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myOtaku.com: bakhu

Thursday, March 23, 2006

   Gripe, gripe, gripe
Mood: Hungry
Music: Nothing

Graugh, my ELA teacher is on crack. During first period today, she was talking all weak-voiced and stuff and was all like: I'm losing my voice so this is the loudest I can talk. But halfway through class, she started screaming at us. Me and Xavier were like: What? O_O;. What a liar. Saying she can't talk.

I hate her. T_T;

Sigh, I can't go to the drama competition this Saturday. I have Pre-UIL on the same day and if I don't go to Pre-UIL, my band teacher is failing me. Sucks, right?

Ch.300 of Naruto finally came out. I haven't actually seen it yet, but I've read the manga summary on LeafNinja. xD I can't wait to read it but I don't know where to find it. ;~; Meeeh~ DX<

I've also started to color my pictures a bit more so you should find them colored and looking a lot better! ^_^ Especially in my 100 Themes. I'm starting the first one right now.

Blah, well, that's all, un~

EDIT: Since Taylor mentioned it, for the contract thing for the manga, we needed an Attorney/Agent. Well, since we can't afford to pay one to work for us, my friend Kaether said that he'd be willing to be our 'attorney/agent'. xD It's really funny, actually.

::Queen of Your Silent Suffocation::

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