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myOtaku.com: bakhu

Saturday, March 18, 2006

   Happy Leprechaun Day!
Mood : Bored
Music: Nothing

Happy St. Patty's Day! I really did nothing today. Just sat around and watched TV while doodling my picture for my side of the art trade with ~projectumbra. Did you know he lived in Arlington? O_o; Wierd.


Anyways, my dad came home early so while my mum and my brother went to court, we worked on the garden in the backyard. My mum had to do something about the crossing-a-redlight ticket she received.

My dad and I planted tomatoes, peppers, garlic chives, and normal chives.

...Not like you care.

You won't believe how many Irish people jokes I know of now.

And they all have to do with drinking.


::Queen of Your Silent Suffocation::

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