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American Spirit Detective
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I am currently learning to play the oboe
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I figured out what Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh were
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Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Pokemon, Inuyasha, SD Gundam, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Spiral, Naruto
to plan my wedding within the next two years
watching anime, playing DDR
playing the clarinet and oboe
| Baka No Hanyou
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
So many projects, so little time
hello all! as y'all can see, i'm changing the site...yes, i know: FINALLY! for those who couldn't see because my box jumped in immediatly, the theme is...drumroll, please....................OUR BELOVED YOUKO KURAMA! I'll be working on a new avatar at home. Don't worry, Kuronue will still be there. But I must have Youko in there as well. Otherwise, that would defeat the purpose of a Youko-theme, ne?
I'm working on my computer apps final while i type this. We actually don't have to do it, but hey, for me, it's fun. we have to make a powerpoint presentation that tells you how to do something. Guess what i chose? Yep, how to draw anime. and i'm doing all the things myself, every example and step in paint (except for one Goku picture, where i had to show uppity hair....hell, man, i can delete it and put Hiei in there! IDIOT! *hits self*) heh heh. i just basically drew a crappy Kurama in paint, because my red hair shows what else you do. that's so funny. i should give him sidelocks *does* ^^ yeah, i'm having fun. see, with me doing the final now, i don't have to worry about it sneaking up on me!
Today in math we had a sub, and he showed us this video about math (kinda like Bill Nye, but with math) and there was a floating head in a jar. And here i am, mentally freaking out. (For all of those who have seen the Sensui arc with the floating head in a fishtank! you'd flip out too!) and it made Lj freak out, too. really, all it was was a guy's head in a green screen. like with UPick's: Antonio's Floating Head. (Do they do that anymore or was Antonio fired?)
i'm bored now. i'm gonna go do stuff.
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Monday, May 2, 2005
When teacher's away, Baka No Hanyou will play...
it's 5th period, and if it were a normal day, i wouldn't be updating, but since we're doing ISATs, i'm on! everyone finished their 3 tests (math, language, reading) by the time the tardy bell rang signaling 5th period, and Ms. Stelluto said we could go on the Net and here i be!
i barely passed math, with a 242, out of 240 and i got my other scores, but i don't feel like telling all.
while waiting for everyone to finsh, i did 2 and 1/2 drawings (i was working on my Yoko Shi/human form drawing and we could get on so i'm like, "screw this! Net!") so i'll have to scan those later.
i'm hungry. we're stuck in this room until 12:15.
it turns out, it's just MY IM that isn't working. bitch master's works just fine and lets her log in. but not me. apparently, i don't have "permission" to log on to MSN Messenger. so that totally pisses me off. so hopefully bitch master fixed the problem and MSN was supposedly to send me an email about it, so...
well, i guess i'm done for today. if anything else interesting happens, i'll post it tomorrow. ta ta!
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Sunday, May 1, 2005
The King is dead! Long live the King!
my IM STILL won't log me on, and i tried downloading it again, and that stupid thing came up that said i don't have the required things on this computer account to download it. so later i have to go into my mom's computer account and download it.
i'm updating at 11 pm my time. you all envy that. yeah, mom went to bed, and if she's gone to sleep now, then hopefully she won't hear me typing this away and come out and yell at me to get off.
I forgot to tell you guys this on Friday. y'all know how i was looking for Youkai Colds by Crystal Jaganshi? well, i thought i had printed it off, but i looked in my fic binders and it wasn't there, so i thought i didn't have it. but then i found this pile of fics i have yet to put into binders and lo and behold, i have Youkai Colds! i was so happy, i was laughing, and it was a pretty evil laugh that came out.
Music week was great. I watched the Intermediate Honor Band very intently (the one with Mr. Bear that i was in for 3 years) then we played and woke everyone up cause our song starts out BAM! and i was laughing at the Kawanis Choir, because they had the sound all off, and it was focused on this one boy who was REALLY off-tune! i and a flute and clarinet next to me were laughing! and i got a Music week CD, because i want my dad to hear the Recess part we have near the end. and after the playing, we got to keep our copies of Rhymata, so i was happy. free music! ^^
yesterday i went to the library with Lj and only got 7 books. O.o yeah, something MUST be wrong with me. and i accidentally checked out two volumes of YYH vol. 2. so i was all ^^;;; heh. and then, Lj had a problem with the gate beeping on her and a few of her CDs hadn't checked out so we had to go through everyone of her items to see if they had been checked out. she lost a Shonen Jump. she was sad. but i found SJ vol. 3! one i haven't read and don't own! i don't own volumes 1-6, so hopefully they're out there on ebay somewhere for me to buy.
