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myOtaku.com: bakhu

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::Queen of Your Silent Suffocation::

At least, that's what they call me. You can call me Bakhu. Hello, and have a merry life in Hell! <3~

If you're here to listen to me drone on and on, then sit. Stay. Good boy.

Alright, I'm Bakhu. Is it my real name? Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell.

I am an artist and a ninja. A ninja artist! x3

I am Taiwanese and speak okay Mandarin Chinese. No, I am not fluent. You're lucky to even get a sentence out of me. I am currently learning Japanese for my trip to Tokyo.

Just because I'm married to two women, doesn't mean I'm gay. Sorry, ladies. xD

I am 'supposedly' Christian, though I never really got a choice in the matter.

Yes, I do believe that I live in the world of Naruto and that I can seal demons within little baby boys.


I was joking.

But Naruto is my favorite anime of all time. I am the biggest fan at my school. I even got the Naruto messenger bag.

But I realize that I do not live in Konohagakure no Sato nor Hi no Kuni. If you want to find anyone who's smack dab in the middle of reality, come to me.

Yes, I am a pessimist. But personally, I find that I'm seeing things the way they are. Oppotimists are delusional.

Well, I guess that's it. I hope you enjoyed it.



Tuesday, May 2, 2006

   Stereotypes-- I guess I'm an Emo Goth
[] Do you have long hair?
[] Do you like Beer?
[] Have you ever been in a Moshpit?
[]You don't believe in God?
[] You got a Pentagram/heartogram on some clothing article etc.? (Do the FMA sign things count? xD Cause I have a necklace with one on it.)
[] You own some spikes?
[] Can you play guitar?
[x] Can you growl? (Sort of. xD)
[] Do you own Boots?
[] Do you rock out?
Total X: 1

[x] Ever been in a play? (Drama club. xD)
[] Have you ever seen a Broadway show? (That's my neighbor, Brenan, who's the Broadway freak.)
[] More than 10 Broadway shows?
[x] Have you ever been/are you in school shows?
[] Does your current job involve theater in some way?
[] Want to end up working in/for theater
[] Can you recite all of the lyrics to your favorite play/musical?
[x] Do you break out into random songs whenever/wherever!! (I sing really badly so you don't want to be around when it happens. xD)
[] Do you like the 'Sound of Music'? (Oh god. WORST MOVIE EVER.)
[] Did you like the Broadway show you saw?
Total X: 3

[] Do you have a couch in your front yard or porch?
[] Do you drive a four-wheeler?
[] Do you ride four-wheelers?
[] Do you like to get dirty?
[] Do you like country music?
[] Do you have a broken car in your back yard?
[x] Do you own a cowboy hat? (Oh god, it's cause I'm from Texas, isn't it? DX )
[] Do you have more then 4 different animals at your home?
[] Do you watch Larry the Cable Guy videos?
[] Do you live on more than 1 acres?
Total X: 1

[x] Do you wear black eyeliner? (Sometimes.)
[x] Is most of your clothing dark?
[x] Do you think about death often? (Duh...Who doesn't? T_T Especially in this era.)
[] Do you want to die?
[x] Are you a social outcast? (Fortunately. xD)
[x] Are you pale? (Too much time at the computer.)
[x] Do you like Hot Topic? (Yup! Mostly for the anime and pants. xD)
[x] Do you enjoy Tim burton movies?
[x] Are you mean? (......Yes. TxT)
Total X: 8

[] Can you skateboard?
[x] Do you wear Skateboarding shoes? (Vans. xD)
[x] Do you do stupid stuff with your friends? (Cheah.)
[] Have you gotten in trouble with the Cops? (I saw cops go to this fight scene outside of my school on Friday. xD)
[] Do you watch the x-games?
[] Do/did you have any piercings other than your ears? (I don't even have piercings on my ears!)
[] Do you like/wear a mohawk?
[] Do you wear Band t-shirts? (Hah, I wish. DX< )
[x] Have you called someone a poser recently? (A lot of times, actually. xD)
Total X: 3

[] Do you say the word "like"
[] Do you shop at Hollister/Abercrombie&Fitch/AE/Aero?
[] Do the people in Hot Topic scare you?
[] Do u giggle alot when your'e with your friends/girlfriend/boyfriend? (No, I LAUGH.)
[] Have/do you watch(ed) LAGUNA BEACH?
[] Do you like pop music?
[] Do you want/have a little dog?
[x] Do you laugh a lot? (>3>; )
Total X: 1

