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Ypsilanti, Michigan
Member Since
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Guess who's back.....back again....Badkitty's back...Tell a friend..
So yah. Badkitty's up and ready for service once again.
Good news is I got my computer fixed yesterday afternoon. Bad news is i lost everything. I lost all my documents, music, all my AMV’s and worst of all my pictures. All my banners, buttons, avi's, bg's...everything i had...gone. All the awesome banners i made for friends..wiped down the drain. There was a kool Trigun banner i made for some girl. Well i made it, sent her the link, she never put it on her site. How rude! I was gonna put it on mine, now it's gone. I don't wanna sulk on that tho. Lets get back to the good news. Umm
Oh i know...go to my friend's site. She's still new, but she really needs visits, last time i checked she had only 3 gb signatures. I hope some of you can go visit her. Her site is Valefore. I made her a nifty banner (see bottom of post). Thx in advance^^
Lets see...ummmm. Oh I’m getting this dress.

I think it's kool. If you don't like it then *sticks tongue out* to you! *hmp!*
*yawns* i'm tired and it's frikken hotttttttt in this house. May~b I’ll go take a shower just to kool off...But not yet. I have more Computer business to do. Like waiting for Ms.Selena (usagixsenjo) to stop being all away so i can talkie to her^^
I really missed my computer sooo much *hugs computer* even if i did lose all my stuff, i'm happy to have the computer up and working!
Let's see. Today is my Uncle Billy's Birthday. Happy Birthday Uncle Billy! *mmmm cake* There have been so many birthday's this month. let's see. May 1 ~ Annie (brother's ex.) & My half sister i just found out about Randi (i think it's her b~day not exactly sure), May 6 ~ Cameron (Faith's lil bro), May 9 ~ Selena, May 10 ~ Katy, May 11 ~ Uncle Billy, May 12 ~ Chae (my bro), May 29 Angie (my sis). So that's alot of birthday's which is equally alot of cake! lol.
This is the necklace i ordered. i think it got lost in the mail so they had to send me a new one. i haven't gotten it yet, but i haven't given up hope on it. It better hurry up and get here Damnit!!!!!
This sterling silver pendant may look delicate, but don’t be fooled; it is a powerful talisman! The pentacle is a schematic map of the Cosmos. The waxing and waning moons in the upper corners are connected to the power of the Goddess. And the amethyst, set in the center, is believed to foster love and combat negativity. Pendant hangs from a 33" waxed linen cord and includes an informative card.
I need to change my theme. I have no idea what it should be this time. Any ideas?
Unanswered Questions of the day:
Why is it, whether you sit up or sit down, the result is the same?
Why is Mickey Mouse bigger than his dog Pluto?
Why is the alphabet in that order? Is it because of that song?
Why is the word "abbreviate" so long?
Don't you have to get up to get to the tape?
Why is there an expiration date on SOUR cream?
Feel free to try and answer..if you dare *insert sinister laugh here*

Now that I have a computer again if anyone wants to chat IM me (AIM: Badkitty172002).
Well that's it for tonite. This Kitty's off to bed >^.~<
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