and i got Spiral today! YAY! and i had to go to Best Buy to get it (stupid Best Buy) and it was $25.43! i was like O.O crap! i only had $23 on me, so i had to borrow $2 and 23 cents from my mom! by this time i was starving, cause i eat so sporadically on the weekends (i'm just not hungry until i'm hungry) so i'm just like, "can we go?" and mom's all thinking of buying a new, bigger TV. and she wants to buy a stove, put new carpetting in my room and paint the living room so i'm just thinkging: new TV= no way in 3 worlds. and i also figured out that there's 8 episodes of Spiral left, which means 2 DVDs. just like YYH has 6 episodes left for 2 DVDs. TT.TT how sad! they're all ending! and Shaman King ended today, too! right when i was getting into it! but there was this contest on 4kids TV where if you get all 4 cartoon winners of some award (like best villain and stuff), if you win, you and 4 others get to go to New York and be a VA in a 4kids show! i'm just like: SCORE! but i didn't get all the awards! TT.TT and i don't know how to enter the answers into the website! but i must guess randomly! i must win! 4kids! YGO!
well, i guess that's all. no wait! there's this person who's been hanging around my friend's and my tagboard and i don't trust her and my friend's just keep telling her a whole bunch of secrets and i'm just like: we're trusting an outsider here! so yeah. now i'm done
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Friday, April 29, 2005
stupid MSN with your stupid stupidness
MSN is STILL down! it was down last night and apparently it's STILL down. ARG! STUPID MSN!
well, yesterday's Music Week practice could have gone a lot better. first, i didn't know where we went when we got there, so i sat where i saw other band ppl, but i later saw my whole south band sitting together in the band area, so i was all confused. then all of a sudden we only have 1 minute to get our instruments together and in our seats for right when the choirs down is the honor band. so while going up to the stairs to go down them (it's all very complicated to explain. just go with it for now)-basically, i was seat hopping and i scraped my knee. then after we were done recording, i was going back up the stairs and i tripped, so i tried to correct myself, fell down more, tried to correct myself, and eventually fell down. and somehow, my finger got cut, i'm wearing the band aid to prove it. and i found out today that the honor orchestra is playing Pirates of the Caribbean. i'm so jealous. Ms. Lyons said she was gonna have us play that this year, but nooooo. she had to leave us. and then we all had to wait for the choir to do their big finale and i saw most of my band leave, so i followed them, thinking the bus came and it turns out they just went to the college cafe (the Pavilion (i hate calling it by it's new name, the Taco Bell Arena XP) is right next to the college) to buy drinks. So the whole practice was nothing but to make a fool of me. and my knee is killing me. i kept sitting on it inbetween periods. and i think i look like a guy. which, y'know, is okay in my book. it's better than wearing a skirt. anyways, i'm wearing a men's white long sleeved button up with black velvet pants and my new dress shoes. i need a jacket, a hat, and a mask and i could be Tuxedo Mask!
BH: yeah, you know it. i mean, you only need half of the stuff to be Tuxedo Mask
AG: -.- party pooper. and my U.S. History teacher was all getting on my case today. we have to do a project and she's all, "you can only use library databases. no googleing." well, apparently, she has never USED the school databases, because, let me tell ya, those things SUCK. all those websites provide you with are mostly magazine articles. how can that help you? in no way whatsoever. so i have nothing to do basically, until i get home. so i go to and she comes up behind me and says, "Is school approved? i want to see you on school sites only, A*****" and then i was trying to Google some presidents, because i needed a list of 10 presidents, years served, and an event that happened during their presidencey (anyone know something that happend during James Buchanan's term?) and she caught me. though near the end of the period i found a list of presidents, so i just need that one item and i'll have another thing done. then i have to draw a pic, make a poem, make a crossword, and.........*checks list* wow, that's all i have left to do. other than the algebra project, but i'll hopefully be able to talk to my dad about that tomorrow.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
i have an incompetent clarinet player sitting next to me. i swear to you, she was sharp or flat or something, and she NEVER adjusts her instrument unless Mr. Keck SHOWS her that she's sharp or flat! ARG!
i need to really practice today for Honor Band. we record tomorrow, and with my crappy playing on some parts, the recording will sound...well, crappy.