[] Is your hair long? (Didn't I already answer this?)
[] Do you own a tye-dye shirt?
[x] Do you want to save the animals?
[x] Do you think war is unnecessary?
[] Do you like classic rock?
[] Have you ever been overcome with a desire to hug a tree?
[] Is your idea of fun sitting around one person playing a guitar and singing along?
[] Do you see someone playing frisbee and automatically ask to play?
Total X: 2

[] Do you act ghetto sometimes?
[] Do you wear do-rags?
[] Do you like rap?
[] Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world? (Who? O_O; [[shot]])
[] Do you like afros?
[] Have you ever said "Fo Sho"?
[] Do you like to dance? (I dance like crap. DX< )
[] Do You own 40 cd's...
[] Are you colored?
total X: 0

[x] Do you cry often? (Yeah, cause I get so angry I start to cry. T_T)
[x] Do you wear hoodies? (xD I have an Endure the Elements one.)
[x] Do you like soft music? (Depends.)
[x] Do people not understand you?
[x] Do you write your own poems? (Sometimes, though they're really weird.)
[] Do you dye your hair red, black, or any dark color? (No, though I want to get green highlights. xD)
[x] Do you cut your own hair? (When I'm bored. xD)
[x] Do you sometimes feel very lonely? (Not sometimes. All the time.)
[x] Is "Ohio is for lovers" by Hawthorne Heights a good song?
Total X: 8

[] Do you surf?
[] Do you wear flip flops all year around?
[x] Is your hair shaggy/layered?
[] Do you wake up before 6 every morning?
[x] Do you own any pairs of shorts? (Two, actually. xD)
[] Do you think the ocean is radical? (Oh, god no, I can't swim.)
[] Do you want to be at the beach right now?
[x] Do you hate tourists?
Total X: 3


[x] Do you wear glasses?
[x] Do you get good grades? (I got a certificate for A-B Honor Roll. 8D)
[] Do you use an inhaler?
[] Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?
[] Does your mom pick out your clothes? (Oh thank god. No way.)
[x] Are you on the computer often? (All the time, more like.)
[] Do you ever get picked on? (As if. I'd beat them up if they tried. xD)
[] Do you look forward to going to school?
[] Are you shy around the opposite sex?
[x] Do you play video games? (Hell yeah! 83)
Total X: 4

Repost this with the top stereotype that fits you.
Title it "Stereotypes - I guess im a ___"


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Thursday, March 23, 2006

   Gripe, gripe, gripe
Mood: Hungry
Music: Nothing

Graugh, my ELA teacher is on crack. During first period today, she was talking all weak-voiced and stuff and was all like: I'm losing my voice so this is the loudest I can talk. But halfway through class, she started screaming at us. Me and Xavier were like: What? O_O;. What a liar. Saying she can't talk.

I hate her. T_T;

Sigh, I can't go to the drama competition this Saturday. I have Pre-UIL on the same day and if I don't go to Pre-UIL, my band teacher is failing me. Sucks, right?

Ch.300 of Naruto finally came out. I haven't actually seen it yet, but I've read the manga summary on LeafNinja. xD I can't wait to read it but I don't know where to find it. ;~; Meeeh~ DX<

I've also started to color my pictures a bit more so you should find them colored and looking a lot better! ^_^ Especially in my 100 Themes. I'm starting the first one right now.

Blah, well, that's all, un~

EDIT: Since Taylor mentioned it, for the contract thing for the manga, we needed an Attorney/Agent. Well, since we can't afford to pay one to work for us, my friend Kaether said that he'd be willing to be our 'attorney/agent'. xD It's really funny, actually.

::Queen of Your Silent Suffocation::

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Saturday, March 18, 2006

   Happy Leprechaun Day!
Mood : Bored
Music: Nothing

Happy St. Patty's Day! I really did nothing today. Just sat around and watched TV while doodling my picture for my side of the art trade with ~projectumbra. Did you know he lived in Arlington? O_o; Wierd.


Anyways, my dad came home early so while my mum and my brother went to court, we worked on the garden in the backyard. My mum had to do something about the crossing-a-redlight ticket she received.

My dad and I planted tomatoes, peppers, garlic chives, and normal chives.

...Not like you care.

You won't believe how many Irish people jokes I know of now.

And they all have to do with drinking.


::Queen of Your Silent Suffocation::

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