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Ypsilanti, Michigan
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
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inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Monday, August 15, 2005
birthday wishes and bunny kisses
saturday i had my bonfire party at Manda's house celebrating my birthday.
it wasn't anything too exciting, more of friends comming over to hang out, but with cake and presents! lol
Amanda B. (A.K.A. Turbo) was there, Katy and her b/f Joey came, and Bethany came (she came a little late cuz she had stuff to do, but she showed up at 9), and of course i Manda was there, it was her house, and i was there lol.
at first it started to rain, but only for a minuite, so we were still able to have the fire. it was fun. we sat around listning to music and making marshmallows.
Then it started pouring, so we went inside. Katy and Joey (her b/f) had to leave around 11ish, so they left. Beth went home to get clothes to stay the night, and was having so family issues, so she brought her lil sister amy back to stay the night with us (shes 16). we all played cards. we played spoons and bullshit. then we watched the hot chick. (i love that movie. its so fuckin awesome!!)
then on sunday, Turbo had to go home. beth, amy, manda and i decided to hang out still. we went to taco bell, then to an old cemetery that is suposed to have a witch buried in it. its suposed to be one of the most haunted cemeterys around. its called Soop cemetery, in Belleville Michigan. look it up if you want. then we went to another cemetery to visit our friend Josh's grave. (he died July 3rd 2002. he was 17, and was in a car accident....).
after that, we went to the store and decided to go to the pet store. i decided to look at bunnies. i put my hand in the cage and one bunny came right up and started licking my hand. i decided then i had to have her. so i ended up buying her. shes so damn cute. she is white with red eyes. i named her liquorice "liqour" for short. shes really small...the smallest one there, but i dont know how old she is.
well mom was pissed. i didnt tell her and i just came home with her. i was like i really dont care. i'm 18, so i really dont give a fuck what she says, i never have. i'm going to stay with my sister anyway. im going next weekend. i dont know if ill have internet or not, but i'll do my best. i might only stay for a week, but i might decide to stay.
anywho, when i get batteries for my camera i'll take pics and show you her kawaiiness!!
ha! i got Jin..hes so sexy^^

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well see you later^^
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