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Ypsilanti, Michigan
Member Since
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
we're gonna party like its 1999
ok so last night was a blast. the parts i remember anywayz...which is most. my friend matt threw a party at his old apartment. it was me, manda, christin, matt, andrew, some black guy that i dont remember his name, rodger, dan....yah. then later 3 other guys came with our alcohol. we got high and drank and had so much fun. me, manda, christin, matt, and rodger came to my house (outside my house not in) and hung out while andrew went to pick up katy. it was so much fun. i was sitting right behind matt (on the ground) christina was laying in matts lap, and rodger was sitting sideways in my lap. i was teasing matt by using the tips of my fingers to run on the back of his neck, he said it felt like a bike..haha (he was so fucked up). so i had a great time, and that will be the last time partying with matt (1st and last..i mean we've gotten high together, but havent partied). i was so happy to see katy! i missed her sooo much *huggles katy to death*
anywho, tonite me and manda are goin to our friend turbo's (nickname) house for fireworks, and stuff like that.
so i just wanted to update real quick. i'll see you guys later..
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
yay i made a club *beams a smile*
At last. My Trigun Fan Club I was talking about. I hope you like it, and please join if you want^^
My Trigun fan club. This is the main banner that will stay on my site. When you choose who you want you get one of thses two banners below (vash or legato)

I hope you like them. If you would like to join simply send me a PM titled “club” and please tell me who you choose. (im gonna be busy this weekend so It might take me a few days to get the PM’s and make the banners. They are designed for each person so don‘t just copy the code from my site. Thx^^)
::Please go visit someone close to me. His name is strike17. Thx sooo much *gives pocky to those who cooperate* love you *wink*::
So Thursday night I pulled an all~nighter. I just wasn’t tired (due to the fact I slept till 5PM that day). Friday was fun tho. First my mom and I went to the bank to cash my 2 checks from graduation (thx Grandma and aunt Lisa^^). Then we went to DOTS (a clothing store). I got 3 shirts, a cool looking dress (it sort of reminfs me of the marines, but its not camo or anything), and I bought a new wallet. All for $50.00. Then later that day my mom had a doctors appt so I went with her, then we went to Wal*Mart. I bought a new cd player for $75.00 and 3 DVD’s. I bought the 2nd Inuyasha movie, Spirited Away, and Castle In The Sky. I’ve only seen Spirited Away so far, so I made sure I bought it^^. I’ll watch the other dvd’s soon.
I have never cleaned so much in my life! (ok mayb I have). I cleaned my room. I vacuumed the whole room (which is amazing for me). I moved my bed and even vacuumed behing and under it! I cleaned for 2 or 3 hours. It was worth it tho. My room looks so nice now, and its so much more spacious when its cleaned. Imagine that. Lol.
Well that’s all for now. Another all~nighter? Who knows…
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Number Five With A Bullet ~ Taking Back Sunday
well i had my post all typed up then internet explorer closed >.<
i forgot to mention yesterday that i submitted a new fan art, so please go check it out. thx *gives everyone candy*
i didn't get to any sites yesterday cuz i was sick. i woke up at 3PM. everything was spinning and i was real dizzy and felt like i was gonna pouke. i was up for a few hours (mostly laying in bed), then fell back asleep around 5:30ish.
i watched the fireworks on tv tho. they used to do them right behing my apartment at ford lake, but recently stopped (saying they didn't have the money), but they still do them on the detroit river. so i watched them on tv. it was pretty cool on tv, but they were playing music which sucked. i wanna hear bang ba~boom crash on..not oldies music. lol.
well im gonna go to bed now cuz i still have a headache and feel slightly dizzy. night~

...srry, didn't know the pic was so big...
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Wake Me Up when September Ends ~ Greenday
Wake Me Up When September Ends Lyrics
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Ring out the bells again
Like we did when spring began
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
Wake me up when September ends
*sniffle* that’s such a sad song
Ok, so I haven’t updated in the longest time. Sorry about that.
Saturday was my graduation party. It was nice. Not as many people showed up as I would have hoped, but some did. I got to see my Aunt Lisa. She’s my dad’s sister, and I haven’t seen her in about 14 years! I got a mini key chain digital camera from Amanda’s mom. It doesn’t have a display screen like normal digital cameras, so you can’t see the pics till you put them on the computer, but it’s still pretty cool.
