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In my own little world with Bakura.
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High School Student
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i forgot!
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Yu-Gi-Oh! (duh!), Kenshin(duh!) and Gundem Seed and so on! EVERY ANIME EVERY MADE
Horses and Bakura (duh)
Bakura and sending people to the shadow realm
Bakura and making peoples lifes a living hell. oh yea and war
| Bakura lover
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Konbanwa! yes it is night time, and I'm actually updating. Thats might be a suprize, to some. Anyway my day sucked my dog got stabbed and had to go to the vet. then we found out he had to have surgery, so that wasn't cool. We don't even know how he got stabbed, so we think someone did it. That really makes me mad someone would do something like that to my dog. Anyway thats it.
Ja Ne!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I'm really tried....
Konnichiwa, I'm really tried, i just got back from another horseshow. Thank god I only have one more horseshow and thats youth nationals. I really thought this last show was fun, but man was it tiring. I'm just glad its now summer and i can sleep all I want. So thats what has been going on with me like anyone cares, but I like to share it anyway. Well thanks to all that visit my site and leave nice comments on my post really appriciate it. Well I'm going to sleep again. *Yawn*
Ja Ne
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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Happy Birthday! RakuDa!!!!
Konnichiwa first I would like to say Happy Birthday day to 0.oInuyashao.0 So happy b-day raku! well my PM working again, so I can send them now. Well thats it bye.
Ja Ne!!
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
Privite message problem
Konnichiwa everyone! First i would like to say, I can't respond to PM because my computer is very stupid and is actting up. So if I don't respond thats the reason. Anyway I found really great Bakura pics so I'm going to be saving all night long probably. Alright i have to get back to Kura.
Ja Ne!!
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Wikkid Sweet!
Konnichiwa!! I'm over at Kaiyuku's house and were having fun well at least i think so. anyway!We watch a lot of anime. First we watched my DNAgel DVD volume 4, which reminds me volume 5 came out. Then we watched Yuugioh,WQhich had tons of Bakura in it ^^! Forjoy! Anyway after that we watched Tsubasa, but it was only the first episode. kai says the animation in that was better then the yuugioh one because the yuugioh one was dirty. Ok that be it for what i have to say.
Ja Ne!!!

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Friday, May 20, 2005
Konnichiwa!! I'm not really much of a talker right now because I'm trying to rush to get ready for this horseshow I have this weekend.I have three back to back shows so its been killing me. We got a new trailer and everything. I can't wait to the show though its going to be so much fun and I get to ride my trainers horse Timmy. Anyway I have lots to do before i got to the show so everybody I wish you all a WIKKID DAY!!!!!
Ja Ne!!!


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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Konnichiwa! Everybody. Today I found out that my trainer is going to let me ride that horse i was talking about. Timmy, he is so much fun so my trianer said i can ride him at the next horseshow. Well thats all that has happened. well I have to.
Ja Ne!!
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Monday, May 16, 2005
Konnichiwa everybody! Well I had a eventful week. I’m sorry I haven’t been able to update as much as I wanted to but my dad is a police officer and he has been on call all week long so I couldn’t go on the net. If I would of went on the net my dad could have been called out and he would of got into trouble if he did know, so I was banned from the net for a week. *cries* I can’t believe I went a whole week with out the internet. Anyway my week has been fun. I had a riding lesson Wednesday and I got to ride this one horse called Timmy, he was so much fun. He was my second English horse I’ve rode. The week before my friend put me on her horse Pete, he was crazy. He took off running and I had to slam him into a fence twice to make him stop. So I was glad my trainer put me on Timmy to learn how to ride saddle seat. All I know how to show is Western, Hunter, Halter, Showmanship, Native Costume, and Driving basically everything there is to show but English. Those are all the divisions I have learned to show a horse in. So English is the last division I need to learn to be able to show in almost everything at a horseshow. Right now I’m only doing Western and Halter. So if I learn how to ride saddle seat I could probably ask Timmy’s owner if I could show him at a horseshow. I really hope I can, because he was so much fun and he didn’t kill me ^^. Well on to my second story, which happened today. Its actually really funny. My mother was driving down the rode, and my dad and I were just there ok. Anyway we just finished our day of horse trailer shopping, and we were heading home. As we were driving down the rode, me and my mom see this guy standing on the side of the rode waving his hands up in the air. So my mother looks at me like did you see what I see. My dad is spacey at the moment. So we get close and it turns out the guys totally naked. My dad finally snaps out of his spacey ness, and sees this guy standing in front of everybody nude. I burst into laughter as my mom and dad are totally shocked. So my dad calls the police department to have the guy arrested. So the guy gets arrested, but I still think its hysterical. I mean the guys naked and is dancing around drunk, so I thought it was pretty funny. Well that was day, and I have to go. I hope I can update before I leave for another horseshow, next weekend. So if I don’t I’ll ask Kaiyuku to update for me while I’ll I’m gone. Well I hope everyone has a nice day or evening or whatever.
Ja Ne!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005
Konnichiwa!! The last couple of days have been great. I got to go to the mall two days in a row! I love the mall its the best place to go! Anyway! Well it was fun because my dad and I went into the book store, while my mother was looking at the dimond place, for a mothers day gift. So my dad and I went into the store, he only took me there because i wanted to buy a manga, well I ended up with three, because my dad bought two for me. That was so nice! ^^! I got Gundam Seed volume 4, Then I got the first two Yugioh Duelist. I know I'm very behind in in the yugioh mangas, all I need now is 3 and 4 and I have all the Yugioh duelist that have came out so far. Then My brother got the complete series of Full Metal Panic. Its so cool! It even has Yaoi in it. For joy!!! He won't let me watch it until he is done with it. >.< I really want to watch it!! Anyways I have to go, I'll update when I have the chance. Its going to be hard for me to update because of testing coming up then I have three back to back horseshows this month so its going to be a mega nightmare for me. Hey at least i might get out of the state testing. ^-^ that would be so cool!
Ja Ne!!!


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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Konnichiwa!! I'm feeling way more happy then I was the last couple of days. I been pulling muscles left and right in my leg almost every signgal day so thats one reason why I was in such a pissy mood. It hurts really bad too I've done it three times in the last four days. It still hurts but I forgot about it when my mother bought me DNAngel volume four on DVD yesterday. So that was so cool! I just got done watching it too. SATOSHI GIVES DAISUKE C.P.R. THAT WAS SO YAOI YEAH!!!!!! Anyways that was my favorite part. I can't believe there arew only 6 DVDs though...WHY!!! I love DNAngel how could they only have 6 DVDs. Well I'm in a good mood again so i hope it stays that way, well maybe not because I have testing on monday at school so that really sucks and its two weeks of it too. Well I have to go see you all laters.
Ja Ne!!!

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