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In my own little world with Bakura.
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High School Student
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Yu-Gi-Oh! (duh!), Kenshin(duh!) and Gundem Seed and so on! EVERY ANIME EVERY MADE
Horses and Bakura (duh)
Bakura and sending people to the shadow realm
Bakura and making peoples lifes a living hell. oh yea and war
| Bakura lover
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Konnichiwa to all! I'm very hyper today if you can't tell!!!! today I got my own deserted island with Bakura, Ed, Dark, Ed, Roy, Kenshin, and Kira!!! My friend sean asked me who would I choose to stay with me on a deserted island so I of chourse i would have to say Bakura and ED!!!!!! So he making me my own deserted island with all of them how fun! I think so. So it was really fun today so I'm very hyper from it!! right now I really have to do a report but I don't want to Kaiyuku told me i have to! WAHHHHHH but I don't want to I know I sound like a little kid but I don't care I hate doing reports that are useless. So I have to do what Kai says so now I have to end this and go take Bakura quizzes I mean do my report WAHHHHH!!!! I don't want to!!!
Well Ja Ne!!!
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
Konnichiwa everybody! I'm now back from Kaiyukus house. Yea we do have some werid conversations, but you have to agree there pretty funny! ^^! Well do you all like the style change I know I had a vote but the only thing that runs through my mind most of the time is BAKURA!!! So I had to do him again. Well thats about it for tonight.
Ja Ne!!^-^
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
La Li Ho!!!
Konnichiwa... I'm at Kaiyuku's house and Kaiyuku won't give Sa-chan the keyboard so Kai's typing... baka kai-chan... i got a kittey!!
Kai:that's nice....
Sakura: *hyper* got a kitty!! i got a kitty... named Ryoko!!
Kai: thats great..
Sakura: i'm gonna kill Raku..
Kai: run her over...?
Sakura: *nod* just like she ran over her cat
Kai: how can she laugh about that?
Sakura: thats messed up... she laughs at killing her own cat...
Kai: i think her horse should have ran her over some more...
Sakura: kitty woke up..
Kai: good chips... Krad's hot!
Sakura: so? Dark is Sexy.
Kai:... you know if Krad wore what Yuki was wearing at the end of Gravitation he'd be...*starts to think about it*
Sakura: O___________________________O thats... disturbing
Kai: so i guess your going to finish my sentence??
Sakura: oh i know what your thinking...
Kai: You do?
Sakura: now if it was Bakura it would be cool...
Kai: what do you have against Krad?
Sakura: notthing...he just wanted to kill dark.
Kai: and satoshi?
Sakura: yes...
Kai: ... it not Sato-kun's fault! he just wants to get rid of Krad! i mean wouldn't you?
Sakura: why are you saying wouldn't you? i thought you liked Krad and satoshi together. or is it that you just want to split them up into two different people...
Kai: uhh... yah!!! more fun that way!
sakura: *disturbed* you even woke the kitty!
Kai: what? i meant something else you baka!!
Sakura: don't call me a baka!
Kai: ba....ka!
Sakura: >>
Kai: <<
Sakura: baka
Kai: ^^ thank you i know i am
Sakura: satoshi cheats and Krad does too. he used those electric poles!
Kai: ... but.... Krad's hot!
Sakura: so is Dark...
Kai: you know whats even hotter?
Sakura: Bakura
Kai: nope
Sakura: ok... what could be hotter then Bakura?
Kai: KradxDark and DaixSatoshi!
Sakura: ohhhhh...but thats yaoi... it lovable yaoi...
Kai: i know!
sakura: yaoi is so awsome!
Kai: you know what my fave pairing is?
Sakura: i really wanna say BakuraxRyou...oh wait... thats my fave.
Kai: *eye twiching* yah....thats yours *shakes it off* NarutoxSasuke!!
Sakura: i love that one!!
Kai: and then theres: YukixShu
Sakura: how cute!!! i'm really tempted what i usaully say but........... KyoxYuki thats a good one.
Kai: and.... KiraxAthrun!!!
Sakura: thats mine!!! *starts crying*
Kai: too late!! ^^
Sakura: EdxRoy!!! i love Ed!!!
Kai: thats nice... let me see... KamuixSubaru!! i love that X/1999 pairing!!
Sakura: JouxSeto...thats DragonxPuppy's fave.
