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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
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Friday, April 29, 2005
'ello 'ello
hey guys. thx for the coments yesterday^^
its finally friday! woo hoo.
i couldn't sleep last night. i haven't been able to fall asleep easily lately. i've been thinking about Faith alot.
last night i was listning to that jewel song i posted lyrics for a few days ago. everytime i hear this part "Yellow flowers decorate his bedroom
Sign above his door says 'Welcome Home'" that part reminds me of when Faith was in the hospital. she was in a room and as you walk in there's her name in big bubble letters on the wall in an arc shape. it was so nice. but for some reason everytime i hear those words i see Faith laying in that hospital bed. it makes me think of her laying there peacefully sleeping. i mean that's how she looked. i've been thinking about her alot this week. i'm still in shock and can't believe she's really gone.
i was at their house on Saturday. her little brother Cameron missed me so much. he showed me the cat had kittens and he was like "sit!" so i sat, and he sat on my lap. then his mom was tellin me and my mom that Sharon (the other grandma..the one who was watching them when Faith was hit) went up north. (They called her Nana2) Cameron said, "Nana2 died like Faith?" his mom was like "No honey. Nana2 will come home." they had to call her so he could talk to her and know she was comming home. it's gotta be so hard for Cameron. i mean he knows Faith is gone and not comming home, and he will say Faith Died. he doesn't know what it means to be dead, but he knows when he say's Faith died, she's not comming home.
*sigh* yah. so anywho, i don't really have anything else to talk about. i'm gonna try to get my computer fixed this weekend..highly doubtfull tho.
hope to see you guys soon^^
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
1 Year on TheO!!
hey guys. today is my 1 year Birthday here on TheO^^
look what manda (rockstarfairychik) made for me. Thx chik, I totally love it!!

theres something i want to make for all my friends on here but since my computer is down i don't know when i'll be able to make it.
in the mean time lets party!!
haha i just thought about the funny dream manda told me she had yesterday. *thinks of Matt in pink thong*
here's a couple pics. i thought i'd stay with the Love Hina theme (from the banner)

well that's it for the short post today, i wanna try to visit some sites. i just want to think all my friends who have been here the past year and just people who visit in general. and a big thank~you to a friend who is no longer on TheO, but was my first friend here (besides manda) was Mai. her site is still up. her site is AnimeBlue Girl.
well i must go now. *love you all!!*
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Adrian ~ Jewel
Adrian came home again last summer
Things just haven't been the same around here
People talk
People stare
Oh, Adrian, come out and play
An unfortunate accident in a canoe
Dr. said, 'I'm sorry not much I can do'
The air was so still
His eyes did not blink
Oh, Adrian, come out and play
Little Mary Epperson liked him
She vowed always to watch after him
Still he did not move
Dr. said it's no use
Oh, Adrian, come out and play
She sat by his side, watched the years fly by
He looked so fragile, he looked so small
She wondered why he was still alive at all
Everyone in town had that 'I'm sorry look'
They talked in a whispered hush, said
'I'd turn the machines off'
But still she sat by his side
Said, 'Life he won't be denied
Oh, Adrian, come out and play
Yellow flowers decorate his bedroom
Sign above his door says 'Welcome Home'
But he just sits and stares
He's awake but he's still not there
Oh, Adrian, come out and play
She sat by his side, watched the years fly by
He looked so fragile, he looked so small
She wondered why he was still alive at all
Little Mary Epperson grew up lovely
She still comes to visit him on Sundays
He's like an unused toy
He's got big hands but the mind of a little boy
Oh, Adrian, come out and play
Adrian came home again last summer
Things just haven't been the same around here
I don't care for Jewel too much, but this is from her first CD. i like the lyrics, i don't care for her voice. Esp. in this song. it's very pitchie and i just don't like it.
ok so i didn't feel like going to school yesterday which meant i didn't get to post.
I think there is a senior class meeting today. oh well.
i hate not having a working computer at home. i gte so bored at home, so i just sleep. what a great life huh?
i really miss talking to my friends online. esp a certian friend..i never get to talk to him anymore and i miss him. i haven't talked to him since Faith got hit. actually i talked to him that morning, a few hours later i got the phone call saying Faith got hit. i really just wanted to talk to him but he was no where to be found. *sigh* hope i can talk to him soon.
well 6 weeks left of's taking forever.
so my aunt was gonna give me her old car. it was a pink tracker..convertable. she was gonna give it to me for free, it just needed a transmission (i know its exopensive but she was givin me the car for free). well it turns out she gave it away. i was like WTF!!! she gave it ot some guy from my moms work. (my Aunt Diane and Aunt Patty are close. Patty was govin me the car. she gave it to Ken who works with diane and my mom). did that make sense? anywho it really pissed me off and got me really upset at the same time.
so instead of my mom getting me a laptop, i think she's gonna try and help me get a car. i'd much rather have a car than a computer. i can always go to the library for the internet ya kno.
well its getting to the end of class so i must go. i'll update tomorrow cuz its a special day. can anyone guess why??
the computerless kitty... ^.^
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Monday, April 25, 2005
i'll do whatever i feel like GOSH!
***Vote for Pedro!***

