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Ypsilanti, Michigan
Member Since
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
burn papers and swim
yesterday i went to mandas house. we burned all of our school papers and i even burned the folders too. lol. then we went swimming. the water was really nice. it was warm. i think we're gonna go swimming again tonight. its so hot. its 90 out.
today (at 245pm) we have to go back to the high school and pick up our cap and gowns and go to the university where our graduation ceremony is being held, for the honors rehersal.
nothing much to talk about yet, we did go to taco bell earlier tho. lol..ummm yah. ok bye.... (her computer is driving me insane with all these pop ups >@.@<
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
my legs hurt, but it was worth it...
ok so last night was prom. it was soooo much fun! i had a blast. i didn't go to prom las year so i made sure i went this year. i went in a limo with some friends. manda (rockstarfairychik) posted a pic of us by the limo so go to her site and see it. i danced my ass off! the place was beautiful and it was so kool. i have to go get my film developed, but when i do, i'll be sure to post pics^^
i came home from mandas today and turned on my computer, and its all fucked up! it couldnt log me on like normal, so im logged on a temp. file so i dont have any pics or anything i can post today. i have to try to get it fixed.
well i guess i'll go for now, so i can try to fix my compyter. i'm out of school now so hopefully ill be able to be around more often! (friday was my last day. it was sooo fun, but ill tell about that in another post)
much love~~~
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Cigaro ~ System Of A Down
Cigaro is one of several tracks completed towards
The group's forthcoming album "Mesmerize/Hypnotize".
My cock is much bigger than yours,
My cock can walk right through the door
With a feeling so pure..
It's got you screaming for more.
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
My shit stinks much better than yours,
My shit stinks right down through the floor.
With a feeling so pure,
It's got you coming back for more.
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
Can't you see that I love my cock?
Can't you see that you love my cock?
Can't you see that we love my cock?
We're the regulators that de-regulate
We're the animators that de-animate
We're the propagators of all genocide
Burning through the world's resources, then we turn and hide
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
We're the regulators that de-regulate
We're the animators that de-animate
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
Cool, in denial
We're the cruel regulators smoking
My cock is much bigger than yours,
My cock can walk right through the door
With a feeling so pure..
It's got you screaming back for more!
So today is my last full day of high school. Just a half day tomorrow and I’m done. I can’t believe it. This year has just flown by! It’s gonna be sad, but yah. I’m ppl are getting sick of me repeating the same damn thing over and over. Lol.
So I was talking to manda (rockstarfairychik) last night on AIM. Here’s part of our convo:
Badkitty172002: crack! i mean quack
Badkitty172002: aflack!
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: .
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: blow your own bubble
Badkitty172002: get your own box!
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: read my lips
Badkitty172002: hungry...grab a snickers!
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: hah see you cant!!
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: ...
Badkitty172002: 2 for me, none for you
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: Trojan MAN!
Badkitty172002: haha
Badkitty172002: hahaha
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: leggo my eggo
Badkitty172002: i cant even think of anything now...that was good
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: *its packed with chips!*
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: nobody can lay a finger on my butterfinger
Badkitty172002: *oh my gosh chocolate..i love chocolate..i just love it so much*
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: im coo coo for coa coa puffs
Badkitty172002: once you pop, the fun wont stop
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: lets find out.. a one a two a three
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: ...
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: ...
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: lol
Badkitty172002: that was fun
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: heidi ho neighbor
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: .. lol
Badkitty172002: whats that from?
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: well hididdleyhey
Badkitty172002: oh simpsons
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: umm home improvement that show
Badkitty172002: ooooh
Badkitty172002: haha i was wrong
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: the second one was from the simpsons
Badkitty172002: won't you be my neighbor
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: .. lol
Badkitty172002: he died!
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: ? /.. oh yah
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: haha
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: remember i was watching the younger spicier version the other day
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: haha
Badkitty172002: creates warming sensation on contact *guy looks up from newspaper* that'll work!
