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Ypsilanti, Michigan
Member Since
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Graduated from High School^^
Anime Fan Since
it started in like 4th grade with sailormoon.....
Favorite Anime
inuyasha, trigun, fruits basket, cowboy bebop, chobits, love hina, ceres:celestial legend, flcl, lupin the 3rd, wolf's rain, case closed, athf..yah just to name a few
get out of my mothers house >.<
tattoos/piercings, reading, writing, poetry, music, anime..the usual
I don't think i have any talents...i'm not a talented person *tear*
| Badkitty172002
Friday, March 31, 2006
The Minstrel's Prayer ~ Cartel
Cartel Lyrics
The Minstrel's Prayer Lyrics
and all these stupid silly songs
keep trying to catch your ear
i'm trying desperately
its just so hard to persevere
and even if you listened
i never had much to say
cause its the same old song
i'm written for the day
shelter me oh genius words
just give me strength
just to pen these things
and give me peace to well her wings
and oh carry on all you minstrels of the world
we will catch our ladies ear
we will win for us the girl
all these minstrels through the ages
that is really all we are
simply singing for the girl
that makes us try so very hard
to craft the perfect limerick
to wield unending woe
to write such silly songs
and the different never know
shelter me oh genius words
just give me strength
just to pen these things
and give me peace to well her wings
and oh carry on all you minstrels of the world
we will catch our ladies ear
we will win for us the girl
and i'll hold on to the dream
of this beggar's plea and optimistic fantasy
just hold the hand and drop the knee
you're facing love
you're embracing melody
shelter me oh genius words
just give me strength
just to pen these things
and give me peace to well her wings
and oh carry on all you minstrels of the world
we will catch our ladies ear
we will win for us the girl
and oh carry on, oh carry on all you minstrels of the world
we will catch our ladies ear
we will win for us the girl
i really really like that song!! i heard it for the first time a few days before i moved. i was packing and had the radio on. the station i listen to, every weeknight at 7:00 pm is "the people's choice" where they play 2 songs and listners call in and vote for their favorite. the one with the most votes is put up against someone new the next night, and so on. well that song was the favorite on peoples choice for about 2 weeks! i was suprised it lasted so long...i like it so much, i put it as my song on myspace..hehe
anywho....well lookie here, another post from me. thats all week. im getting good at this posting thing..haha.
i get to most sites, since like no one posts much anymore. i havent been able to leave comments, but i think it is only on certian peoples sites. hmmm weird. so i may just delete them from my list. i actually need to clean out my friends list...i haven't done it in quite a long time.
hmmm anyone go to if you have an account there pls give me your name. mine is Danacia
i'm bored. i wish my boy toy would get online so i could talk to him....
haha... well he's online, but sleeping, cuz he lives in england and there is a 5 hour difference betewwn me and him. so it's 11:43 pm for me right now, and 4:43 am for him. (if you can't count) lol.
so anyone have any big plans for the weekend? i don't, but seeing for the last 2 weeks i have spent my weekend with my brother, i may do the same this time. but first i have to go buy my friend bunnie (jamie) a bday present. i made her a prettyfull card. her bday was the 24th...but i havent been able to see her, so it's late.
i commented her with this pic on myspace....

....and now she loves me (possibly more than she did before)!!
i'm rambling.......cuz i have nothing to do!!!!!
i wrote my dad a letter today. he lives in alabama, where his parents are...sortof.. actually, he's in jail ^w^. he was suposed to go to prision, but the prision was too full x.x. wow that kinda makes him sound like a murdurer *yikes* no..he went cuz of a drug bust from a year ago. the guy he lived with had a meth lab. and then when my dad moved out, the cops came looking for the guy, and he was hiding out at my dads new place, so my dad got busted for 'housing' the other guy (. he said he was in the wrong place at the wrong time...tho i have to say i think he was in on the meth lab don't just accidentally come across someone with a meth lab, and take no part in not that stupid) soooooo anywho...i wrote him a letter. i feel bad, hes been there since november, and i havent written him yet. it's not a big deal really...i haven't seen him since i was 13....almost turned 14. which was a long time ago.
maybe i shouldn't have said all that....oh well.....i blame it on boredom, and my complete insanity *big smile goes here >^____^<)
well i guess that's gonna shut up before i say something i shouldn't!
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