Hi. not much to say. im in school. if you didnt read yesterdays post, my computer is down and doesnt look like i'll be able to get it fixed anytime soon.

yesterday was kinda wierd. i called my dad. i havent talked to him since my brother was in the hospital (he lives in AL, and i havent seen him in about 5 yrs). i called to get a couple addresses for graduation stuff. i told him about was just wierd to talk to him.
i watched Napoleon Dynamite on Friday. it was funny. hmmmm nothing else to type about.

well i have to go. i'll try to update tomorrow if i can.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
>.< me ish sick and computerless
ahhhh ok bad news. my computer is completely down. its messed up and i need to get a new recovery disk to reprogram it cuz the dick i have is cracked..almost in half >.<
i have no idea when i'll be back. i'll try to post in school or at mandas house and stuff.
for the ppl who recently signed my GB i'll try to get to ur sites soon as i can.
im also sick. i think im catching my moms bronchitus (sp). grrr. she made me this drink last night. it was some kind of home remedy. it was water with lemon juice and lots of whisky ^^ she went back and added more whisky to it twice. i was like dang mom everytime i drink a little bit of it you go add more how do you expect me to finish it?? lol. it was gross cuz i dont like lemon...(i do like lemonmaide tho :P)
so im at the library and i have to go. i'll try to post in school tomorrow. until then tata
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Friday, April 22, 2005
1200 hits woo hoo!!
good mornin everyone. i'm tired.
i have 1200 hits *beams a smile*
i didnt have school yesterday. i did go the the library in the morning tho and got Mars vol. 3, 4, 5 and 6. i read them all too^^ its such a great manga. the story line is like awwwww. lol. im mad cuz they have all 15 but # 7 is missing. i might just have to go buy vol. 7.

so wednesday night was great. if you dont wanna hear about drugs skip on to the bottom of the post. i had a good time. i guess you could say i had a party. it was me alone at home with 5 guys all gettin stoned. haha. i didn't smoke a whole lot, just a little, but yah. my cat got high. it was hilarious. but yah. it was me, matt, andrew, darnez, dan, and nate. i've never met dan or nate b4, but omg nate was so hott..haha the boys stayed till late. dan left around midnight, darnez and nate left around 1:00 and matt and andrew left at 1:30. i was glad to be able to hang out with the guys tho.

so anywho, yah thats about it. its safe to read now.
oh look i joined another kool club. the founder is naraku19. please go to his site.

hmmmmm...what to write about *thinks......Crickets chirping* *nope couldnt think of anything*
we're suposed to be doing something in tech. but we have a sub and she doesnt know how to do it and like half the class doesnt know either so im not doin it.
im hoping to go get that laptop this weekend cuz my home computer is really messin up. i cant shut down normally and i have to unplug it to turn it off. i dont even bother turning it on. i had it working long enough to bur 2 cds for dance class and that was it.
so i hope you all enjoyed my lovely post filled with a bunch of nothingness^^
one more sexy pic of Rei for good luck ^.~

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
HAPPY 420!!!
Happy 420 you guys ^.~
hey guys. look i joined a new club.

please ask venomous kitsune if you would like to join. i'll add you to my other clubs at the top of the screen for later.
so i didn't really get to anyones sites again.
i've been sleeping alot lately. i slept 5 hours after school yesterday.
yesterday durning school i got my senior announcements (my invitations and that type of thing). our cap and gown will be comming in a few weeks i think.
well not much to talk about today. But here's a pretty picture of Faye

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Seperated ~ Avant
Grrizzle....i'm a crocodizzle *nods* yup~yup!!
So i actually had a pretty good day yesterday. First hour (career pathways) was kinda boring, I continued working on the web page. 2nd hour (math) was ok. I finished my homework in class so that was good. 3rd hour (advanced computers/programming) was ok. We had a sub so I half did my work and half visited some sites on TheO *shh* 4th hour (creative writing) ummm i don’t even remember what we did. It must not have been that important if I can’t even remember. Lol. 5th hour (advanced dance) was great^^ I love that class. Dance class is the only thing I look forward to each day. Im usually depressed and sad at school, but dance has really been a big help. We found out what dances we are doing for the recital, and we got our candy (to sell to make money for the recital). Our recital is our final exam. Im excited because I got the 2 dances I really wanted to do. Me and Beth are doing the Tango and the Cha~Cha. We are doing a duet for the Tango with Allison and Shirley. It’s gonna be awesome. I think for the Cha~Cha me and Beth are doing a solo. I’m also doing a square dance. I don’t like country music or anything like that..I’m a rocker all the way, but I have to admit..the square dancing is fun^^ oh yah and 6th hour (teacher’s aide for regular dance) was fun. Me and Beth worked on our Tango while the class was Waltzing.
So here are the pics I was gonna post yesterday. *hides while ppl stare awkwardly at pictures*