Other than that, nothing much has happened. My summer has been pretty boring. All I do is sit around the house cuz it’s too hot to go outside. I don’t go to the pool, cuz I hate a bunch of ppl being there. The only time I go swimming is at Amanda’s house in her pool. If I’m at Amanda’s house I don’t get to go online cuz her computer is really slow, and takes forever to get online, and at my house I just never feel like updating.
Anime/Manga news:
I downloaded the first 4 chapters of CLAMP’S Kobato. It’s really good. I looked online and it seems each month (in Japan) another chapter is released in a comic book. So far only 4 chapters have been released (unless these websites I looked at haven’t been updated). If anyone has any information on Kobato, let me know^^
Amanda bought the first DVD (Episodes 1~5) of Saiyuki. It’s awesome. The guys are so hott!! I recommend watching it. Also, for graduation, Amanda bought me one of my favorite anime DVD’s. she bought me Kiki’s Delivery Service. Its from the same guy who made Spirited Away (also a must have). Its such a cute movie.
Hmmm what else…Oh I read volume 8 of Fruits Basket, Volume 11 of Love Hina (I have 13 and 14 from the library, I’m just waiting for 12 to come in b4 I read the last 2), Started Crescent Moon, and read volumes 1 and 2 of ShutterBox. I also picked up Volume 8 of Ceres from the library. I haven’t read Ceres since I was in school, so I don’t really remember what happened in volume 7. I think it was something about people being set on fire (spontaneous combustion) and Aya and Toya having sex (very hot I might add).
Oh…I watched Finding Neverland too. It was a really good movie. I mean how could it not be, Johnny Depp is in it! It kept making me think about Michael Jackson tho..about Neverland and little boys. Haha.
Well I guess that’s all

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
i will survive.....
look i made it out alive my first day babysitting. there were 4 kids. Trevor is 11, Felisha is 9, Kody is 8, and Shelby is 5 today. Happy Birthday Shelby^^
so everything was good at first. it was just me and the two girls from about 8 am (i was picked up at 7:30) to around 10 am, then the boys came over (the boys are cousins of the girls).
things were on and off all day. they were good for a while, then they would drive me insane to the point where i was ready to tie them all up and beat them! (literally) the older ones were bein mean to shelby and they were pissin me off so i made them stay inside all day..haha they hated it. they were like can we go play outside? im like no, there like you're sooo mean. im like you should have thought about that earlier when you weren't listning to me, now you're gonna have to deal with the consequences. (can't
so its about 10am (bout 10 minutes before) and things are goin ok. the girls were still sleeping when i got here. the boys got her at 9 today, and thats when Felisha woke up. we watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then some kids show. (Shelby woke up durning the kids show). now the boys are playing playstation, and i just hope things go better today than they did yesterday.
sorry for the rambling, but im gonna go. i'll try to visit some sites today (as long as things continue to go well).
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Monday, June 20, 2005
what a weekend...
So i haven’t posted in a few days again. Srry about that. Saturday was Manda’s graduation party. That was fun. Her brother Eddie put cake in my face. By the time Katy went home, it looked like she molested a smurf (she had cake and blue frosting all over her face). Haha.
So then me, Manda, Eddie and Turbo (her name is Amanda also but her nickname is We all went to the movies. Manda’s cousin John and his ex g/f showed up too so all 7 of us went and seen Mr. And Mrs. Smith. It was really funny. If you’re thinking about going to see it cuz its really good. Plus Angelina Jolie is hott!! (I think I spelled her name wrong but who cares). We didn’t go to bed till 5:30 AM, but I didn’t fall asleep till about 6AM.
On Sunday, me, Manda, Eddie, her dad and little brother went to the Strawberry Festival. Its like a fair that they have every year. There are rides and main street is closed down for booths of ppl selling stuff and games. Manda bought me a marble elephant, a new eyebrow ring, and I won a rabbits foot. Hehe. It was really fun tho. We also got to watch some BMX guys. It was really kool, cuz they were pretty young (late teens mayb) one kid was only 10! So that was fun. Then later that night me and manda and her mom all went to meijers and went on a shopping spree. Manda spent over $300. She got a new big cd player, a dvd player, a movie, some cd’s shoes for me and her..and a few random things. So we had fun^^
I’ll be babysitting today and tomorrow for my brothers g/f kids so I don’t think I’ll get to any sites but I can try.
Also. I finished the banners for my club. But when I went to post them stupid photo bucket resized them or something and now they’re all small, so I have to figure out how to fix it, then I can post it. My club is a Trigun club, but you get to choose Vash or Legato. I’ll explain more when I post the banners.
