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Ypsilanti, Michigan
Member Since
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Monday, August 8, 2005
*says like professer from futurama* GOOD NEWS EVERYONE....
i fixed my computer. i dont know how i did it, but the recovery disks decided to work. it was weird. i tried for hours, and days, and had no luck, then i decided to give it one last try and it worked. i did lose all my documents, but it wasn't a big loss. most of my pics i had saved to cd's. and most of the music i a;ready had burned to cd's too. i did lose all the avis i had collected recently tho. im working on getting them back now.
im just glad to have my computer working. when i get a steady flow of money, (a job) i'm gonna save up to get a new comp. i want a laptop, but i'd be happy with a new desktop. anything is better than wha i have now.
yay my bday is in 2 days. im excited. i dont really think im doing anythign on the actual day, but on this saturday (13th) i'm gonna have a bonfire party at mandas. nothing too big, just friends hanging out by the fire, makin smores and havin fun >^.^<
saturday i babysat my cousin. it was really weird. it was my first time babysitting for them since Faith died. the last time i babysat there was the day b4 easter. then i was there easter sunday, then faith got hit the following wednesday, and died the next monday. it was just weird to babysit Cameron without Faith. the house is full of her, i just kept remembering all the things we did when i would babysit them both (play dolls with faith, that sort of thing), not its just like, watch some movies with cameron.
they got a puppy tho. when faith was alive she always said she always said when they got a puppy, she was gonna name it rose. well Heather went to look at puppies and had one in her hand (his name was BJ), and she was gonna get him. then the lady said would you like to look at them all one last time, so she did. then the lady said, oh wait. you havent met rose yet. she called out rose, and this cute little puppy came running around the corner. Heather fell in love with her, and just had to get her. it was weird the way her name was already rose, and that they made such a great bond right away. she's about 9 weeks old now. shes the sweetest thing. oh yah, shes a golden retriver.
when i got done babysitting, my brother was gonna take me out for my bday. i called him, but he was still running arronds, cuz he drank the night b4 and slept late into saturday. so he said he would take me sunday.
he did. sunday we went to this really awesome restraunt called Mongolian Barbeque. it was my first time there. it was so kool. you go up and choose your food (veggies and meat and spices and sauses) and take it up to the grill, and there the cooks make it for you. its so kool. it was fun to stand there and watch them cook the food. i think that was my favorite part :P
after that we walked a few blocks to goto this music store called Encore where they sell cd's for like as cheap as $2.00, but they were closed.
then they took me back home, and i gave him his cake. sunday was 1 year from his accident. (he was in a skateboard accident and had a bad head injury. im sure its still posted in my archives from last august). i made his favorite cake (german chocolate). it doesnt matter cuz he lost his smell/taste from the accident. anywhaz, on his cake i wrote "cake always tastes better with a helmet". i put 2 little plastic skateboards on it, and drew the outline of a body comming from one skateboard (as if it fell off). i wanted to take a pic of it, but i had no film. so he took his cake home, i hope he likes it.
oh i made a new cd. it is Seether's Karma and Effect. its really good. ive been meaning to buy it, i always look at it in the store but never buy it, so i decided to just d/l it instead.
i've only had my computer back since saturday night, and all i've really done online is play on gaiaonline. its really addicting, but fun^^
well i guess thats all. see yah.
oh yah. does anyone know who this is? all i have to say is sexy^^

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