*My hair was in pig tails by the way*
***Joke Of The Day***
Two Spoons
At a restaurant, one of the customers noticed that all of the waiters had two spoons in their vest pockets. Upon being asked, one waiter said, "We see that the most frequently dropped silverware are spoons, therefore we keep them for replacement."
Then the customer noticed that a string was hanging out of all the waiters' flies and asked what the string was for. "The string is for us to go to the bathroom," explained the waiter, "that way, when we pull it, it shoots and aims right away. Then we don't have to stop to wash our hands."
The customer asked, "Well, that's how you get it out, but how do you get it back in?"
The waiter whispered confidentially, "I don't know about the others, but I use the two spoons."
That really makes you feel healthy now doesn’t it! On a different note, it was so nice out today. It was in the 70’s. it’s about damn time. Lol. Oh look inuyasha is about to come on in a few minutes. I should watch it. Well my computer was working a little bit better today, but I slept most of the afternoon so I didn’t really get to anyones sites. My apologies.
Oh I got an email yesterday saying I had 4 books to pock up. Its Mars Vol 3, 4, 5 and 6. *squeals excitedly* I’m so excited. Mars is sooo good. I don’t know why I didn’t start reading it sooner. I prolly won’t get to the library till Thursday since I don’t have school, or mayb even Friday.
Hmm well I have nothing else exciting to talk about. Not that what I said already was exciting or anything. Oh well. Im goin to bed…after inuyasha…so nighty~night *snuggles with blanket and kitty*
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Teenage Dirtbag ~ Wheatus
Well Its Monday. Hope you guys had a nice weekend. Mine was good.
On Friday Manda came over. We didn’t really do much cuz she came over kinda late. But when it got late we turned all the lights off to see if the camera would still take pictures..and it worked. So Manda was takin pictures of me and some orbs showed up. I know there is always the possibility that it’s just dust particles in the air, but I know some are orbs. I might put up a few pics.
Saturday ~ We watched Spirited Away. That movie is so good. It’s like one of my favorites now. I knew the little girl’s voice sounded so familiar. She’s the girl that does the voice for Lilo from Lilo and Stitch^^ We were supposed to go to this store to look at prom dresses but my mom has bronchitis and was sick in bed all day >.< Manda’s mom picked us up and we hung out at her house instead. We had a bon fire again this weekend too. This time Heather and Kyle came. It was fun. I felt as tho Kyle didn’t want to be there. I just tried to ignore that and have fun anyway. I love having bonfires. I’m such a pyro. I sit there and poke the fire and catch the fire poking stick on fire and play with it till it goes out and keep doing it over and over. Lol. i cut 3 of my fingers and got a splinter collecting sticks and stuff for the fire. I got cut on this dry grassie stuff when I was breaking it. I didn’t even notice I got cut till I went to roll up my sleeves and noticed my finger was bleeding.
Then on Sunday we didn’t really do much. i stayed there all day. I didn’t get home till about 7:30 PM. I came home, started my laundry, took a shower, then finished the rest of my laundry. that was pretty much it. Lol.
I’m still having computer problems. Hopefully *crosses fingers and tries not to jinx it* this weekend I’ll be able to get a lap top. I showed mom the one I want, and asked her if we can go to circuit city this weekend and she said we’ll see. I’ll have to work extra hard at bein nice to her and not fight this week. Lol.
Does anyone know any site where I can download anime episodes. I don’t want AMV’s (i already have a good site for those) I just want a place where I can download series episodes. So if anyone knows of any please let me know. Thx in advance^^
*yawns* I’m getting sleepy so I think I’ll end for now.
I spent about a half hour tryin to get this stupid computer to work so I could add some of the pics but its not working so I’ll try to add them tomorrow instead. >.<
G’Night *~Badkitty~*
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Stockholm Syndrome ~ Muse
i know i said i'd post when i got home from school but i'm having computer problems >.< i spent most of my afternoon and evening with a frozen computer that wouldn't do anything. then when i would try to open internet explorer it wouldn't work..then it would randomally start opening. i had 16 internet explorers that i couldn't access. (did that make any sense??)
so yah. my computer is gay and i'm having major issues with it so i don't know if i'll get to any sites. if i do it will be in school.
well i'm gonna go cuz trigun comes on in a few minutes and i wanna set up the vcr so i can tape it cuz its my fav episode. Episode 15: Deamon's Eye. this is where Legato makes his 2nd appearence into the show. its the first episode of trigun i ever seen and i fell in love with Legato (and trigun..but mostly Legato) right away!! i mean how can you not love him. 1)he's the bad guy 2)he has blue hair 3)he's got that sexy voice and looks to die for! 4)he's got the whole mind control, telakenisis thing down!! i mean come on you gotta love that!!
i was gonna put up some pics but my computer decided its gonna freeze on i have to post b4 this freezes too...
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