be like "me either"..but they
anywho, kristina lost her straw and started ot freak out cuz she couldn't find it, so manda had to find her a new one.
yah it was sooo funny to watch them be drunk and be so stupid.
now i gotta tell you about my little experience in the tree house. lol.
manda's cousin daniel tried to molest me in the tree house. it was funny tho, but i felt so dirty. haha. i was like "my back hurts". manda was like "then lay down". i was like " no cuz then i wount be able to get". daniel was like "i'll hump you...i mean help you up". i started laughing. yah then he just kinda came over to where i was laying down and yah.
that's all for now. i gotta go.
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
type subject name here
ok well i only have a few minutes so i have to make this quick.
since ive been back ot school i dont have much time ot post...ive been very tired after school. yesterday i came home, went ot my brothers house, then came back home and went to bed.
i have a 4 day weekend, but i wont be able to post cuz im going out of town with manda (rockstarfairychik).
anywho, school is going good os far. i only have 1 bad class. that's 4th hour...creative writing with ms. anuskiewicz.....(what a wierd name...i had to look up the spelling...hahahaha).
yah anywho, so i got my senior pics taken last friday...August 27th, it was fun. i think they turned out good, but ill have to wait till i get the proofs to see for sure.
yah so um anywhyz i think ill leave.....
oops almost forgot a joke.
He Thinks He's the Boss:
A young couple, just married, were in their honeymoon suite on their wedding night. As they were undressing for bed, the husband~who was a burly man~ tossed his trousers to his bride and said, :Here, put these on." She put them on and the waist was twice the size of her body. "I can't wear your trousers." she said.
"That's right," said the husband, "and don't you ever forget it. I'm the man who wears the pants in this family."
With that she flipped her panties and said, "Try these on."
He tried them on and found he could only get them on as far as his kneecaps. "Hell," he said. "I can't get into your panties!"
She replied, "That's right, and that's the way it's going to stay until your attitude changes."
That's all folks!! ByeeZZ
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
first day of school
hey guyz. i just want to say sorry in advance for this being so short. yesterday myotaku wouldn't open for me so i couldnt post anything.
If you read the title to my post you know that today was my first day back to school.
I can offically begin my reign of seniorhood....haha
i dont know what i just said so you can ignore that. lol.
i'll try to write more tomorrow, but as for now, i gotta go.
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Monday, August 30, 2004
I don't really have anything to say right now so i'll just add a joke.
Perfect Man, Perfect Woman:
There was a perfect man and a perfect woman. They met each other at a perfect party. They dated for 2 perfect years. They had the perfect wedding and the perfect honeymoon. They had 2 perfect children.
One day the perfect man and the perfect woman were driving in their perfect car, they saw Santa Claus at the side of the road. Being the perfect people they were, they picked him up because they didn't want to make their perfect children (who were at home with their perfect babysitter) mad because it was close to Christmas.
Well as the perfect man and the perfect woman were driving with Santa Claus, somehow they got into an accident. Two people died and 1 lived.
Who died and who lived?
The perfect woman lived because the perfect man and Santa Claus aren't real!
Did you like it??
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
joke time
OK time for some jokes.
A Few Ways To Say "Your Fly Is Open":
~The cucumber has left the salad.
~I can see the gun of Navarone.
~Your soilder ain't so unknown now.
~Quasimodo needs to og back in the tower and tend to his bell.
~Paging Mr. Johnson...Paging Mr. Johnson.
~You need to bring your tray table to the upright and locked position.
~The Buick is not all the way in the Garage.
~You've got your fly set for "Monica" instead if "Hillary".
~Our next guest is someone who needs no introduction...
~You've got a security break at Los Pantalones.
~I'm talking about shaft, can you digit?
~I thought you were crazy, now I see your nuts.
That's all for now. Lemme know what u think.
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Friday, August 27, 2004
 You have a Lost Soul. No one is really sure what that can always mean, because it can be defined in many ways. As Legend goes, lost souls were the spirits of passed away people who are neither in heaven nor hell. They walk the earth, brooding mysteriously, always appearing when you expect it least. So hence, if you have a Lost Soul, then you are probably very insecure and shy. Stuck in your own little box, you watch the world fly by as a loner. You dont know your place. You seemingly dont have a place in society or an interest. You are a very capricious person, and are confused and frustrated about where you belong. You crave for the sense and feeling of home-but have not obtained it yet.
What Kind of SOUL do you posses? (For Girls only) Incredible Anime Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
yay to mee
yay to mee!! I just found out last night that i'm a senior artist. Im excited. hehe. yah ok. I've decided to use the jokes i have printed out and put them in my posts.
Let me know what you think about them.
Dirty and Clean Jokes:
Want to hear a dirty joke? A man fell in the mud.
Want to hear a clean joke? He took a bath with bubbles.
Want to hear another dirty joke? Bubbles was his neighbor!!
Billy's Dad on Becoming a Man:
Billy was 14 and just started jerking off. He loved to jerk off. However, one day, his dad walked in on him while he was jerking off! Billy was so embarrassed. He pulled up his pants as quick as he could. But, his dad already seen him.
"Billy", said his dad, "doing that will make you go blind."
"Dad", he replied, "i'm over here!"
let me know what you think of them.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
damn ppl
I just cant believe some ppl. This person had the nerve to say that one of my drawings sux. you can read it for yourself..just go to my fanart and read the comment about my pic of Kagome.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrr. >:|
~*thinks to self*~ put the scissors down!!!!!!! dont you put that blade on ur wrist...put it down....damnit i said put it down!!!!!!!
OK that was a fun thought. may~b i should just go have a smoke instead. lol.
Oh i might be getting a new kitten. im excited cuz im gonna name her Kelala...hehe after my fav. show!!
I shall return later.....ByeeZZ
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Monday, August 23, 2004
i hate funerals
I hate funerals. They r soo sad.
My cousin Mike and his g/f Dana have been together for as long as i can remember. I think they were together before i was even born (thats atleast 17 years).
Anywho. Dana finally got pregnant. Her due date was September 3rd, 2004. She just had a baby shower on Sunday (August 15th).
On Tuesday, August 17th, she said she felt like she was sick. They finally went up to the hospital, and the doctors did an ultrasound of the baby. There was no heartbeat, the baby was dead. They were going to do a C~section on her but she started to bleed real bad and they couldn't. She finally had to deliever the baby a few hours later.
Poor Mike & Dana. This was their first baby too. The funeral is going to be Thursday, August 26th.
We still don't know what caused the baby to die, or what caused Dana to start bleeding soo much.
Hmm...Well that's all for now
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Friday, August 20, 2004
Srry that my mermaid pic is so fuzzy. oh well, i hope you like it.
I drew a pic of Kagome today. its my first time drawing her and she looks kinda funny. Oh well. I have to fix something on her then i'll add her to my drawings.
I think im off to the land of quizzes.
Love yahz
Oh, P.S. I got my schedule for school today. FINALLY!!!! ive been waiting for it like forever.
Ok thats all..ByeeZZ
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