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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
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it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
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inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
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I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Monday, May 16, 2005
1300 hits!!
Look I’ve returned. Actually I didn’t go anywhere, I just didn’t update all weekend. I‘m sorry, I did mean to.
Woo~hoo i made it to 1300 hits^^
Anywho here’s my weekend.
Friday: woke up. Took a shower. Beth came and picked me up (along with Manda, Brandon, and Shirley). We went to Taco Bell. (that was way fun ^^). Then we went to Wal-Mart to get a camera. Then we headed over to Rolling Hills for the BBQ. We parked and it was a bunch of stupid preps, so we left. Haha. Then we drove around some back roads. We seen this mailbox that was a fish. (like you opened the mailbox from inside the fish’s mouth). Beth stopped in the road and backed up. Good thing there were no other cars. Then we took a picture of this sign that said Adult Day Care. It was sooo funny. Then were driving along to go hang out at Meijers for the few hours we had left and seen this cross off on the side of the road (on some land). It turned our to be this unmarked cemetery that my friend Kelli told us about in 9th grade. We turned around and took the road that said dead end to it. There were 3 tombstones on this random property. Then we started walking along the trail and found some clothes and shoes buried. It was crazy. We took pics. I’ll have to post them when I get my film (cuz im not special enough to have a digital camera). Then we came back to my house to look it up online, but had no luck.
Saturday: Manda calls me around 8am and asks if I want to go to the mall and Wizzy Wigs (sp?) with her and Heather. Im like no im sleeping. I call her back like 5~10 minutes later saying I changed my mind. Lol. So first we got inline so Heather could get tickets to Ozzfest. We pulled numbers and I got the first one, so me, Manda and Heather were first in line ^^ (im so awesome). Then we looked in Claire’s for jewelry for prom. (I don’t like those girly kind of stores. They’re too preppy for me). Then we went to Hot Topic ^^ my absolute # 1 fav store ever! Then we went to The Icing. I bought a kool bracelet that had handcuffs on it^^ it’s soo cute. Then we went to Wizzy Wigs. (its an awesome anime store). I bought Pocky for the first time^^ I felt so kool. Lol. I bought the chocolate kind. And Manda bought Strawberry Cream and Banana. I didn’t care for the Strawberry Cream that much but I loved the banana. I also bought this sugar candy stuff. I have no idea what it’s called but it was just little sugar balls (they were all colored). Then we went to see Greg (the sexy tattoo guy). Then we went to this bead store cuz Heather’s makin Manda a bracelet and necklace for prom to match her dress. Then that afternoon me and Manda played in the rain and went to go see matt (all wet >^.~<). Then we went to the library and I got Mars vol. 8~15. & was missing. I was like screw it, I need to read them all!! So I’ll skip 7, it won’t be that big of a deal. Then that night, my sister came down. I babysat my nephew Jayden (3). My sister brought her new puppy Hutch. He was soo cute. He was a beagle mixed with a collie. He was chasing Mr. Kankles (my cat). It was so funny.
Sunday: woke up and took a shower. Beth picked me up (with Shirley, Brandon and her sister Amy). First we went to Value World to see if we could find something for the dance recital. I know it’s kinda like the salvation army but I didn’t care. Besides it was just for dance class. We didn’t find anything so we left. Then we went to Taco Bell. after that we left and went back to the unmarked cemetery (which is like 2 minutes from my house I might add). We tried to dig up more clothes (yes we brought a little garden shovel this time haha). Then we came to my house to see if we could find any other information about the graves, but again no luck. We played Ouiji for a minute. Then they all left cuz Shirley had to go home.
So that was my weekend. Also, Shirley let me borrow one of her Manga’s. it’s called Ceres Celestial Legend. It’s good. I finished reading it last night. I think there’s 15 or so manga’s of it. I d/l some Chobits episodes. Its in Japanese, but it has subtitles. Its ok tho, since I’ve read the whole series. I d/l episode 1~5. And I’m working on d/l 6~10. I have those paused cuz im trying to d/l the first inuyasha movie, since I haven’t see it.
Well I hope you all had just as much fun reading about my weekend as I did typing about it >o.O<
P.S. my dress should come UPS today! I really hope it does.
P.S.S. My new theme should be up this week sometime (I hope)
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Would? ~ Alice In Chains
Know Me Broken By My Master
Teach Thee On Child Of Love Hereafter
Into The Flood Again
Same Old Trip It Was Back Then
So I Made A Big Mistake
Try To See It Once My Way
Drifting Body Its Sole Desertion
Flying Not Yet Quite The Notion
Into The Flood Again
Same Old Trip It Was Back Then
So I Made A Big Mistake
Try To See It Once My Way
Into The Flood Again
Same Old Trip It Was Back Then
So I Made A Big Mistake
Try To See It Once My Way
Am I Wrong?
