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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, August 22, 2005
quick update
just wanted to say im still alive.
sunday, august 28th im leaving to live with my sister. i don't know how long i'll be there, but at least for a few months. i already have a good paying job waiting for me. i just need to get away from everything thats going on.
the only thing that sux is my sis doesnt have the internet right now. they dont even have a house phone, they just use their cell phones. but she said there is a library so hopefully i'll be able to get there and update. not like i ever update anymore.
oh, friday i went and took my road test finally. i passed. so this morning (around 9am) i have to go to secretary of state and have them take my picture so i can have my lisence. it takes about 10 days for it to come in the mail >.< so i get some temporary thingey (ill be up north already..have to have mom mail it to me).
well thats all i wanted ot say i guess. i'll be sure to update all this week (i'll try), before i leave.
oh this is my bunny. i promised pics so here you go.

and one of the cat

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Monday, August 15, 2005
birthday wishes and bunny kisses
saturday i had my bonfire party at Manda's house celebrating my birthday.
it wasn't anything too exciting, more of friends comming over to hang out, but with cake and presents! lol
Amanda B. (A.K.A. Turbo) was there, Katy and her b/f Joey came, and Bethany came (she came a little late cuz she had stuff to do, but she showed up at 9), and of course i Manda was there, it was her house, and i was there lol.
at first it started to rain, but only for a minuite, so we were still able to have the fire. it was fun. we sat around listning to music and making marshmallows.
Then it started pouring, so we went inside. Katy and Joey (her b/f) had to leave around 11ish, so they left. Beth went home to get clothes to stay the night, and was having so family issues, so she brought her lil sister amy back to stay the night with us (shes 16). we all played cards. we played spoons and bullshit. then we watched the hot chick. (i love that movie. its so fuckin awesome!!)
then on sunday, Turbo had to go home. beth, amy, manda and i decided to hang out still. we went to taco bell, then to an old cemetery that is suposed to have a witch buried in it. its suposed to be one of the most haunted cemeterys around. its called Soop cemetery, in Belleville Michigan. look it up if you want. then we went to another cemetery to visit our friend Josh's grave. (he died July 3rd 2002. he was 17, and was in a car accident....).
after that, we went to the store and decided to go to the pet store. i decided to look at bunnies. i put my hand in the cage and one bunny came right up and started licking my hand. i decided then i had to have her. so i ended up buying her. shes so damn cute. she is white with red eyes. i named her liquorice "liqour" for short. shes really small...the smallest one there, but i dont know how old she is.
well mom was pissed. i didnt tell her and i just came home with her. i was like i really dont care. i'm 18, so i really dont give a fuck what she says, i never have. i'm going to stay with my sister anyway. im going next weekend. i dont know if ill have internet or not, but i'll do my best. i might only stay for a week, but i might decide to stay.
anywho, when i get batteries for my camera i'll take pics and show you her kawaiiness!!
ha! i got Jin..hes so sexy^^

What Samurai Champloo Character Are You?
Hosted by Anime. Done right.
well see you later^^
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Friday, August 12, 2005
yippie its friday
this is what inuyasha311 made me for my birthday wednesday. sorry it took me so long to put it up. thx a bunch. i just love him so much *hugs banner*

