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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Seperated ~ Avant
Grrizzle....i'm a crocodizzle *nods* yup~yup!!
So i actually had a pretty good day yesterday. First hour (career pathways) was kinda boring, I continued working on the web page. 2nd hour (math) was ok. I finished my homework in class so that was good. 3rd hour (advanced computers/programming) was ok. We had a sub so I half did my work and half visited some sites on TheO *shh* 4th hour (creative writing) ummm i don’t even remember what we did. It must not have been that important if I can’t even remember. Lol. 5th hour (advanced dance) was great^^ I love that class. Dance class is the only thing I look forward to each day. Im usually depressed and sad at school, but dance has really been a big help. We found out what dances we are doing for the recital, and we got our candy (to sell to make money for the recital). Our recital is our final exam. Im excited because I got the 2 dances I really wanted to do. Me and Beth are doing the Tango and the Cha~Cha. We are doing a duet for the Tango with Allison and Shirley. It’s gonna be awesome. I think for the Cha~Cha me and Beth are doing a solo. I’m also doing a square dance. I don’t like country music or anything like that..I’m a rocker all the way, but I have to admit..the square dancing is fun^^ oh yah and 6th hour (teacher’s aide for regular dance) was fun. Me and Beth worked on our Tango while the class was Waltzing.
So here are the pics I was gonna post yesterday. *hides while ppl stare awkwardly at pictures*

*My hair was in pig tails by the way*
***Joke Of The Day***
Two Spoons
At a restaurant, one of the customers noticed that all of the waiters had two spoons in their vest pockets. Upon being asked, one waiter said, "We see that the most frequently dropped silverware are spoons, therefore we keep them for replacement."
Then the customer noticed that a string was hanging out of all the waiters' flies and asked what the string was for. "The string is for us to go to the bathroom," explained the waiter, "that way, when we pull it, it shoots and aims right away. Then we don't have to stop to wash our hands."
The customer asked, "Well, that's how you get it out, but how do you get it back in?"
The waiter whispered confidentially, "I don't know about the others, but I use the two spoons."
That really makes you feel healthy now doesn’t it! On a different note, it was so nice out today. It was in the 70’s. it’s about damn time. Lol. Oh look inuyasha is about to come on in a few minutes. I should watch it. Well my computer was working a little bit better today, but I slept most of the afternoon so I didn’t really get to anyones sites. My apologies.
Oh I got an email yesterday saying I had 4 books to pock up. Its Mars Vol 3, 4, 5 and 6. *squeals excitedly* I’m so excited. Mars is sooo good. I don’t know why I didn’t start reading it sooner. I prolly won’t get to the library till Thursday since I don’t have school, or mayb even Friday.
Hmm well I have nothing else exciting to talk about. Not that what I said already was exciting or anything. Oh well. Im goin to bed…after inuyasha…so nighty~night *snuggles with blanket and kitty*
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