and i made it to Patty's art show yesterday. her painting of Dark was very nice. i'll send it to her later. i also took a picture of Stephanie Obele's Naruto drawing. i also got to Best Buy yesterday and they STILL don't have Spiral 4. and somehow between Sunday and yesterday, they're anime section shortened by half a section. i'm afraid now. now it only takes up 1 1/2 shelfs. stupid Best Buy. so i went and found Spiral 4 at and i asked mom (okay, kind of demanded) to come over and buy Spiral for me. but she's like, "no, i don't wanna do it tonight, my shows are on." and i'm thinking, "you're a lazy, then." cause it could take her all of...what? 5 minutes? and she's like, "no, not tonight!" and i have the money to pay for her to buy it (you can only buy stuff with plastic) right in my pocket, but no. she's so lazy, i swear, i'm like her maid.
and i've fallen in love with a new manga. Until the Full Moon by Sanami Matoh, the person who does Fake. one of these years, i will buy both those manga. along with a Replay card from Suncoast. of course, by the time i GET the replay card, i'll probably have bought all of YYH (boxsets included), the Furuba boxset, Spiral, and Kodocha, coming out July 26, courtesy of FUNimation, for those who didn't know and have read Kodocha. Taro says it's a really good manga, but i've only read a little bit of the 1st manga so far and think it rather boring for the most part.
today was progress report day and the only B i have is in U.S. History. all my other classes are As. i don't think i've ever been a straight A student, but hey, i'm not gonna die.
and tomorrow i get to leave school a period early to go to the Honor Band recording. we get to leave early only to wait about an hour, though. i'm gonna bring my GBA, walkman, and a book (maybe some library manga) to amuse myself with for an hour.
yesterday at Honor Band, Mr. Bear came to listen to us. yay! i was happy. Mr. Bear was the Intermediate Honor Band teacher. he's taught me band the longest. cause Ms. Lyons left us this year, and Ms. Fiorenza (fee-oh-ren-zaa) was only 5th grade, Mr. Smith was only 6th grade, Ms. Lyons was 7th and 8th, Mr. Keck is 9th, and next year i get Mr. Sullivan. but i've had Mr. Bear for younger honor band from 6th to 8th grade. 3 years. kind of sad that i can't hold a band teacher for 3 years.
and also yesterday there was a clarinet at practice who hadn't been last week, and she kept teasing me in a friendly sort of way, but it was still kind of mean. the teacher from North teaches this honor band and he pulled out this giant tuner (giant to my standards) and i say that out loud and the girl's all, "your face is huge." (she comes from North, and northerners seem to say things like that. like "your brain is huge!" when you say something else is huge. they also play the choking game. idiots) and she was just doing stuff like that. she annoyed me greatly. oh yeah, she kept teasing the guy i sat next to last week, like making him laugh while we played, and they would swing their clarients around and it annoyed me. no, they weren't flirting either. they come from North. Northerners are weird. we're the druggies/rebels/gangsters here at South and they're the just-plain-druggies.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
quick note
i have Honor Band tonight, and i'm gonna try and make it to Patty's art show if i can, also. so who's ever sites i visited now might be the only sites i get to. srry ppls!
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Monday, April 25, 2005
goddammit, someone's been screwing with my school internet again! now i have no address bar, and i can't see the start menu! i'm gonna have to leave a sticky note or something on this computer: "Whoever has been messing around with the Internet, FIX IT YOU BASTARD!"
BH: i'm sure that'll go over well with the teachers.
AG: it had better, because i'm sick and tired of dealing with a crappy internet like this. And also, it takes me, like, 5 times before i can actually log IN to MO! And there will be nothing wrong with the spelling of my user name AND my password! it's so goddamn fucking annoying!
and to bitch some more, i'll tell you about my Sunday. it was actually pretty good. I found the first YYH movie and bought it for only $7 (Best Buy) and i got to go to Suncoast and buy Duelist 3. AND i still have money left over for Spiral 4. it saddens me. all my shows are ending. TMNT ended last week on the 4Kids network (i'm not a TMNT fan, i was just curious as to how it all would end) and Shaman King is ending next week, RIGHT when i'm getting into it! i started watching it a few weeks ago and it's already leaving! TT.TT and this weekend, my mom bought me a pair of better dress shoes (i can't wear my 4" heels all the time. it's a bitch to walk around after a while...or at all.), a pair of boys shoes with dragons on them (need the dragon), a skirt i found (it's Apocalypse for me WANTING a skirt) and a shirt for Honor Band on....Friday! wow.