Have I Run Too Far To Get Home?
Am I Gone?
And Left You Here Alone
If I Would Could You?
Not too much to talk about right now. Ummm so yah. It’s Friday the 13th *insert evil laugh here* >o.O<
So today is our second senior skip day. Yes we had 2 because we’re totally kool like that^^ some seniors were talking about going to Cedar Point. I’m like woo hoo *insert sarcasm here* I can go to Cedar Point ANY time. I wasn’t gonna skip, then Tuesday Beth told me the seniors were havin BBQ at Rolling Hills ( a water park). She’s like you in? I’m like hell yah. The water park isn’t open yet, so we cant swim, but I still think it’s kool to have BBQ since we didn’t take a senior class trip. I mean, this is prolly the last time I’m gonna be able to see some of these ppl (besides prom and graduation). I’ll try to take pics (weather it will be exciting or not I don’t know). But yah so that’s the plan so far.
Manda finished my picture in art. It’s soo kool. It’s 2 elephants. I absolutely <3 it!! Thx manda!!! (I’ll take a pic of it and show u guys).
So yesterday was my brother’s birthday. He turned 22. Gawd that makes me feel old now. Haha. I mean he’s only 4 yrs older than me but still…..
What do you guys thing I should change my theme too? I really don’t have any ideas…a little help here *crickets* >o.O< *damn you all to hell!! (unless u gave a suggestion)*
Well I guess that’s it.
G’Night ..zzZZZzzZZZzzZZZ >-_-<
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Guess who's back.....back again....Badkitty's back...Tell a friend..
So yah. Badkitty's up and ready for service once again.
Good news is I got my computer fixed yesterday afternoon. Bad news is i lost everything. I lost all my documents, music, all my AMV’s and worst of all my pictures. All my banners, buttons, avi's, bg's...everything i had...gone. All the awesome banners i made for friends..wiped down the drain. There was a kool Trigun banner i made for some girl. Well i made it, sent her the link, she never put it on her site. How rude! I was gonna put it on mine, now it's gone. I don't wanna sulk on that tho. Lets get back to the good news. Umm
Oh i know...go to my friend's site. She's still new, but she really needs visits, last time i checked she had only 3 gb signatures. I hope some of you can go visit her. Her site is Valefore. I made her a nifty banner (see bottom of post). Thx in advance^^
Lets see...ummmm. Oh I’m getting this dress.

I think it's kool. If you don't like it then *sticks tongue out* to you! *hmp!*
*yawns* i'm tired and it's frikken hotttttttt in this house. May~b I’ll go take a shower just to kool off...But not yet. I have more Computer business to do. Like waiting for Ms.Selena (usagixsenjo) to stop being all away so i can talkie to her^^
I really missed my computer sooo much *hugs computer* even if i did lose all my stuff, i'm happy to have the computer up and working!
Let's see. Today is my Uncle Billy's Birthday. Happy Birthday Uncle Billy! *mmmm cake* There have been so many birthday's this month. let's see. May 1 ~ Annie (brother's ex.) & My half sister i just found out about Randi (i think it's her b~day not exactly sure), May 6 ~ Cameron (Faith's lil bro), May 9 ~ Selena, May 10 ~ Katy, May 11 ~ Uncle Billy, May 12 ~ Chae (my bro), May 29 Angie (my sis). So that's alot of birthday's which is equally alot of cake! lol.
This is the necklace i ordered. i think it got lost in the mail so they had to send me a new one. i haven't gotten it yet, but i haven't given up hope on it. It better hurry up and get here Damnit!!!!!
This sterling silver pendant may look delicate, but don’t be fooled; it is a powerful talisman! The pentacle is a schematic map of the Cosmos. The waxing and waning moons in the upper corners are connected to the power of the Goddess. And the amethyst, set in the center, is believed to foster love and combat negativity. Pendant hangs from a 33" waxed linen cord and includes an informative card.
I need to change my theme. I have no idea what it should be this time. Any ideas?
Unanswered Questions of the day:
Why is it, whether you sit up or sit down, the result is the same?
Why is Mickey Mouse bigger than his dog Pluto?
Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
Why is the word "abbreviate" so long?
Don't you have to get up to get to the tape?
Why is there an expiration date on SOUR cream?
Feel free to try and answer..if you dare *insert sinister laugh here*

Now that I have a computer again if anyone wants to chat IM me (AIM: Badkitty172002).
Well that's it for tonite. This Kitty's off to bed >^.~<
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Happy Bday KatySan
i made this on paint durning class. its nothing special but i hope you like it.