Kai: HisokaxTsuzuki!!! or Maruki for either of them!! yay!!
Sakura: YuugixYami!!
Kai: and... YukixHaru!!
Sakura: HondaxDuke!!
Kai: yah! and... MokubaxNoa!! (its no insest!! their adopted brothers!!!!)
Sakura: JouxYuugi
Kai: ... HiroshixShu!
Sakura: awww so cute!!!! ummm... i know one!!! BakuraxJou!!!
Kai: ^^;; yah... and then... TohmaxYuki! i don't care if tohma's married!! i say he can be gay!!
Sakura: i'm sorry all i can think is Bakura okay!? thats the only thing ruuning through my mind right now! i can't think of yaoi, but i can think of Bakura Yaoi...
Kai: thats nice... well others that i can think of are... HirakuxAkira, TagataixMotsu, TakuyaxSona...TakuyaxAkira.... SoraxRiku...
Sakura: why do we keep talking yaoi? i know i like yaoi but i think we should change the subject...
Kai: ok *sad*
Sakura: Bakura...
Kai: Krad
Sakura: Bakura's better
Kai: Krad...needs... a... tan..
sakura: *laughs falling out of chair* Bakura got his tan...i sent him on a nature walk yesterday.
Kai: *havinga hard time typing and laughing at the same time* well.... i sent Krad flying around this morning!
Sakura: *laughing* really?
Kai: *laughing too* yah... i think he should be back soon...
Sakura: ohh, i DO NOT want to see that
Kai: i see it a lot...
Sakura: *can't speak* O.O
Kai: *laughing to hard to day anything*
Sakura: but i did check to see if bakura got his ass tanned...
Kai: i would hope so thats what you sent him out for right?
Sakura: maybe.... maybe it was just for fun...
Kai: what if your brother does go on the roof and do that thing?
Sakura: I'll send Bakura on the barn roof and then shoot my brother.
Kai: i'd stay inside!
Sakura: *laughing to much*
Kai: you know who really needs a tan?
Sakura: Satoshi?
Kai: YAH! have you seen him? he's friggen white!
Sakura: no i don't look at Satoshi's ass, or Satoshi without anything on...
Kai: What about that one pic i have when he in bed and looking at his hand?
Sakura: *highly disturbed*
Sakura: i know it not...and yah he does need a tan...Darks a night person so he needs a tann too.
Kai: likewise for Yuki...both Sohma and Eiri...
Sakura: i have to agree..
Kai: you know we've been at this for oven an hour... almost two i think...
Sakura: you know who else needs a tan? Ed...Ed and Roy...
Kai: *nods*
Sakura: BAKURA!!!
Kai: are we done now?
Sakura: is that supposed to be a trick question?
Kai: No
Sakura: fine.... we're done... but my last comment.... BAKURA
Kai: and mine KRAD
Both: Ja Ne
~~Kaiyuku-kun and Sakura-Chan~~
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
The vote contiues!!
Ok everyone the voting is still going on so check out my other post to find out what its about.
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
New Theme Vote
Hello today people. I'm going to change my theme again so I decided to have you guys help me vote, to see which one I should choose.
The Themes:
Full metal Alchemist
Vampire Hunter D
Fruits Basket
Card Captor Sakura
Tenchi Muyo
ok thats the all, please help me by voting for the one you want to see on my site. Have A nice day!! Bye!!
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Friday, April 8, 2005
I'm back!!!
Konnichiwa to all! I'm back from my horseshow. It went very well, and then it kinda got bad. I got 1st place in my very first class. I was so nervous that I thought I was going to throw up. My trainer told me if i was do it down wind. LOL Then he pushed me and my horse into the class. Then the wind started to blow real hard so that didn't help. I was so shocked when i heard "and the blue ribbion goes to #220 LP Adina(my horses name)" I was so happy because I haven't been to a horse show in 5 years so that was cool to win in the first class. Then my other class i got 2nd, the wind was so bad the my horse got spoked and she was acting stupid. Then I got a 3rd,4th in my other classes. My horse came in heat so she was being real bad and like I said the wind didn't help it either. So then in one of my classes I won it but then I picked up the wrong lead and that made me get 5th place. the judge even came up to me and said I won the class, but I picked up the wrong lead so I can't give you first. That made me feel bad. In my last class the class that counted was the chapionship, and of course my horse had to be in heat and hte only thing going on in her mind was getting bred by some stallion, so she was a total cow. She did everything she could to be bad. So I got 7th. Then I thought it was because all the judges thought my horse was a stallion but it was a mare. I don't know how they couldn't tell but anyways, after I got back from the show I got the flu. Then on monday I breed my horse Adina to a stallion called Glory of Joy+//, I'll but his picture one here so everyone could see how pretty he is. hope it just shows. Anyway, thats all that has happened. See you all later.