But when we were at Best Buy, we looked at laptops, because i told my mom i wanted a laptop for my Sweet 16 next year. So she told me to go look at laptops. One i didn't like because it was a bright gray and the keyboard on it was huge, so that one was out. this other one had this ugly, red sticker on it, so that totally killed it for me. but i found one i liked. And mom gets into this, "well, WHY do you like it?" "well, what's so bad about it?" mode. so then we looked at video cameras just for the helluvit, and i'm like, "ooh! i like this one! i like this one, too!" and again with the, "well, WHY do you like it?" so after that, i say i want to try and find Photoshop 7, which that store will NEVER sell and she finds something that's like Photoshop 7. it apparently does the same things. but i'm like, "no, i want photoshop 7." i know Photoshop 7, for the most part. i've heard/seen ppl use it (seen pictures, not ACTUALLY use it) and i want Photoshop 7. so i'm like, "no, i don't want that, i want Photoshop 7." and AGAIN with the, "well, WHY do you like Photoshop 7?" and i'm just like, "Cause i like it." and she's like, "well, WHAT do you like about it?" and this whole time i'm just thinking, "can't i just LIKE something?" finally, i got so fed up with her, "WHY do you like it"s, i just walked off. later, she came and found me and like hisses at me, "i wasn't giving you permission to be rude, i was asking why you liked it! if you said you saw it at school and it added text to pictures, you could have said it." i'm just thinking, "screw you, bitch master."
and today, we had a fire drill. it was "unplanned," and we "lost" a student, and Mr. Spell, the Asst. Princple was all trying to yell at us through the bullhorn about how we need to be quiet, because it could have been serious, and if we lost a student that would be bad. the student, it turns out, couldn't find her class line, so she just stood somewhere else. she's one of those stupid idiots who fawn over the boys and most likely lost their virginity at age 12.
well, i think that's all. thanks to all who listened to be bitch about Bitch Master and read down this far
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Numa Numa Dance
well, after going through the 7 rings of hell and back, i have finally gotten the Numa Numa Dance to download! HAHA! my mom's only heard it 3 times since i downloaded, but she says she's already tired of it. well, too bad for her. i love the song, ppl, btw, not the video. now i can sing in 4 languages! English, Spanish, Japanese, and Romanian! Yes, the Numa Numa is Roman. how cool is that? so now i'm downloading the other versions of the NND. like this one where someone is making fun of it. i had to join the website where the NND comes from to add it to my favorites. but now i'll add more to my favorites! yes.
and i got mad at my bitch master again, today. go figure. she went into the greenhouse and left me in the getting-hotter-car without the keys, so i had no way to cool myself off except to open the door, but that doesn't work very well. so i was all red and grumpy.
it just keeps repeating itself over and over, and yet i'm not getting any better at speaking Romanian XD.
i left one of my public library books at Ching's. smart me, ne? luckily, it's due next week, so that was good. but i left my $10,000 bookmark in there! (no, it's not WORTH $10,000, that's just the pattern it has on it) but i went to the library today and returned Revolutionary Girl Utena. i think it's permanently broken, it's scratched up majorly where all the information is (ya know, where the center is? it's mostly in there). nyaa, i can't come up with anything else to say...
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Friday, April 22, 2005
HA! my bitch master cannot keep me off the computer for forever!
okay, quickly, i'm gonna add some links i need to go to later
*scanning through googled pictures* *flinches* ew, YusukexHiei.
well, hello, again, everyone! i'm back! like i said, my bitch master (aka mom) cannot ban me from the computer for forever! so i got Shonen Jump this week, and i must say, it is the BEST SJ so far! it has Yami as a child, and he is so adorable, and Yami just up and shoves Bakura, it was so funny. he's all in a stupor and he walks over to Bakura without Bakura knowing it and just shoves him away from his father's body. and it has the story of how Hiei and Kurama met! with the stupid, annoying, gets-in-the-way Maya! why did Hiei have to miss? Hiei was so fashion impaired back then, though. he was wearing his belt OUTSIDE of his cloak. i'm like, "who does that?!" and i got King Urameshi Wednesday and watched it yesterday. and just to prove how much of a fruit i am when it comes to YYH, i took notes! like the pretty attack/defense thing that Yomi can do is called Demonic Absorbtion Wall. and in the Makai Tournament, there were 6,272 demon participants, and of those 6,272, they were separated into 128 groups of 49 demons. and they fought on this giant, many story high habitats. and guess who does the little brat, Shura? if you said Aaron Dismuke, you were right. since he's so young, he does all the young boys in FUNi animes, like Alphonse Elric and Hiro Sohma. and i wrote down the translations for the paper convo between Kurama, Jin, Touya, Chu, Rinku, Shishi, and Suzuka. it's funny. Kurama asked everyone who they would side with if that's what it came down to: Yomi or Yusuke. everyone answered Yusuke. Suzuka looks over at Shishi, and Shishi holds up a sign that says: undecided/thinking. Suzuka walks over, crosses out what he put and writes: i mean, Yusuke. and i got some quotes. wanna hear 'em? of course you do:
Hiei: It'd be pretty humiliating if the guy who came up with this was eliminated in the first round.
