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Saturday, October 21, 2006
Another Journal and a job
Hi all. I've been offline for awhile yet again. I so hate having aol for the internet -.- I wish we had dsl back lol. 5 people trying to use aol all day is such a pain in the arse...On aother note, my time for drawing is limited even more, because now I've FINALLY got a job after having applied at several places...And after applying at so many places, I go to a job fair for dollar general, and get hired on the spot..heh. Oh wlel, the people are friendly and it's a new store, so the past few days have been a real back,leg,and arm sore having to carry,move,push,setup,and walk fifty zillion places all over there store setting it up. I work 8A.M.-5P.M. too all week long, including weekends. So yah, I'm pretty much dead when I get home. I so hate not having much time to draw, but at leas I think about new stuff I WANT to draw when I'm not drawing. Such as most likely making my one Aquamancer, Lillian character into a dragon-half form, since I liked doing it with my Lee character, I would really love to see her as a Dragon-Half form as well. So hopefully when I get the time, I can do that. Well, been fun, see yall later, whenever I can lol.
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Back after a LONG break from this site
Hi any who still watch me/visit me =) I decided to finally update my website and submit my newer drawings that I had put on other sites. So I hope you will like them. My.. it has been ages since I've been on here lol. I guess I just felt drawn to it after being off it for so long XD.
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Friday, December 2, 2005
Blapshemous flamers!!! RAWR!!
Rawr, howdy doody people :/
Well, I submitted a new piece to Otaku for you guys to see, but thing is..I'm really starting to get ticked at some people *flamers* I barely have had the pic submitted, and already, I have a friggen 'no vote" on it, and what's worse, is there's no comment as to WHY they don't like it, as always -_-. I mean seriously, if you're going to put a no vote on someone's artwork, at least say WHY for cripes sake..if a person is to improve at all in their work, they HAVE to know just what the heck they are doing wrong for someone to just put "no" -_-. I Know I should just ignore this..but it's not the first time..and it's also what drove a few of my otaku friends away from here as well..people giving a no vote without any comment as to why...I CAN'T ignore it when I as an artist, LIVE on the criques as others to grow and just makes me enraged when someone does that..especially after it has only been up for like..30 minutes.. -_-.
BAH! usual, nothing much going on here, since I finally got that drawing out of the way..I'm gonna start heading up more on my art, and see if I can't get more artwork done than I have been, so hopefully yu'll see more on here.
Oh, if you guys want, I am deffinately more than here, because 1, no fricken flamers as often without the criques..2, there's good friends there, and 3, alot of talent and favorites and such you can do there ^_^ So if ya want to follow me there, I'll be sure to watch you ;)
Anyways, have a good day yall, bai!!
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
O.O My how time passes
Waaah, I'm sorry I haven't been around yall =*( I've been hagning out on making new friends and stuff. BLARG. I'm updating now though, so please forgive me ^_^
I haven't got any new artwork sadly, because I've been working on one that's taking FOREVR to color in MS Paint lol. It's to give me practice ^_^ If you'd like to see my Works in progress on it though, you can view it by taking my paperdemon link up above and look it my profile for how it's coming ^_^
How is everyone? Eh? I been viewing my anime as normal, I'm OUTRAGED that New episodes of Yu-Yu-Hakusho are only showing at 4:30 A.M!! on saturday mornings -_-. lol.
Oohh, I changed my site look around a little, hope you like!! ^_^ I hope to get some more art up soon =( Later yall, keep up the work on your art!!
Thanks to any newcomers coming by my site and posting ^_^
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Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Hiya folks, if you're out there O.O
Meh, I kinda sorta noticed the lack in posting on me site, I know why, cus' I haven't been around much lately!! XD, That's alright yall, I understand ;) Sorry about that though, I been rather bizzy hehe. But anyways, I posted a new fan-art, kinda sorta lol, It is a birthday gift for a friend of mine ^_^ Hope you guys will like it if you see it. Well, have a nice day and see ya later!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I'm finally back from moving XD
Mood: Frantic and rushed!
Watching: Ronin Warriors
Oh, my, gawd! I'm back everyone! Hi again! I'm sorry I've been gone for about a week thanks to moving, and were still not done unpacking everything, and I've been busy as heck unpacking, putting stuf in place, walking fifty billion paces to throw trash out oh my lord lol...