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happy tuesday everyone!
today is Katy~San's birthday. go tell her Happy Birthday! (sailor firestar)
good news. i called the hp customer service and ordered my recovery disk. they said it should be here by thursday!! so hopefully i'll be on my home computer thursday night (for friday's post).
blah..i don't really have anything to talk about today. nothing exciting has happened....yet.
that's all for my very short post^^
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Monday, May 9, 2005
The Hand That Feeds ~ Nine Inch Nails
You're keeping in step
In the line
Got your chin held high and you feel just fine
Because you do
What you're told
But inside your heart it is black and it's hollow and it's cold
Just how deep do you believe?
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
Will you chew until it bleeds?
Can you get up off your knees?
Are you brave enough to see?
Do you want to change it?
What if this whole crusade's
A charade
And behind it all there's a price to be paid
For the blood
On which we dine
Justified in the name of the holy and the divine
Just how deep do you believe?
Will you bite the hand that feeds?
Will you chew until it bleeds?
Can you get up off your knees?
Are you brave enough to see?
Do you want to change it?
So naive
I keep holding on to what I want to believe
I can see
But I keep holding on and on and on and on
Will you bite the hand that feeds you?
Will you stay down on your knees? [8X]
i love that song^^ i went and bought the new NIN cd on Saturday. it's pretty good. i've only listened to it once so i don't know really know the other songs too well yet.
so today is Ms.Selena's 18th birthday. GO TO HER SITE NOW AND WISH HER A HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (UsagixSenjo). tomorrow is Katy~San's birthday. GO TO HER SITE TOMORROW AND WISH HER HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (sailor firestar).
so how was everyone's weekend? mine was pretty good i guess.
Friday uh....i went to the library and got a movie. The Rocky Horror Picture Show! haha i love that movie. i watched half of it Saturday morning then went to go see my Grandma in the hospital. all the way to the hospital i had this song stuck in my head...I'm a sweet Transvestite from Transexual Transilvania! haha.
after i went to see my grandma in the hospital i went shopping for a prom dress. i found one i like. they're holding it for me till friday (it goes on sale then) but i might change my mind and get a different one.
my brother invited me over to his house Saturday night. i should have went. his birthday is Thursday (he'll be 22) and his friend Rob's birthday was Tuesday, so Saturday they were having their party. he went to get the keg and called me when he got home. he was like what kind of beer do you want in the keg for ur grad. party? im like i don't like beer! he's like what do you want then? im like you choose. he's like if i choose i'll get you something wild and crazy. im like ok. haha. i don't think he'll get me a keg but he might bring me something to drink (without mom knowin >^.~<)
blah...i don't wanna do this stupid project.
well the computers are messing up in class so i hope this posts. if not i'm gonna be pissed. well i guess i'll go so this post doesn't get erased.
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Because I Got High ~ Afroman
It's Like, I don't care about nothin man,
roll another blunt, Yea (ohh ohh ohh),
La da da da da da La, Da Daaa,
La da da da, La da da da, La da da daaa
I was gonna clean my room until I got high
I gonna get up and find the broom but then I got high
my room is still messed up and I know why (why man?) yea heyy,
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I was gonna go to class before I got high
I coulda cheated and I coulda passed but I got high
(La da da da da da da da da)
I am taking it next semester and I know why, (why man?) yea heyy,
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I was gonna go to work but then I got high
I just got a new promotion but I got high
now I'm selling dope and I know why (why man?) yea heayy,
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I was gonna go to court before I got high
I was gonna pay my child support but then I got high
they took my whole paycheck and I know why (why man?) yea heayy,
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I wasn't gonna run from the cops but I was high
I was gonna pull right over and stop but I was high
(La da da da da da da da da)
Now I am a paraplegic and i know why (why man?) yea heayy,
- because I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I was gonna pay my car note until I got high
I wasn't gonna gamble on the boat but then I got high
now the tow truck is pulling away and I know why (why man?) yea heyy,
- because I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I was gonna make love to you but then I got high
I was gonna eat yo pussy too but then I got high
now I'm jacking off and I know why, yea heyy,
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I messed up my entire life because I got high
I lost my kids and wife because I got high
now I'm sleeping on the sidewalk and I know why (why man?) yea heyy,
- cause I got high [repeat 3X]
(La da da da da da da da da)
I'm gonna stop singing this song because I'm high
I'm singing this whole thing wrong because I'm high
and if I dont sell one copy I know why (why man?) yea heyy,
- cause I'm high [repeat 3X]
La da da da da da, La da da da, Shoop shooby doo wop.