i'm sorry i haven't really been updating much, and more importantly, i'm sorry i never get to any of your sites. i've been on a really weird schedule this week. i've been staying up all night, and sleeping durning the day. Sunday night i stayed up all night, then went to bed around 9:00am on Monday. Slept until 7:00pm, then stayed up all night monday night. went to bed at 11:00am on Tuesday morning, and slept until 9:00pm. stayed up all night tuesday night, stayed up all day and night wednesday, then thursday morning i went to bed around 9am and slept 12 hours(till 9pm). now its thursday night/friday morning (1:21am) and i'm wide awake. you'd think all that time awake i'd get to some sites, but i didn't. i see that no one really comes here anymore either looking at my comments.
today they are suposed to send someone out to fix my computer. i mean i have it up and running, but i think they are going to put in a new hard drive or something. all i know is they ordered the part, its in and they are suposed to come out and fix the comp. i haved all my pictures to a disk, cuz last time i lost them all. now i have everything saved to one disk, instead most of my things on 2 different disks.
also i want to go to the tattoo shop today. i want to look at the jewelry and get a new lip ring. when i get the money, im gonn ago get another tat. its the one for Faith. its gonna be a crescent moon on a cloud with Faith comming from the moon. and it will have 5 stars making an arch around it.
my grandma is suposed to come over today to give me my bday present. im sure its money, and knowing grandma it will give me enough with the 30 i have saved to get the tat. i emailed him (tat guy) and he said it would be around $60 give or take some. i guesses that much, bcuz the first one i got was $65, and its about the same size.
stupid andrew still owes me $25. i guess thats 25 bucks i'm never gonna see again. oh well, i learned my lesson. im not lettin anyone borrow money unless i know they are good about payin people back.
me and mom have to go to the store today to get stuff for my party. I'm having a bon fire party at mandas house tomorrow. i hope everyone who said they would come does.
i dont know if i will update tomorrow or not, but i will sunday to tell how the party was. hopefully i'll get pics so you can all enjoy the party too^^
i wasn't planning on a big post, but i just started typing and couldn't stop. i promise i will get to as many sites as i can today. despite alot of things planned. *nods*

BOOB SHOT! haha sorry i didn't notice at first.
have a great weekend everyone! *huggles all*
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
its my bday!!!
yup thats right. today is my bday. the big 18!! you know what that means right? cigarettes, clubbin, scratchy cards (lottery), bingo, porno, and tittie clubs!! haha.
saturday i'm havin a bonfire party at mandas house, so that should be fun.

today is also Statiquen's birthday. go say happy bday!
well thats all. ByeeZZ
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Monday, August 8, 2005
*says like professer from futurama* GOOD NEWS EVERYONE....
i fixed my computer. i dont know how i did it, but the recovery disks decided to work. it was weird. i tried for hours, and days, and had no luck, then i decided to give it one last try and it worked. i did lose all my documents, but it wasn't a big loss. most of my pics i had saved to cd's. and most of the music i a;ready had burned to cd's too. i did lose all the avis i had collected recently tho. im working on getting them back now.
im just glad to have my computer working. when i get a steady flow of money, (a job) i'm gonna save up to get a new comp. i want a laptop, but i'd be happy with a new desktop. anything is better than wha i have now.
yay my bday is in 2 days. im excited. i dont really think im doing anythign on the actual day, but on this saturday (13th) i'm gonna have a bonfire party at mandas. nothing too big, just friends hanging out by the fire, makin smores and havin fun >^.^<
saturday i babysat my cousin. it was really weird. it was my first time babysitting for them since Faith died. the last time i babysat there was the day b4 easter. then i was there easter sunday, then faith got hit the following wednesday, and died the next monday. it was just weird to babysit Cameron without Faith. the house is full of her, i just kept remembering all the things we did when i would babysit them both (play dolls with faith, that sort of thing), not its just like, watch some movies with cameron.
they got a puppy tho. when faith was alive she always said she always said when they got a puppy, she was gonna name it rose. well Heather went to look at puppies and had one in her hand (his name was BJ), and she was gonna get him. then the lady said would you like to look at them all one last time, so she did. then the lady said, oh wait. you havent met rose yet. she called out rose, and this cute little puppy came running around the corner. Heather fell in love with her, and just had to get her. it was weird the way her name was already rose, and that they made such a great bond right away. she's about 9 weeks old now. shes the sweetest thing. oh yah, shes a golden retriver.
when i got done babysitting, my brother was gonna take me out for my bday. i called him, but he was still running arronds, cuz he drank the night b4 and slept late into saturday. so he said he would take me sunday.
he did. sunday we went to this really awesome restraunt called Mongolian Barbeque. it was my first time there. it was so kool. you go up and choose your food (veggies and meat and spices and sauses) and take it up to the grill, and there the cooks make it for you. its so kool. it was fun to stand there and watch them cook the food. i think that was my favorite part :P
after that we walked a few blocks to goto this music store called Encore where they sell cd's for like as cheap as $2.00, but they were closed.
then they took me back home, and i gave him his cake. sunday was 1 year from his accident. (he was in a skateboard accident and had a bad head injury. im sure its still posted in my archives from last august). i made his favorite cake (german chocolate). it doesnt matter cuz he lost his smell/taste from the accident. anywhaz, on his cake i wrote "cake always tastes better with a helmet". i put 2 little plastic skateboards on it, and drew the outline of a body comming from one skateboard (as if it fell off). i wanted to take a pic of it, but i had no film. so he took his cake home, i hope he likes it.
oh i made a new cd. it is Seether's Karma and Effect. its really good. ive been meaning to buy it, i always look at it in the store but never buy it, so i decided to just d/l it instead.
i've only had my computer back since saturday night, and all i've really done online is play on gaiaonline. its really addicting, but fun^^
well i guess thats all. see yah.
oh yah. does anyone know who this is? all i have to say is sexy^^