I've not gotton any artwork done, and I've GOT to finish one for someones B-day, which is like..50% complete, that has to be done by like..october 25th I believe, then too, hopefully by this friday well be getting dsl internet service, whoopie, faster internet!!! lol. Okay, I'm not gonna rant anymore, cus I'm sure I'd fill up a good 10-15 minutes doing it LOL, just one thing....MOVING SUCKS MONKEY BUTTS!!!! XD.
Lata yall! Just sayin' I'm back! woohooo!! *Boogies*
Lastly, I'll try to get to the new guestbook signings asap..omg I've got much to do lol.
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Thursday, October 6, 2005
Hiya guys =)
Well, my moving day is almost here (October 11th) and I'll finally be getting all my stuff from storage, even in were going into a apartment..AGAIN! >< lol.
I've put up another drawing, which was done for my girlfriend at her request =) It's Edward Elric, perhaps you've seen the pose he's in in one of the series episodes hehe ;).
Well, later yall, and have a nice day =)
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Sunday, October 2, 2005
Hiya guys ^_^
Hi guys! Been awhile I know, but I've been here >_< lol. Anywho, I just posted a new Inuyasha fan-work, and I LOVE how it came out, it's me best one yet I think ^_^ So go check em out if ya like ^_^
Hmm..I decided to stop posting fan-works of the day, cus' I think it mak take some people awhile to load such big pictures+my site lol, I don't want that XD lol. has everyone been? anything new to bost about? XD. I shall be moving yet again to another place myself for 6 or more months till we get to a HOUSE to live in >_<. Well, catch yall lata!
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Monday, September 26, 2005
Gotta love/hate electricity -_-
Omg I'm like so, P.O'd right now, it figures, after the storm passes by us, there's no rain or nothing going on outside, then all of a sudden at 8pm saturday, while I'm watching my anime -_-, the power decides to go out for 10 munites, comes back on for 5, then goes out again for good -_- NOOOOO. So I was left to sit in the dark the rest of the day saturday, as well as through all of sunday, and part of today, which the power finally got kicked back on at 4 P.M. And what's even weirder, is that HALF of the corporate apartments had power, while OUR half doesn't. OK, that's weird lol. Anyways, I'm finally back on, I did like two drawings while I was out of power, and what's even lovelier, is that it was like 95 degrees outside, and since we had no electrical power, inside was 86 -_-, we were sweatin' like pigs, sweat was pooring off of us cus' it was so hot, we had to go run all these errands for coolers and ice, and eating out in cooled places just to get away from the heat, SHEESh, some weekend I had. And then to top it off, I missed the premier of the 5th Naruto episode on Cartoon network! AHHHHH I HATE missing my anime...yeah..I'm done ranting now..but that's where I have darkness...without electricity...LOL..oy..what a weekend..
FAN-ART OF THE DAY!! Brought to you by, Mayshing, from deviantart. this is a Naruto fanart, of just an example of how off Naruto can be when it comes to training XD, enjoy =)

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Gotta love/hate electricity -_-
Omg I'm like so, P.O'd right now, it figures, after the storm passes by us, there's no rain or nothing going on outside, then all of a sudden at 8pm saturday, while I'm watching my anime -_-, the power decides to go out for 10 munites, comes back on for 5, then goes out again for good -_- NOOOOO. So I was left to sit in the dark the rest of the day saturday, as well as through all of sunday, and part of today, which the power finally got kicked back on at 4 P.M. And what's even weirder, is that HALF of the corporate apartments had power, while OUR half doesn't. OK, that's weird lol. Anyways, I'm finally back on, I did like two drawings while I was out of power, and what's even lovelier, is that it was like 95 degrees outside, and since we had no electrical power, inside was 86 -_-, we were sweatin' like pigs, sweat was pooring off of us cus' it was so hot, we had to go run all these errands for coolers and ice, and eating out in cooled places just to get away from the heat, SHEESh, some weekend I had. And then to top it off, I missed the premier of the 5th Naruto episode on Cartoon network! AHHHHH I HATE missing my anime...yeah..I'm done ranting now..but that's where I have darkness...without electricity...LOL..oy..what a weekend..
FAN-ART OF THE DAY!! Brought to you by, Mayshing, from deviantart. this is a Naruto fanart, of just an example of how off Naruto can be when it comes to training XD, enjoy =)

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