Did anyone watch adult swim on Saturday. If you did, did you watch FLCL? Well I did. Its my FAV episode^^ its funny when the girl is getting a massage from his dad (they’re making all these crazy moans and sex noises. Its hilarious!)
Well I have to be off to bed cuz I have to get up at 6AM to shower and go babysit. See you soon!!

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Friday, June 17, 2005
ok, so i havent updated in a while and thought i should. nothing exciting happening here. i just havent really felt like posting. as a matter of fact i havent felt much like myself either.
i went to mandas for a few days. that was ok i guess. i mean you can only have so much "fun" b4 you feel like u just wanna shrivel up and die..
im starting a club. i just have to finish the banners. may~b i'll have it up tomorrow..who knows..
i was bored one day and took a bunch of quizzes. here's some i liked..
 You are sad because of your life and obsession with death
Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people brought to you by Quizilla
 Your connection with darkness is through self- harming. Life has hurt you so badly and it feels like it always will. Of course, you just want to get rid of it and has found out that cutting releases your pain and tension. After all, now it's you who decides to inflict pain, not someone else. Perhaps you even feel guilty afterwards when you've "come to your senses". Due to this you tend to wear long-sleeved shirts, if it's the wrists your cutting. You fear your scars will be seen and often keep away from people physiclly. Some cutters just want to get caught doing it, to be saved and for someone to care for them and understand. While others may do it just because there is too many problems they have to deal with, and inflicting harm upon themselves seems to be a good way out. This is the point where I'm supposed to say that you should talk to someone. The thing is though, I know as well as you, it's hard seeking help. But it's still highly recommended that you stop harming yourself.
What is your connection with darkness? (pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your soul is broken. You are living through a lot of pain everyday that you have to deal with, which is making you sorrowful. No one ever stays by your side when you truly need them and no one ever will. Everything is hopeless and tragic and you keep yearning for the day you will be free from pain. Love is unlikely to happen to you because you isolate yourself and are suspicious of peoples motives. You stand in the shadows of the world, watching what you can never have. The bruises you carry never seems to heal, your mind is dark and no one seems to understand or wants to help. As always, you will be alone in the world, fighting your dark thoughts by yourself.
How is your soul?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Ice. This element may seem a little odd, but this is a side-effect from when the element of Water gets to hurt. Once you were a content soul, and happy with life. But then something happened. Not necessarily on one day, it probably happened gradually over time. You lost your will to care and became even more reserved from the world. People had hurt you in ways you do not want to remember and now you isolate yourself from them. You have turned into an outsider and probably dress more in black than you used to. Your depression is eating you up and tearing you apart and the worst part is that no one is willing to help, or so it seems. In school you are often by yourself or one single friend and you rarely seem to be truly happy anymore. Your sad, distant eyes and constant frown seems glued to your face and you need a saviour from this world. You may turn to music for understanding and sing/scream along in the lyrics to get rid of some pain. You are not very open about your problems to your family/friends, and wish that they would just notice it and make it go away. Rate and message!
What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!] brought to you by Quizilla
sorry if i wasted your time with this post.
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
The No Seatbelt Song ~ Brand New
The No Seatbelt Song Lyrics:
So, it's sad that doesn't suit you now.
And me fresh out of rope...
Please ignore this lisp, I never meant to sound like this.
So take me and break me and make me strong like you.
I'll be forever grateful to this and you.
It's only you, beautiful.
Or I don't want anyone.
If I can choose it's only you.
Fix me to a chain around your neck and wear me like a nickel.
Even new wine served in old skins will cheapen the taste.
I shot the pilot, now I'm begging you to fly this for me.
I'm here for you to use, broken and bruised.
Do you understand?
It's only you, beautiful.
Or don't want anyone.
If I can choose, it's only you.
But how could I miscalculate... perfect eyes will have perfect hate.
If I can choose, it's only you.
“We're wrecking” and I'm dry like a drum...
so fine I'll leave... we're spent... take our time...
measured... we slave for days.
It's only you, beautiful.
Or I don't want anyone.
If I can choose. It's only you.
But how could I miscalculate... perfect lies from a perfect hate.
If I can choose... it's only you.
