Bakura lover
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
Ok my update will be short because I'm really busy with school, so I have to make this quick. Anyway I'm going to change my theme maybe tomorrow, and i'll post my first quiz or something interesting. Well thats it for now!
Ja Ne!!
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Monday, September 5, 2005
Konbanwa! Sakura here, well you could of all guessed that but I just wanted to say that. Anyway I found what I'm going to change my theme too and thats Bankotsu! I know that Kuramaotakufox is going to that too with me. So both me Kai and me will have the same theme. Well thats it its late and I'm tired so Ja Ne!!
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Friday, September 2, 2005
Konnichiwa! Today is the one and only not so innocent but oh so sweet Ryou's birthday, and my favorite sexy thief Bakura's. So I just wanted to make this post all about them. Well its both Bakura's birthday as you all know so everything today has to be all about them. Its not like its not already but today is a special day for them.
Sakura: Happy Birthday!
Ryou:*anime sweat drop*
Bakura: huh?
Sakura: *singing happy birthday*
Ryou: *joins in the singing*
Bakura: Ok...
Sakura: *glomps Bakura* its your birthday!
Ryou: Yea its my birthday!
Bakura: *Still getting glomped by Sakura* I can see that.
Sakura: PARTY!!!
Ryou: For Joy!!
Bakura: huh? what? Party?
Sakura: Party time, party time
Ryou: Yeah a party just for me!
Bakura: hey me too
Sakura: *evil grin* Its going to a party alright.
Ryou: *Doesn't get it*
Bakura: *Grins* Ohhh Party now I get it.
Sakura: uh-huh
Ryou: Huh? What are you talking about?
Bakura: you'll see PARTY!!! *Drags Sakura away leaving Ryou behind.*
Sakura: PARTY!!
Ryou: Wait I want to party too.
Bakura: *Walking away* Muhahahaha
OK lets all sing happy birthday for Bakura and Ryou today. So thats it for now. I got to go Party with Bakura!
Ja Ne!!
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
One day I will chnage my sites theme and post something more interesting. Well today is not that day. I don't fell like right now. But there will be a day I will. LOL when the time comes I will start posting something worth reading. Ok thats it for me, see ya.
Ja Ne!!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Konnichiwa! I've been so borad lately. There has been nothing to do, and i think I'm going to die of extreme boardome. So there hasn't been to much going on in my life besides everything being so dual. Anyway I was just wanting to update so I'll update soon again.
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Monday, August 8, 2005
I got new Quizzes!
Konnichiwa! I'm actually updating what a surprise, well not really. Anyway I got new quizzes on my account on quizilla. Well its really one quiz but I'm going to post more this week. My quizilla account name is Bakuralover101, thats wasn't hard to guess. But I hope you all go and check them out it will mean a lot to me if you all did. Well thats about it, see ya all later!
Ja Ne!!
Oh and heres the link for my quiz. I just hope it works.
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Friday, July 29, 2005
I'm Back!!!
YEA!! I'm finally back from nationals! My horse Rio is number 11 in the nation for Arabian geldings. He would of got a top ten but the judges were so political that they only gave the horses that were with top trainers a top ten. Well thats all right Rio is 11 in the US for arabian geldings. So I'm very happy he was so good. My other horse did make her cuts, so I didn't make it into the finals with her. Adina is such a cow. i'm glad were going to sale her for somehing I can show and have fun with. Every show all i do is figfht with my horse, and I want to show with a horse that doesn't try and buck me off in the class or flips its head and takes off running. So I'm just going to sale her. Anyway I'm back, and I hope everyone is having a good summer. Well thats it see ya.
Ja Ne!!!
Heres a Pic of the cow. I love her, shes pretty, but I don't like fighting with her. oh and ignore the lettering on the pic.

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Saturday, July 16, 2005
LOL ok I know I said I was going to change my whole theme. The thing is there isn't that many pics of Full Metal Panic so I can't do that. and I mean there isn't any. Well I'm going to be gone for 10 days so me updating...thats not going to happen, but I will first thing when I get back. Well I've been having a fun summer. I just went to a Hilary Duff concert, thats because my friend draged me to it. Well it was ok. This on girl screamed in our face so we spent the whole time singing really bad in her ears. LOL That was pretty fun. Thats what she gets for yelling at us. Well I hope everyone is having a great of a summer as I'am. Stay cool and enjoy the rest of summer.
Ja Ne!!!

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Monday, July 11, 2005
Hey! The horseshows are almost over!
YEA! I almost done with the horseshow season, that means I'll be able to update all the time. Well at least i'll try. ^^;; Anyway all thats left is nationals. I can't wait, its going to be so much fun! ^^ I hope i get a national championship with my gelding Rio, in halter. That would be really great. Anyway i'm going to change my sites theme, probably today or later in the week but its going to be FullMetalPanic. Everything Sousuke!! ^^!
Ja Ne!!!
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Wednesday, July 6, 2005
WOOOHOOO!!!! I updated! Well I'm only saying this because I'm actually updated for once. anyway i hope everybody had a great four of july! I know I did! I went over to Kaiyuku's house all day! it was a lot of fun!
Well Ja Ne!!!!
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