Badkitty172002: srry i had a lube commercial stuck in my head
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: ...
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: oooh my
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: damn add
XxRoCkChIxRuLeXx: i cant think of what i want to do!!!
Badkitty172002: haha
I hope everyone enjoyed that as much as I did.
Srry I haven’t really been getting to many of your sites. I got a few in school today, but I didn’t get to any at home. I guess I’ve just been slacking off on TheO this week.
~Joke Time~
If You See A Lady Naked…
One day there were two boys playing by a stream when they
stumbled upon a naked woman frolicking in the water.
After a few moments one of the boys turned and ran away.
The first boy couldn't understand why he ran away so he took
off after his friend. Finally, he caught up to him and asked,
"It was interesting man, why did you run away?"
The other boy replied, "My Mom told me if I ever saw a naked
lady I would turn to stone, and I felt something turning to stone,
so I ran."
There’s boys for ya >^.~<
Well I have a headache so I think I’m gonna head off to bed soon. Nighty~Night!!

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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
wtf mate?
ok so im in tech class and my teacher is typin up the stuff we need to know on the exam. WTF??? i've never even heard of half the stuff, and my exam is tomorrow >o.O< i just hope by some miracle i pass.
prom is saturday. im so excited *cant sit still* i'm gonna go in the limo with Shirley.
i really dont have anything to talk about and i gotta do my work so i'll see ya later..

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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
hope you all had an eventful weekend. i did.
friday Manda came over and stayed the night. then on Saturday we went to her house. Our friend Heather's b/f Kyle was having a bon~fire for his bday at Heathers house so we went to that. it was fun. Kyle had some friends over (who were really cute by the way). Heather and Kyle kept going in the house and we would all be like, there they go havin sex again. then when they'd come back outside we'd all be like How was it? haha. then after the bon~fire we went back to mandas house and she dyed my hair. its all one color now. lol. it's still brown, but a little lighter than before.
then sunday we helped pain the camper red (its her little brothers new play house). then we went swimming and that was about it. then we went back ot my house again (since no school monday).
then monday we went to the mall and a bunch of other stores looking for shoes for prom. luckily i already have mine. i did get some kool earings tho.
so yah, thats all that really happened this weekend. i can't believe school is almost over. im so excited. i know some of you are already out. i just cant believe that once school is out its not just for the summer. i never have to go back to that school again (besides graduation and stuff like that). gonna ramble so i'll stop now. lol. i downloaded the new System Of A Down cd. its good^^ (i guess its not that new...but yah).
i have absolutely nothing to talk about so i'll just post a pic and be off to bed.

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Friday, May 27, 2005
so i didn't go to school today cuz i was really sick last night.
last night was my dance recital. everyone said we all did so good, but it was horrible. all our music cues were wrong, the lighting was wrong. i was really upset. we've worked so hard on it then the music and light were wrong. but we did the best we could for the situtation we had.
so after i got home from the recital (around 8:45 ~ 9:00pm) i went to take a shower, then i got sick. mom was like. you're not going to school. normally i'd be like ok. but today was the last day i could give baby pictures and senior pictures to Mrs. Carlson (one of our senior class advisors), so she could put them in a slide show to play at the graduation ceremony. so i had mom take me up to the school, and put them in an envelope and had mom take them into the office and give them to her.
yah. i really have nothing else to talk about, i just wanted to post since its been a few days. i guess thats it...
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
what a day
ello' ello'
well it's wednesday. does anyone watch that show LOST on wednesday nights? its on ABC (i think). well i do and im sad because tonight is the 2 hour season finale.
anywho. i only got to a couple sites yesterday. as i said i was after school late for dance. me, beth, and connie got to leave early because Mrs. Wilson only wanted to see certian dances again and we weren't in any of the 3 she wanted to see.
yesterday i skipped my 4th hour and went to Manda's 4th hour. she has art and i had creative writing. the art teacher MR. Manning didn't care, or rather didn't seem to notice. i started a picture tho. i don't know her name or what anime she's from, but i'll try to look it up.
well i don't really have too much to talk about, and i have to work on my project so i'll try o update tomorrow (if i'm not to tired after dasnce pratice).