Yusuke: Not as humiliating as...standing on a phone book while you fight!
Hiei: *gives a look that says 'oh no you didn't* *glares at him* you're starting to make me miss Kuwabara!
*Kurama takes Jin, Touya, Shishi, Suzuka, Chu, and Rinku out of hiding to say that he would be fighting by himself, and if Yomi didn't like it, then tough tidlie winks*
Hiei: *with Mukuro in Gandera, watching Yomi with Jagan* HAHAHA! Yomi doesn't know what hit 'em!
*Yusuke sees everyone come out with Kurama*
Yusuke: Chu! are you sober?
*Yomi and Shura are fighting*
Yusuke: *talking about Shura* THe kid moves like a gazelle on steriods.
Hokushin: And Yomi matches his pace, bounce for bounce
(For me, to hear Hokushin to say 'bounce for bounce' sounded so weird, i just had to write their convo down)
Yusuke: Fighters fight, while the jealous stand by and criticize.
*Koenma, Botan, and George all come over to talk to Yusuke. Koenma is dressed strangely like Tuxedo Mask to me*
Yusuke: *bares demon fangs* Just keep your costumes on, or the Mazoku might discover what you are and decide to have an early lunch!
*Yomi is training his son the day before the tournament*
Yomi: If your opponent has no unguarded points, then you should make one.
and now that you've all had your fill of good quotes, who wants the paper convo?
BH: AG, stop it. they have enough reading to do as it is. you never know, Adam might have actually put up a word limit on this
AG: *sulks* partypooper. oh yeah! we also met Enki, (spoiler, highlight to read if you dare) the winner of the Makai Tournament and at first we didn't like him because of that, but now we like Enki. we kinda feel sorry for him, cause his wife was hung up on Raizen, but we all know how that turned out, right?
and i'm kinda worried about Taro now, because he did something (i won't say what, though, because i don't want the world to know, though i might tell a select few if i get his permission) while i was "grounded" so now i'm really worried for him, and i feel i really need to protect him, even if i were to stay on the Net ALL NIGHT with him. though he's "fine" now, i still worry. i AM his friend. so yeah, i'll leave y'all now, on that happy note. baibai!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
bring it on-my story
yesterday, i was on for 3 hours trying to find pictures for a science project. and most of you know (now the rest of you) that i have a parental block. i really don't see the use of it, because i can still read HxKs. but it's so ridiculous, it blocks me from the login page, it blocks me from anything that might have red or blue on the site, or is anything above a Y7 rating. hello, i'm 15! so anyway, this block blocks me from a lot of stuff (go figure) and the reason i was on for 3 hours was because the block kept blocking me from sites that might have had my pictures. finally, i just go so fed up, i kicked the desk to vent some anger. this action caused one of the speakers to fall over, but hey, i was mad, i didn't care. my mom hears this and she yells from around the house (to be heard) "what are you doing?" i don't answer. she comes over to the living room and again askes, "what are you doing?" still no answer from me. she comes right up to me and again asks. "What are you doing?!" she ain't gettin no answer from me. so she's "grounded" me from the computer for 2 days. i'm just like, "ha, try to ground me, bitch." (this is a thought) "I can just sneak on at 3 in the afternoon and get off before you get home." but then, this morning, i remember that the parental block sends her the time i was on. So if i want to "sneak," she'll know about it. but hey, i can still get on at school, like i am right now. but after she "grounded" me she asked as she was walking away, "you're making it hard on yourself again, aren't you?" (i have a history of doing any project i can with anime, and i always know EXACTLY what i want. it's just a matter of someone having what i need. most of the time i make YYH screencaps. but yesterday i needed YGO and i couldn't find any YGO, because i was blocked) and i just wanted to scream, "Well, ya know what?! i wouldn't be having a problem at all if you just got rid of this goddamned parental block!" and i really would have cursed at her, too. in my beliefs, i'm 1/4 atheist, so i don't really care, but my mom is always dragging me to church, so if i said "goddamn," ooh, boy, i'd like to see her hit the roof and punish me. so yeah. god, i hate her and i hate my parental block. i'm not gonna speak to her unless i have to until that thing is removed. i was gonna get it removed on my b-day, but like hell i'm gonna suffer another...what? 9 months? 11 months. god, 11 months, no way in hell.
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