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Saturday, August 6, 2005
stoopid compooper!!
ok im at the library so this will be a short post.
tuesday night my comp crashed. i tried for days to get it up running again, but no luck. i called customer service and they will have to send someone out to my house to look at it, so hopefully this week they will do that. until then i'm computerless. unless i go to the library. it sux :(
i was hopin to be able to p[ost on my bday, but i dont know if that will happen, since im computerless. my bday is wednesday^^ *hugs wednesday* (i dont think that is
well im babysitting for my cousin today, then my brother is gonna take me out for my birthday. he said he was gonna take me out to eat then go do something else, but i dont know what that is yet.
well i have to go...but i'll try to get back as soon as i can.
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
where are you ~ our lady peace
look 2 days in a row >O.O< im getting good at this. hehe. i got to about 4 sites or so, not many, but im at mandas house still so i didnt go online till around 11pm.
ive had that song where are you, by our lady peace stuck in my head for a few hours, but i couldnt find lyrics to it. (i guess its because i didnt look that hard for them)
didnt do much yesterday. went swimming and that was about it.
ive been going to bed so late. usually around 6 or 7am. i went to bed around 5am this morning. sometimes i just dont go to bed at all. im just not tired anymore, i dont really seem to have much emotion about anything lately (besides the act i put up around other ppl).
i'm gonna change my theme. i have decided what i'm gonna change it to. i still have alot of ceres pics i wouold like to put up, but oh well.
anywho..........blah....nothing to talk about.
oh yah. manda bought me pocky my bday. she gave it to me the other day when i came over. it was banana flavor *yummie* it makes me think of monkeyz. mayb because theres a monkey on the wrapper. lol.
well i guess thats it for today. dont know if i'll get to any sites. ill try tho.
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Monday, August 1, 2005
9 days till my bday^^
hey, well its August 1st. that means my birthday is in 9 more days (if you didnt notice the counter in my profile).
i havent updated in almost a week. srry about that. my internet at home is all fucked up. eventhough i have comcast, internet explorer doesnt work right, so its hard for me to do anything online withough getting a gazillion popups. my AIM still works tho, so if you wanna talk just IM me (Badkitty172002).
anywho. today is my friends birthday. his name is strike17. please go tell him happy birthday. his house is finally done being built and he just moved in, so he doesnt have the internet at the moment, but i think it would be nice for him to come back with birthday wishes^^

a friend of mine from theO told me about this site. **her name is goldwolf by the way**. don't forget to check out her site^^ thx. anywho, its an anime type rp game. i thought it was pretty kool. my name there is Danacia. if you an account there PM me sometime^^

yesterday i went with manda to her dad's family picnic type thingey for work. they had moonwalks (mostly for kids) but it was kool. i got cotton candy *yumm* and a necklace (gold mardi gras beads). it was kinda boring cuz it was hot out, but it was still nice to be outside.
nothin much else to talk about i guess. well see yah..
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
power outages and hair dye
so sunday evening mandas mom brought us to my house. turns out the power went out. 9it was sooo hot! but i like power outages so it was ok. plus, we had some high times.
we watched hide and seek yesterday. it was a good movie. then she dyed my hair for me. i had her put red tips in my hair. i love it^^
well anywayz i have to go cuz i have a busy day, and it starts early.
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
you're really weird!
so i went and seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory last night. i really liked it. i mean it's Johnny Depp, whats not to like? he was a bit scary looking tho...but i love him anywayz.
i didnt do much yesterday. i basically waited around all day for manda to come get me so we could go to the movies. her brother Eddie and his g/f Alyssa went too.
other than that i have absolutely nothing to post about. see you.
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