does anyone know who the guy is in the picture with Chidori?
have a great day^^
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Open Wounds ~ Skillet
Open Wounds
In the dark with the music on
Wishing I was somewhere else
Taking all your anger out on me, somebody help
I would rather rot alone
Then spend a minute with you
I'm gone, I'm gone
And you can't stop me from falling apart
'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault
How could you, how could you, how could you hate me?
When all I ever wanted to be was you?
How could you, how could you, how could you love me?
When all you ever gave me were open wounds?
Downstairs the enemy sleeps
Leaving the TV on
Watching all the dreams we had turn into static
Doesn't matter what I do
Nothing's gonna change
I'm never good enough
And you can't stop me from falling apart
'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault
Tell me why you broke me down and betrayed my trust in you
I'm not giving up, giving in when will this war end?
When will it end??
You can't stop me from falling apart [3X]
'Cause my self-destruction is all your fault.
So i haven't updated in a long time. srry about that.
Friday Manda came over. we hung out, ordered pizza nothing much. we did go to the park tho. that was sooo much fun. we drew dirty pictures in the sand! (a guy and girl having sex. actually it was just a penis fucking a woman...we didn't draw the rest of his body lol) it was sooo funny tho. i wish i had a camera then.
Saturday morning we wake up. i go into the living room and hear mom saying to her bf, "she's still in there!" me being noisy says what? mom tells me a lady was shot and killed a couple apartments down from us. im like wtf????? >o.O< i guess her name is Robin Paige. she was 25 years old. she had a 3yr old and a 4yr old. her ex husband came to her house anout 3 or 4 in the morning and shot her multiple times. then he left. well he was stupid enough to use his cellphone and the cops tracked him in Ohio. i feel so bad for her family and her babies. they're gonna have to grow up knowin their dad shot and killed their mommy. everyone around the apartments was talking about it. that kinda freaked me out. i've lived here for about 5 yrs and never had anything like this happen. it's kreepy to think just a couple buildings down someone was murdered. *shivvers*
Then we went to manda's house. we went swimming in the nasty green water of her pool. the bottom was all slimy and gross. >.< it was fun tho. then we watched the first Inuyasha movie on AdultSwim. it was good, but i didn't like the way Kagome looked. she was funny looking.
Then Sunday we just kinda hung out. then we went to Meijers, then Taco Bell, then took me home. that was about it.
School is almost over. Gawd i can't wait!! i'm so excited. i'm gonna miss all my friends tho (the underclassmen) esp. Katy and Kitty. aww i don't wanna go.......*sigh* they better come to my graduation party damnit! haha. Prom is in less than 2 weeks. ahhh i can't believe it!!
So what do you think of my theme (i know, it's about damn Well the theme is Ceres: Celistial Legend (known as Ayashia no Ceres in Japan). My friend Shirley from school has been letting me read them. She has the 11 that are out so far. i'm almost done with 4 (literally like a few pages left). its good. it's shojo so its not just for girls (i think it's more girly tho cuz its a romance, but theres some kool actin in it as well). blah...i'm rambling. i guess that's what i get for not bein here in a while.
Well i probally won't be getting to many if any sites tuesday, wednesday or thursday. I will be staying after school till about 7 or 8 each night for dance. the recital is thursday >@.@< i can't believe it. i'm so excited tho. OUR TANGO ROCKS!!!!! haha yah.