Srry I didn’t post yesterday. Friday night was graduation and I was too tired when I got home to post. But let me tell you about graduation. It was awesome!! I’m surprised I didn’t cry. I really thought I was going to. I’ll try to post some pics from there soon. So I have my diploma. Im officially done. I never have to step foot in a school again (unless I choose to go to college). Everyone keeps asking me (and im sure every other graduate), what are you doing now that you’re done with school? I have NO IDEA!!! I don’t even want to think about it. I’ve got the rest of my life ot think about it. I’m just gonna spend my summer as a graduate, living it up being as carefree as I want (or that I can get away with while still living at home :P) oooh yah. My sister bought be a dozen white roses after graduation. Thx Angie <3
After graduation we got a cd of a slide show of all the graduating seniors. It had baby pics and senior pics and some group photos too^^ there was a video at the end that my friend Beth made. It was soo good. The video was so sad. I mean it had some of my best memories from senior year on it. Usually everything is full of the preps, like their pics 50 times over, and videos all about them. Not Beths video. It had us…all of our friends..and no stupid preps :P lol.
But yah…enough of that cuz I don’t wanna cry.
Joke Of The Day
A woman went to a pet shop and immediately spotted
a large beautiful parrot. There was a sign on the cage
that said $50.00. "Why so little,"
she asked the pet store owner.
The owner looked at her and said, "Look, I should
tell you first that this bird used to live in a house of
prostitution, and sometimes it
says some pretty vulgar stuff."
The woman thought about this, but decided she had
to have the bird anyway. She took it home and hung the
bird's cage up in her living room
and waited for it to say something.
The bird looked around the room, then at her, and
said, "New house, new madam."
The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but
then thought "that's not so bad."
When her two teenage daughters returned from school
the bird saw them and said,
"New house, new madam, new girls."
The girls and the woman were a bit offended but
then began to laugh about the situation.
Moments later, the woman's husband,
Keith, came home from work.
The bird looked at him and said, "Hi Keith."

So the other day I had a little contest thingy going on and no one really answered, so I’ll post it again today..
Here’s a little contest for everyone: Who would you like to see as a couple (or who is your fav. couple)? **don’t forget to say what anime or manga they are from**
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Here's To The Night ~ Eve 6
Here's To The Night Lyrics
So denied so I lied
Are you the now or never kind?
In a day and a day love
I'm going to be gone for good again
Are you willing to be had? Are you cool with just tonight?
Here's a toast to all those who hear me all to well.
Here's to the night we felt alive.
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry.
Here's to goodbye tomorrow's going to come to soon.
Put your name on the line
along with place and time
want to stay, not to go, I want to ditch the logical.
Here's a toast to all those who hear me all to well.
Here's to the night we felt alive.
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry.
Here's to goodbye tomorrow's going to come to soon.
All my time is froze in motion
can't I stay an hour or two or more
don't let me let you go
don't let me let you go
Here's a toast to all those who hear me all to well.
Here's to the night we felt alive.
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry.
Here's to goodbye, tomorrow's going to come to soon.
To soon
Here's to the night we felt alive
Here's to the tears you knew you'd cry
Here's to goodbye tomorrow's going to come to soon
That was our class song. This is gonna be a short post just wanted to let you know in advance. Today is graduation. I can’t believe. Its really sad tho. I know today is gonna be the last day I ever see some of these ppl again. I’ll post tomorrow about how the graduation actually goes.
I actually got to quite a few sites yesterday, but not all of them. If I missed you im sorry. I’m gonna try my best to get to all the of these days.
Did anyone watch the mtv movie awards last night? I did. It was good.
You should have SEX on days that begin with T:
Every Thucking day!
Sex is:
like Nokia (connecting people)
like Nike (Just do it)
like Pepsi (ask for more)
like Coca Cola (Enjoy)
like me (too good to be true)
Top 10 Places to have sex:
1. In your bed
2. In your parents bed
3. In his car
4. On a washing machine, while running
5. In a hot tub
6. On a beach, down in the sand
7. On a comfy couch with the TV on
8. On a waterbed
9. A plane bathroom
10. **In the rain**
Top 10 Places NOT to have sex:
1. In the movies
2. In a car... WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING!
3. In front of all of your friends
4. In a phone booth
5. In your best friend's bed
6. At Grandma's house
7. At school
8. In your dirty basement
9. In the street
10. ON-LINE**
Top three things to say before having sex:
1. I love you (but only if you mean it)
2. Rock my world
3. Let's get ready to RUMBLE...
Top three things NOT to say before having sex:
1. Is this gonna hurt?
2. Sure....I've done this thousands of times...
3. Are you sure it's on there?
Top 3 things to say after sex:
1. Are you sure this was you're first time?
2. Gotta cigarette?
3. Wanna do it again?
Top 3 things NOT to say after sex:
1. That was IT??
2. I think I hear my mom calling me ---- see ya
3. OOPS, the condom broke! My bad!
Here’s a little contest for everyone: Who would you like to see as a couple (or who is your fav. couple)? **don’t forget to say what anime or manga they are from**

Ok bye!!!
