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myOtaku.com: bakaneko416

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

   IM BORED!!!!
IM SOOOOOOOOOO BOREEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDDDD GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ........... WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT WHAT TO WRITE ABOUT.....ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................... i got "Absolute Boyfriend" vo. 3!!!!!! its awesome....... uhhhhhhh schools been boring as usual ummmmmmmm nothing really interesting but thats also the reason i haevnt written on awile but..... i got a new BF havent kissed and have been dating 4 about 3 weeks hmmmmm not very good is it? hmmmmm but i need 2 really stop typing in weird short sentences i read "Bridget Jones Diary" and so ya im pretty much writing like her but idk....... my ex is avoiding me....... hm not so bad if u think about it really...... hmmmmmmm............ really need 2 try n make photobucket work cuz its being gay on my sn grrrrrrrrrrr............. well idk so ill ttyl when something intresting comes up in my life... *sigh* (never gonna happen)
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