Get jiggy wit it, skibbidy bee bop diddy do wahhh
- cause I'm high [repeat 3X]
(hey where the cluck at cuz) [clucks]
Well my name is afroman and I'm from east pomdale (east-pom-dale)
and all the tolweed I be smokin is bomb as helllllll (excelent delivery)
I don't beleive in Hitler, that'swhat I said (oh my goodness)
so all of you skins (skins) please give me more head
i guess that song fits todays post. well as i said thursday was senior skip day (05~05~05). i had fun^^
manda came over wednesday evening and we hung out. watched a little tv, then after my mom went to work we smoked some weed. lol. i don't wanna make a big deal out of it cuz i know some ppl dont like to hear about it. i'll just say we had fun. then we called matt and had him come over. oh my gawd! he was looking sooo good! haha. then we called AJ and Selena but they didn't pick up their phones. lol.
matt went to the store and picked up some cigarettes for us (manda paid for them). then he left my house around 2:45 AM and we went to bed arounf 3 AM. we slept till sometime after noon (like 12:15 or so).
then we went to matts house yesterday. we walked around back and there was matt, andrew and dan smokin a cigarette. we had one too. then andrew left. matt played guitar for us. we stayed for a few hours, but his sister was comming home from school and she would tattle about us being there so we left.
that was about it tho. nothing to exciting.
i started reading X\1999 today. its good so far.

well i'll try to post this weekend.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
a month already...
*sigh* i can't believe today is one month since Faith has been gone. i just can't believe it. i had a dream about her last night. she wasn't 5 in my dream tho, she was less than a year old. probally around 10 months (looking back at pics to compare).
me and Heather (her mom) were in the hospital room. i was standing on the right side of Faiths bed looking at her. Heather was sitting on the left side of the bed, towards the foot of her bed. i was watching her and all of a sudden she opened her eyes and looked at me. i was like oh my god oh my god, im crying and saying heather shes awake shes awake. i hold her in my arms rocking her back and forth crying..cant believe shes awake. heather looks at me and she tells me to get a nurse quick. i still have faith in my arms and i walk to the hallway trying to yell help but my voice is a mere whisper. finally a nurse comes.
next thing i know my cousin debbie is sitting in the room with us. heather tells me to go tell the family that faith is awake. i run all the way there and my cousin debbie is there. wtf? im like debbie howd u get here b4 me? did you tell them yet? she said yes. im like i was suposed to tell them. thats why i hate you, you're just like your mother! (i dont like debbie or aunt linda in real life). my mom is telling me to hush, im like no!
then i woke up. *sigh* i woke up and was like omg i cant believe faith is gone. it's been hard for me. some people may think im overreacting or trying to get attention, but im not. i wore all black today. its just the mood im in.
tomorrow is Senior Skip Day! 05-05-05^^ i think i'm gonna see if manda can come over today and stay the night. i want to go to the cemetery and the spot of the accident. i wanna put flowers at both places. i can walk there. its only about 3 miles from home, i'd be willing to walk there tho. if manda came i wouldn't be bored.
i bought my prom ticket yesterday. now all i need is a dress! prom is in exactly one month from today. June 4th, 2005. i need to look and find onwe fast.
well i actually have to do my work. i'll update friday (since i wont be here tomorrow)
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
*yawns* good morning ppl.
i didn't go to school yesterday. i was suposed to go to the doctors but mom decided not to take me so i just stayed home and did nothing. i was soooo bored out of my mind, esp. with no computer *cries for computer*
i read fruits basket vol. 7 tho. i need to borrow vol. 8 from this girl at lunch. i should ask her.

i started reading this new manga. it's called 50 rules for teenagers. i'm only a couple pages in so there's not much to tell about it.this is what it says about it: The desire for a normal teenage life haunts the overworked and under-appreciated Mi-Roo. While most girls her age are carefree and boy-crazy, she is bound to the grueling gigs of student, homemaker and full-time babysitter to her siblings. With a mother who's mostly missing-in-action and a twin brother who's bent at doing nothing, Mi-Roo is trapped in a constant balancing act of housework and homework. But she's no superhero-it's going to take more than a little determination to stay in control of this whirlwind!

so i don't really have anything exciting to talk about. oh i will be changing my theme soon. hopefully this weekend, if i can go to manda's house or may~B THE LIBRARY. oops caps was on :P
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
well im at the library so this is gonna be a short post. i wont be in school tomorrow so i'll post again on tuesday.
i called about getting a new recovery disk for my computer yesterday and they're gonna charge me almost $40! my mom cant charge it right now and credit card is the only way to order so im gonna be computerless for a few months most likely. *sigh* i hate the fucking world!
friday i rode mandas bus home (there was a sub driver shh..^^) im sad cuz Katy wasnt there that day. then, we went to the are show (manda and heather had stuff there)it was kool. i wore my pretty boob dress (haha the one where i constantly have to make sure my boobs are still in the dress). there was a lady there doing henna, so i got a kool design on my hand that says Faith and it really pretty. when we get the film back i'll post a pic.
ummmmmm i know there was something else i wanted to say but now i cant remember. i guess i'll be going then...
until next time....
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