Comments (4) |
Thursday, June 9, 2005
Slowdance On The Inside ~ Taking Back Sunday
Slowdance On The Inside
Passed out in our school clothes so we'd wake up in our Sunday's best
I never asked for your opinion, I just got it and I get it
You move slow like daytime drama
And I'm boring like his songs
So while I'm taking you for granted
We'll be humming along
Well cross my heart and hope to...
I'm lying just to keep you here
So reckless (so reckless), so,
So thoughtless (so thoughtless)
So careless, I could care less
Well cross my heart and hope to...
I'm lying just to keep you here
(So reckless)
Well she's so heartless,
And I could care less
So paint your face up something elegant
And this town maybe a darker shade of red
Cause a long night means a fist fight
Against your pillow and my pearly whites
I want to hear you scream you like me better on my knees
So let us pray
(we don't believe in second chances)
So let us pray
Don't you ask me
Don't you move (anywhere)
Cross my heart and hope to
I'm lying just to keep you here
So reckless (so reckless), so,
So thoughtless (so thoughtless)
So careless, I could care less
Well Cross my heart and hope to
I'm lying just to keep you here
(So reckless)
Well she's so heartless
And I could care less
Well cross my heart and hope to
I'm lying just to keep you here
I'll keep you here, I'll keep you here
One of us never did it but we're taking it all. (Well cross my heart and hope to)
And tell me why you never promised that you wanted it all. (I'm lying just to keep you here)
And her eyes never batted when she said it
It's a long night, open, know it...
This glass house is burning down (open all night, know it...)
You light the match, I'll stick around (open all night, know it...)
I'll give you everything you want (open all night, know it...)
And wish the worst of what I was (open all night, know it...)
This glass house is burning down (open all night, know it...)
You light the match, I'll stick around (open all night, know it...)
I'll give you everything you want (open all night, know it...)
And wish the worst of what I was (open all night, know it...)
Tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Well tonight won't make a difference
Well tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Tonight won't make a difference
Well tonight won't make a difference
Lookie i won a contest. Pocky Stix had a contest the other day and I won^^ Thx for the banner AJ~Kun *hugs*

So yesterday was the award ceremony for graduation. It took about 3 hours. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but the air wasn’t on in the auditorium so it was really muggy in there >x.X< I didn’t get an award *cries* its ok tho. Manda got an award for art (of course). *claps hands*
Tomorrow is the actual graduation ceremony. We have to be there to rehearse by 12:30pm then we have to be back up there by 6:30pm for the actual rehearsal, so I don’t know if I’ll post tomorrow or not. I know I havent gotten to anyones sites or anything. Sorry. If you stop commin to mine because of that, that’s fine.
Blah i have a headache and nothing important to talk about. So I guess that’s all for today.
Joke Of The Day:
Kenny The Rooster
Well, Kenny the rooster costs a lot of money, but the
farmer decides he'd be worth it. So, he buys Kenny.
The farmer takes Kenny home and sets him down
in the barnyard, first giving the rooster a pep talk.
I want you to pace yourself now. You've got a lot of
chickens to service here, and you cost me a lot of money.
Consequently, I'll need you to do a good job. So, take your
time and have some fun," the farmer said, with a chuckle.
Kenny seemed to understand, so the farmer pointed
toward the hen house and Kenny took off like a shot.
WHAM! Kenny nails every hen in the hen house-
three or four times, and the farmer is really shocked!
After that, the farmer hears a commotion in the
duck pen, sure enough, Kenny is in there.
Later, the farmer sees Kenny after a flock of geese, down
by the lake. Once again - WHAM! He gets all the geese.
By sunset he sees Kenny out in the fields chasing
quail and pheasants.
The farmer is distraught and worried that his
expensive rooster won't even last 24 hours.
Sure enough, the farmer goes to bed and wakes up
the next day, to find Kenny on his back, stone cold
in the middle of the yard. vultures are circling overhead.
The farmer, saddened by the loss of such a colorful and
expensive animal, shakes his head and says, "Oh, Kenny,
I told you to pace yourself. I tried to get you to
slow down, now look what you've done to yourself."
Kenny opens one eye, nods toward the vultures circling
in the sky and says,
"Shhh, they're getting closer".
what a dirty cock! Lol
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