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Ypsilanti, Michigan
Member Since
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Friday, August 12, 2005
yippie its friday
this is what inuyasha311 made me for my birthday wednesday. sorry it took me so long to put it up. thx a bunch. i just love him so much *hugs banner*

i'm sorry i haven't really been updating much, and more importantly, i'm sorry i never get to any of your sites. i've been on a really weird schedule this week. i've been staying up all night, and sleeping durning the day. Sunday night i stayed up all night, then went to bed around 9:00am on Monday. Slept until 7:00pm, then stayed up all night monday night. went to bed at 11:00am on Tuesday morning, and slept until 9:00pm. stayed up all night tuesday night, stayed up all day and night wednesday, then thursday morning i went to bed around 9am and slept 12 hours(till 9pm). now its thursday night/friday morning (1:21am) and i'm wide awake. you'd think all that time awake i'd get to some sites, but i didn't. i see that no one really comes here anymore either looking at my comments.
today they are suposed to send someone out to fix my computer. i mean i have it up and running, but i think they are going to put in a new hard drive or something. all i know is they ordered the part, its in and they are suposed to come out and fix the comp. i haved all my pictures to a disk, cuz last time i lost them all. now i have everything saved to one disk, instead most of my things on 2 different disks.
also i want to go to the tattoo shop today. i want to look at the jewelry and get a new lip ring. when i get the money, im gonn ago get another tat. its the one for Faith. its gonna be a crescent moon on a cloud with Faith comming from the moon. and it will have 5 stars making an arch around it.
my grandma is suposed to come over today to give me my bday present. im sure its money, and knowing grandma it will give me enough with the 30 i have saved to get the tat. i emailed him (tat guy) and he said it would be around $60 give or take some. i guesses that much, bcuz the first one i got was $65, and its about the same size.
stupid andrew still owes me $25. i guess thats 25 bucks i'm never gonna see again. oh well, i learned my lesson. im not lettin anyone borrow money unless i know they are good about payin people back.
me and mom have to go to the store today to get stuff for my party. I'm having a bon fire party at mandas house tomorrow. i hope everyone who said they would come does.
i dont know if i will update tomorrow or not, but i will sunday to tell how the party was. hopefully i'll get pics so you can all enjoy the party too^^
i wasn't planning on a big post, but i just started typing and couldn't stop. i promise i will get to as many sites as i can today. despite alot of things planned. *nods*

BOOB SHOT! haha sorry i didn't notice at first.
have a great weekend everyone! *huggles all*
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