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Saturday, April 2, 2005
La LI Ho!!!
kaiyuku here updating for Sakura! so i'll just give you all a little japanese lesson
Ja Ne
your welcome
O-negai shimasu
excuse me
o-yasumi nasai
good night
Nihongo o hanasemasu ka?
Do you speak japanese?
Koko ni nihongo hito wa imasu ka?
Does anyone here speak japanese.
Watashi wa eigo ga sukoshi shika hanasemasen.
I only speak a little english/japanese.
O-namae wa nan desu ka?
What is your name?
Oaidekite ureshi desu.
i'm vary glad to meet you.
Nante iimashita ka?
What did you say?
Motto yukkuri hanashite hudasai?
Can you speak more slowly?
Yoku wakarimasu.
I understand perfectly.
Eigo wa hanasemasen.
I do not speak english.
Daijobu desu.
That's alright.
Watashi no yujin no Heruchigu mo aimashita ka?
Have you met my friend ______.
Mada o-aishitemasen.
I haven't had the pleasure.
Heruchigu, kochira wa Rakuda desu.
____ this is ____.
Nihonshu o koppu de kudasai.
Toire wa doko desu ka?
Mo daijobu desu.
Shinkoku suru mono wa nanimo arimasen.
Kore wa suki dewa arimasen.
I don't like this.
Nihonshu o koppu de kudasai.
I would like a glass of sake.
Biru o kudasai.
i would like a beer.
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Friday, April 1, 2005
Konnichiwa!! this is Kaiyuku and RakuDa updating for Sakura while shes away!!
Kaiyuku: say something baka!!
RakuDa: something, baka!
Kaiyuku: NOT WHAT I MEANT!!!
RakuDa: i like freaking people out. ^^
Kaiyuku: I can tell poor Neo-Neko-Chan...T_T
RakuDa: he homeless?
Kaiyuku: really are a baka, block head!
RakuDa: *stares*
RakuDa: >>
Kaiyuku: <<
RakuDa: i don't like water.
Kaiyuku: then your gonna die!!! Muhahahahaha ^^
RakuDa: Camels can survive without water.
Kaiyuku: not for a long time.....
RakuDa: well i'm special....
Kaiyuku: ?_?....>.>
RakuDa: *cough*ED*cough*
Kaiyuku: is going to die!!! lol ^^
RakuDa: Nooo he comes back to life...
Kaiyuku: as another experiment??
RakuDa: no as a printer who likes coffee.
Kaiyuku: i want donatsu!!!!!
RakuDa: my mind of freaky-ness has been shut down i cannot think of anything......damn you macintosh!!!
Kaiyuku: *_- ....i think my dog just climbed a tree.... like....inuyasha can lol ^^
RakuDa: why do they put nuts on ice cream.
Kaiyuku: because Rocky-road is goood ^^
RakuDa: but that doesn't explain why Go-gurt grows on trees..
Kaiyuku: does.
RakuDa: Look!!! its Sasuke and Itachi!!
Kaiyuku: *glomp Itachi* MINE!!
Itachi: !_! what the hell do you want woman?
Kaiyuku: *hits Itachi's head* shut up! mine!!
RakuDa: ...Why couldn't you be taller..?
Sasuke: Me?
RakuDa: no the tree behind you...
Sasuke: because I'm 12.
RakuDa: why couldn't you be older?
Sasuke: because i was born when i was born.
Kaiyuku: Tachi-Kun!!!! *pulling on his cloak* can i wear it?? PLEASE?!?!
Itachi: No...
Kaiyuku: please?
Itachi: No...
Kaiyuku: please?
Itachi: No...
Kaiyuku: please?
Itachi: No...
Kaiyuku: please?
Itachi: No...
Kaiyuku: please?
Itachi: No...
Kaiyuku: please?
Itachi: No...
Kaiyuku: please?
