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In my own little world with Bakura.
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High School Student
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i forgot!
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Yu-Gi-Oh! (duh!), Kenshin(duh!) and Gundem Seed and so on! EVERY ANIME EVERY MADE
Horses and Bakura (duh)
Bakura and sending people to the shadow realm
Bakura and making peoples lifes a living hell. oh yea and war
| Bakura lover
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, March 11, 2005
I don't have to go to school tomarrow because, I didn't want to go so my mother said i didn't have too. Well I'm happy because now i have the net in my room so all day tomarrow I'm going to be on the net. Well thats about it see ya. I'm going to bed. Got a big day tomarrow.
This a message to Kaiyuku: I'm going to download the yahoo IM tomarrow. In the morning. So now I'll have it so you RakuDa, Chi-chan, and Zene could IM me. Ok so now you won't have to bother me about it anymore.

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Thursday, March 10, 2005
COLD again.
Right now I'm at school updating and the computer class and its is freezing cold. So I'm really cold right now. It has been getting warm outside so I haven't been bring my jacket, I really wished I would off. Well I'm don't have anything to say because I'm too cold. I hate school!
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Hello! everyone. There is really nothing to say today, because nothing has really happend. Well the only thing that has is DragonXPuppy, Kaiyuku, and me want to start an anime club at school so were trying to figure that out and if we could really do it. Well thats about it. Bye.
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Tuesday, March 8, 2005
Hello! I'm happy to day if you can't tell. Yesterday I got my show cloths for the horseshows and they came out better than I thought they would have. The jacket and vest are red, black, silver, and it has rinstones all over it. When I got to the place to pick them up. I saw them and said this outfit is so pretty and the lady turned around and told me that was mine. It was funny because I didn't even know that was mine. Then my dad told me since I was so good, He's going to put my computer in my room today and he is going to buy me DNAngel DVD #3 and Gundam Seed manga #4. So I'm really happy for that. Ok thats about it.

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Monday, March 7, 2005
Thanks Kaiyuku!
Thanks to Kai-chan for fixing that post for me. I'm so happy because I finally got my desk, so now I have my computer in my room. That means I'll get to go on the net anytime I want.^__^ I can't wait till spring vacation. *Hugges Bakura* That mean spending all day long just laying around relaxing, and doing nothing. Yea!! I'm very hiper if you can't tell. Kai-chan brought chocolate icing so we are very hiper. Well see you all later.

Like I said sleep and relax all day.

But then again who could relax with Bakura around.LOL Fun!!

Sexy. LOL. ^__~

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Saturday, March 5, 2005
YEA! It finally works I got a background. I'm glad it decided to work for me because I was getting very worried that it wouldn't. Well thats about it, thanks to the people who told me it was working and now I saw it for myself so I know its working. I'm so happy. See you all later.
 G: Your Beauty lies
in Individuality. Different, amazing, and all your own. You like be set apart
from all others and most love that you do. You are solitary at times, but for
the most part, there is no greater compliment to you than someone telling you
that you are different. You're most likely a bit of a fighter and you hate it
when anyone attempts to change who you are. You wear what you want, look how you
want and don't let anyone tell you what do to. You can be a little immature at
times and have trouble dealing with authority and asking others for help. You
like to do things yourself and are independent almost to a fault. But, people
still find your individuality amazing and the fact that no matter what happens
or what anyone else anyone thinks about it, you will not change who you are.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Dark, Fire Animal: White Tiger Color: Bold Colors, Odd
Colors Song: Just They Way I Am by Angel Expression: Smirk
Bloodstone Mythological Creature: Phoenix, Dragon Planet: Pluto
Hair Color: Unnatural Colors Eye Color:
"You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Yesterday, I tried to change my background and my mom kicked me off the net because she had to fax something, ok thats besides the point. Anyway I changed it to this really kool pic of Ah! My Goddess and I don't know if it worked so if you could she it then can anyone tell me please. I already had Kaiyuku check it and she said she couldn't see it so I guess when I logged of the net it wasn't done downloading it. I would check it myself but the school computers never upload the backgrounds. Ok thats it thanks. Bye.

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Thursday, March 3, 2005
OK I'm tired of saying Konnichiwa! grrr.. There I go again. It really sucked yesterday because I had a riding lesson and everyone told me it wasn't going to rain and it did. I got really wet. Then when I got out of the rain and went into the barn with my horse Adina, she was steaming,because she got hot and then the cold water hit her which wasn't funny at the time but it is now. Well thats about it.
I'll post some pics of FMA. Hope they show.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Konnichiwa! Right now I can't do anything until tomarrow because I don't have that much time so. I'll post some pics up tomarrow.
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Tuesday, March 1, 2005
Konnichiwa everybody! I'm still trying to find the time to change the theme for my site. I will change it soon. I'm not going to be able to update on March 17-20 and 30-April 3 because I have two horseshows and I will be all over the place trying to practice so I'll probably have Kaiyuku, or one of my other friends update for me. Well thats about it. Bye.
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