Well i'm off to bed now. Nighty~Night
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Perfect Grave ~ Social Code
"Perfect Grave"
In your room
You sleep all day so nothing gets to you
You've dug a hole
But I will not crawl into it with you
If it's the last thing I do
I will not follow you into a perfect grave
I will not stand here while you throw it all away
I'll keep hoping that you won't fall in all the way
You Take your pills
You choke them down
But every swallow kills me
I've had enough
Of digging in the dirt trying to save you
Thats the last thing I'll do
I will not follow you into a perfect grave
I will not stand here while you throw it all away
I'll keep hoping that you won't fall in all the way
I'll never know what you're feeling inside
Now that you're buried alive
I could keep digging and wreck my life too
But thats the last thing I'll do
[Chorus 2x]
I will not follow you into a perfect grave
I will not stand here while you throw it all away
I'll keep hoping that you won't fall in all the way
I will not follow you into a perfect grave
I will not stand here while you throw it all away
I'll keep hoping that you won't fall in all the way
Wouldn’t you know I’d end up with these results…….
 Suicidal Gamer
(results contain pictures) What type of GAMER are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Oh well. So I haven’t posted in a few days. I haven’t really felt like it I guess. Plus, I’ve been going to bed early lately.
8½ more days left of school! I can’t believe it. I’m so excited, but that means I’m done with school and never have to go back (that’s kinda scary). On the last day of school for seniors we have to be out of the school by 11AM, so I think Bethany’s gonna let me ride with her, and we’re gonna go out to lunch and hang out for a little bit for the last day of school. I’m excited to get in the train and honk the horn. (as the seniors leave we’re in a big train of cars and we honk the horns..its fun^^ I did it last year even though I was a junior then)
I got my dress. It’s so pretty. It fits really good too.
I’m gonna change my theme this weekend (since I’ll have time to do it then). I’ve decided on the theme. You gotta wait a few days tho >^.^<
I really have nothing to talk about, just that I’m tired. (no surprise there).
Oh. i finished reading MARS the other day. It was soo good. I won’t say too much about it cuz I’m sure there are some people out there who are reading it. I’ll just say it was really good!!! I’m sad that it’s over tho. Lol.
Well i guess that’s it. Srry bout the short post.
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
mangas galore...
Srry in advance for the short post. My computer isn’t working all that great. (which sux seeing as I’ve only had it fixed for about 6 days)
So Shirley let me borrow book 1 of Ceres as I said. I gave it back to her in 1st hour and she let me borrow 2 and 3. I finished them both^^ I also took mars 8 to school with me to read. Well I finished that and gave it to Manda before 4th hour. So when I came home I read Ceres 2 and 3, then Mars 9. I’ll start 10 prolly in school tomorrow (uhhh today). Ceres and Mars remind me a lot of each other. I think it’s just the characters. Not that they look alike but they have similar pasts. Ex: Rei (Mars) is alone and doesn’t have anyone else (if you’ve read it you know). And Toya is in the same situation. He’s all alone, he doesn’t know anything about his past tho. It’s hard to explain. I guess you’d have to read them both to get what im saying.
So no dress yet. I tracked it online and said it should be here the 17th which is today, so im crossin my fingers and hopin it comes on time.
I’m passin out invites to my grad party at school today. I hope I don’t forget anyone.
So I before 4th hour I was standin with some friends. Katy was eatin a brownie and fed me a bite. Manda starts laughing im like wha?? >o.O< shes like guess who made it. I’m like >.< oh no that icky RCTC kid. She starts laughin. I was like ewwwwwwiw. This kid is sooo gross. He sneezed in his hands one time and rubbed it in like lotion. It was totally disgusting. He’s in the culinary arts class for RCTC (cooking), so I hope the brownie was somewhat safe. Me and manda joked saying its ok as long as Katy fed it to me ^^ I love Katy soo much. She’s so cute^^
I keep dreamin about Faith. It’s really getting to me (not in a bad way, just makin me miss her soo much). *sigh* that’s life tho.
Well I guess that’s all for now cuz im tired and wanna go to bed. Nighty~Night
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