Itachi: FINE! *gives cloak*
Kaiyuku: Yay!!! *puts on* hahaha all of you better fear me!! for i am....a...
Itachi: who the hell are you?
Kaiyuku: Watashi wa Kaiyuku desu!
Sasuke: and you are?
RakuDa: I'm a camel ^^
Kaiyuku: ....And i'm the sea!!!
Itachi: Give me back my cloak...
Kaiyuku: *jumps on Itachi's Head* no!! mine!! *wines*
RakuDa: *stares*
Sasuke: WTH?!
Kaiyuku: *pouts* fine! *shoves it in Itachi's face and skips away*
RakuDa: *still staring*
Sasuke: Oooookeeeeeey....
Itachi: ?.? wth??
Kaiyuku: *glomps Itachi's neck* i'm BACK!!
RakuDa: huh?
Sasuke: i will kill you Onii-san!
Kaiyuku: oni? where? aahhhh, Tachi-kun!! theres a demon!!!!
RakuDa: the color keep changing.
Sasaku: .........are you okay?
RakuDa: depends...
Sasuke: on?
RakuDa: uhhh....wheather seeing colors is normal or not...
Sasuke: *anime sweat drop* yah...
Itachi: *really pissed*
Kaiyuku: *pulling on Itachi's cloak*
RakuDa: they keep changing...
Sasuke: maybe you should see a doctor...
RakuDa: Doctors are evil...besides they might find the pin in the back of my neck...
Kaiyuku: yayness!! *waving Itachi's hitai-ate around*
Sasuke: PIN?!
RakuDa: yah you wanna see?
Sasuke: i...uh...i guess so...
Kaiyuku: Lala! haha!! *running away*
Iatchi: *chasing* if you give it back you can wear my cloak.
RakuDa: keyyo *points to pin*
Sasuke: *looks at pin* you are so weird...
RakuDa: yes and easily entertained ^^
Kaiyuku: *wining* you said i could wear your cloak!!!
Iatchi: i had my fingers crossed.
RakuDa: cool, ne?
Sasuke: yah....sure...
RakuDa: conversations turn from words to, blah, blah, blah!
Sasuke: and that is?
RakuDa: a realy cool song and i think i've got the letters A.D.D.
Sasuke: is that part of the song too?
RakuDa: yes and no...
Kaiyuku: *bashing Itachi's head in with a stick* lyer!!!
Iatchi: STOP IT!!!! X_X
RakuDa: rice?
Sasuke: what about it?
RakuDa: i don't know but Kody said he liked it...
Itachi: *runnig from mad Kaiyuku*
Kaiyuku: GIVE MI!!!
Sasuke: Kody...? i don't even wanna know...
RakuDa: what do you mean by that >>
Sasuke: nothing... ^^;;
RakuDa: >>
Kaiyuku: *has cloak and hitai-ate* hahaha!! yayness!!
Iatchi: *staggering behind* just don't ruin them...
Sasuke: What he hell happened to you...?
Iatchi: her...*points at Kaiyuku*
Kaiyuku: hee hee!! yayness!!
RakuDa: *shrugges*
Kaiyuku: well i think thats good and long...untill tonight...*looks like a vampire* Ja Ne!!
RakuDa: *walkes away*
Itachi: not tonight too....
Sasuke: i'm...gonna....go...getramenwithNarutobye!! *runs away*
kaiyuku: >> ....<<....><...<>...^^ lol
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
I'm have to run fast.
I really don't have time to say much because I'm leaving in 2 min. for Del Mar that's in San Deigo. Well I'll have Kaiyuku or someone update for me while I'm gone at the horseshow. See ya.
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Sunday, March 27, 2005
Happy Easter
Konnichiwa everybody I would just like to wish everyone a Happy Easter Sunday, which is today for all who don't know. Well my day started off good. Raku and I went out on a morning trail ride and it ended up us racing each other down the road back aand forward. Then we had to stop beacuse my horse Rio got tired. Now i'm getting ready to leave for L.A. because were having Easter dinner at my grandparents house. I hate to dress up and my mom really messed up my hair because it wasn't good enought for her. Why can't she just leave me alone. It such a drag I can't stay home because to day i was planing to watch Bakura DVDS all day. From duelist kingdom to battle city. Its not fair because my brother gets to stay home because he has work but still at least he gets to spend today sitting on his butt until work. Well I have to run to get ready. See ya.

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