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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Save Me by, Unwritten Law
Srry I didn’t get to all of your sites yesterday. I was able to get to a few in 3rd hour, but when I got home from school myotaku wouldn’t open for me, and my computer kept freezing and kicking me offline >.< damn AOL!!!
This is a banner that joeyw23 made for me. Srry I couldn’t put it up yesterday.

**Joke of the day**
Just a quick e~mail note
An Illinois man left the snowballed streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick e~mail.
Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e~mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory. Unfortunately, he missed one letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife, whose husband had passed away only the day before. When the grieving widow checker her e~mail, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor dead.
At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen:
Dearest wife just got checked in. everything is prepared for your arrival tomorrow. Your Loving Husband.
P.S. Sure is hot down here.
I thought it was quite funny!!
Hmmmm…..yah. I’m really bored and cold. Oh I started drawing a pic of Chi. It’s not very good because its on lined paper (that’s all I had at the moment), but when I’m done I might post it.
Oh my frikken josh….how dumb can you possibly be??? Ok there’s this girl named Rebecca that’s in my 6th hour (I’m a teacher’s aide but the class is beginners dance). They were short 1 person so I went in to help. Ready?
Rebecca: is your lip ring real?
Me: o.O *pulls on lip ring* yah. I’ve had it since October.
Rebecca: oh. I wasn’t sure if it was a clip on or real.
Me: *thinks* a clip on??? Lmao
Ok b4 they changed our lunches, we had the same lunch. She sat at the same frikken table as me (just the other end) and she doesn’t remember me???? I was like…yah….*awkward silence* lol. I swear..ppl these days.
haha i watched the new episode of South Park last night (actually its on in my room right now..i can hear it). it was funny. Mr. Garrison got a sex change. then Stan wanted to become a tall black man...i was like o.O ummmm ok?!? lol.
well here's the pic of the day:

i'm off to bed. Nighty~Night *jumps in bed under warm covers* care to join? >^.~<
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